If there is any doubt in the universe about old peoples' inability to remember as they age-I say, get over it...
We need passwords for our bank accounts, computer accounts, bill paying, telephones, answering services, school loans-any loans-any frickin where the information highway-sky way-and dirt path takes us we need a password.
Social security numbers as national id's? What a joke. We have so many passwords - social security is obsolete.
Mother's maiden name? Best friend in school? Name of elementary school? City you grew up in? Favorite pet's name?
Not only do we have passwords but we have backup questions to verify our passwords.
All these actions indicate we live in a world where information is so vulnerable we haven't quite figured out a system to protect ourselves.
Maybe we ought to develop something a little more stable-something that doesn't involve passwords.
And we think we are dang smart...
we really need to get over ourselves and solve some of these problems.