I am flummoxed. That is the only word I can think of when people tell me "what's he doing wear a hoodie?" An "educated" friend of mine vomited that statement yesterday and I looked at her and said, "So if you are wearing those blue shorts and blue top someone has the right to shoot you if they are perceived as "granny gang" colors?" (We are both over fifty.)
She backtracked on her comment but I know her. She is as racist as you can get. Her comments about President Obama and his race astound me. Her job surrounds her with black and Hispanic children every day. She is well loved at her place of employment even though her boss is black and Hispanic. They don't have a clue. I hear others I would never have believed make racist comments.
I wonder how many closeted racists there really are out there in the United States?
The thought makes me queasy.