Michael Jackson, dead as he is, troubled, bizarre, (albeit talented in his heyday) is no person to worship, to revere, to cry over, using those big, disgusting, crocodile tears.
Get a life.
I swear, the reality of star slobbering media , prostituting themselves for the last dime- it is no wonder they are dying on the vine. The maudlin crap over the past week, usurping any newsworthy events(well, I suppose we could question THAT definition) and the response of Americans is enough to drive me to the toilet bowl-my stomach can't take much more.
Michael Jackson , who once tried to purchase the bones of the Elephant man for one million dollars, settled out of court on a number of child molestation cases, spent money totally unrelated to the reality of his income, has sadly self-destructed and died.
Yes, it is sad -a man with such talent-for so many years, was not able to maintain the same level of talent for living life on this earth.
I respect death. Michael Jackson's death is a tragedy.
It is also a mixed conundrum of legal morass, stiffed vendors, abused children, bizarre behaviors and whacked out reality.
Why can't we acknowledge those facts? Why do Americans do this garbage? Elevate to Sainthood those who have caused damage to others -is talent a free ticket for anything goes in life?
What's next? Cheering for serial killers? Americans have already decided politicians cheating on wives and numerous other sex scandals involving public figures are-*yawn* not our business..
Get a clue. Have some dignity. Celebrate Michael Jackson's music-put away the Kleenex and grow up. A day is fine. Weeks on end?
You all really disgust me.