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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Congress-Old White Men are Destroying Our Nation

What do they know about the needs of the majority? A bunch of  entitled rich old white men with free health insurance and mega benefits making decisions which affect the majority of us-women, children, Hispanic , Black and Asian descent?
What the heck do they know about our needs? Take a look at who runs our country? A bunch of old white farts,
Do you think they really give a rats patootie about the suffering in our nation?
Quit voting for them, idiots-
They run our banks, corporations, credit card companies,  health care, wall st, they outsource jobs to third world countries, exploiting even poorer minorities, the lobby and pass laws to protect their fat white butts-
the only thing more repulsive?
People are so stupid they vote for them-against their own interests-

111th Congress is as follows:

Generation Birth Years Count Party Division

GI Generation 1901–1924 4 4D, 0R

Silent Generation 1925–1942 33 15D, 1I, 1ID, 16 R

Boomer Generation 1943–1960 56 32D, 23R

Generation X 1961–1981 7 4D, 3R

Generation Y 1982–2001 0[1] 0D, 0R

State Senator Party Birth Year Generation Noted for:

West Virginia Robert Byrd D 1917 GI

Hawaii Daniel Inouye D 1924 GI

New Jersey Frank Lautenberg D 1924 GI

Hawaii Daniel Akaka D 1924 GI

Pennsylvania Arlen Specter D 1930 Silent

Kentucky Jim Bunning R 1931 Silent

Indiana Richard Lugar R 1932 Silent

California Dianne Feinstein D 1933 Silent

Iowa Chuck Grassley R 1933 Silent

Utah Robert Foster Bennett R 1933 Silent

Alabama Richard Shelby R 1934 Silent

Michigan Carl Levin D 1934 Silent

Oklahoma James Inhofe R 1934 Silent

Utah Orrin Hatch R 1934 Silent

Wisconsin Herbert Kohl D 1935 Silent

Arizona John McCain R 1936 Silent

Kansas Pat Roberts R 1936 Silent

Maryland Barbara Mikulski D 1936 Silent

Ohio George Voinovich R 1936 Silent

Illinois Roland Burris D 1937 Silent

Mississippi Thad Cochran R 1937 Silent

West Virginia Jay Rockefeller D 1937 Silent

Delaware Ted Kaufman D 1939 Silent

Iowa Tom Harkin D 1939 Silent

Missouri Kit Bond R 1939 Silent

Nevada Harry Reid D 1939 Silent

California Barbara Boxer D 1940 Silent

Tennessee Lamar Alexander R 1940 Silent

Vermont Patrick Leahy D 1940 Silent

Montana Max Baucus D 1941 Silent

Nebraska Ben Nelson D 1941 Silent

Vermont Bernard Sanders I 1941 Silent

Arizona Jon Kyl R 1942 Silent

Connecticut Joe Lieberman ID 1942 Silent

Florida Bill Nelson D 1942 Silent

Kentucky Mitch McConnell R 1942 Silent

North Dakota Byron Dorgan D 1942 Silent

Georgia Saxby Chambliss R 1943 Boomer

Idaho Jim Risch R 1943 Boomer

Maryland Ben Cardin D 1943 Boomer

Massachusetts John Kerry D 1943 Boomer

New Mexico Jeff Bingaman D 1943 Boomer

Texas Kay Bailey Hutchison R 1943 Boomer

Connecticut Christopher Dodd D 1944 Boomer

Georgia Johnny Isakson R 1944 Boomer

Illinois Richard Durbin D 1944 Boomer

Wyoming Michael Enzi R 1944 Boomer

Alabama Jeff Sessions R 1946 Boomer

South Dakota Tim Johnson D 1946 Boomer

Virginia Jim Webb D 1946 Boomer

Delaware Thomas R. Carper D 1947 Boomer

Maine Olympia Snowe R 1947 Boomer

New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen D 1947 Boomer

New Hampshire Judd Gregg R 1947 Boomer

New Mexico Tom Udall D 1948 Boomer

North Dakota Kent Conrad D 1948 Boomer

Oklahoma Tom Coburn R 1948 Boomer

Oregon Ron Wyden D 1949 Boomer

Rhode Island Jack Reed D 1949 Boomer

Colorado Mark Udall D 1950 Boomer

Michigan Debbie Stabenow D 1950 Boomer

Nebraska Mike Johanns R 1950 Boomer

New York Charles Schumer D 1950 Boomer

Washington Patty Murray D 1950 Boomer

Idaho Mike Crapo R 1951 Boomer

Minnesota Al Franken D 1951 Boomer

Mississippi Roger Wicker R 1951 Boomer

South Carolina Jim DeMint R 1951 Boomer

Maine Susan Collins R 1952 Boomer

Ohio Sherrod Brown D 1952 Boomer

Tennessee Bob Corker R 1952 Boomer

Texas John Cornyn R 1952 Boomer

Wyoming John Barrasso R 1952 Boomer

Missouri Claire McCaskill D 1953 Boomer

North Carolina Kay Hagan D 1953 Boomer

Wisconsin Russ Feingold D 1953 Boomer

New Jersey Bob Menendez D 1954 Boomer

Virginia Mark Warner D 1954 Boomer

Indiana Evan Bayh D 1955 Boomer

Louisiana Mary Landrieu D 1955 Boomer

North Carolina Richard Burr R 1955 Boomer

Rhode Island Sheldon Whitehouse D 1955 Boomer

South Carolina Lindsey Graham R 1955 Boomer

Kansas Sam Brownback R 1956 Boomer

Montana Jon Tester D 1956 Boomer

Oregon Jeff Merkley D 1956 Boomer

Alaska Lisa Murkowski R 1957 Boomer

Nevada John Ensign R 1958 Boomer

Washington Maria Cantwell D 1958 Boomer

Massachusetts Scott Brown R 1959 Boomer

Arkansas Blanche Lincoln D 1960 Boomer

Minnesota Amy Klobuchar D 1960 Boomer

Pennsylvania Bob Casey, Jr. D 1960 Boomer

Louisiana David Vitter R 1961 Generation X

South Dakota John Thune R 1961 Generation X

Alaska Mark Begich D 1962 Generation X

Arkansas Mark Pryor D 1963 Generation X

Colorado Michael Bennet D 1964 Generation X

New York Kirsten Gillibrand D 1966 Generation X

Florida George LeMieux R 1969 Generation X