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Looking for a little common sense amongst all those pompous, blow hard media types?
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Friday, March 26, 2010

Media's Responsibility and the Lunatic Fringe

You need to change your spin. The Glen Becks and Rush Limbaughs used to be the lunatic fringe.
Now it's CNN, CNBC, ABC and CBS. Small newspapers across the nation have entered the lunacy.
Radio Talk show hosts increase ratings by ranting.
Greed and irresponsible media become synonomous.
The GOP isn't the party of "NO" any longer. They are the party of  "No Nation Under God"
They will destroy our country rather than accept the will of constituents.
It is a dangerous tactic, leading our nation to physical violence and death.
Hopefully, civility still lives in the heart of those who identify with the "Tea Party"  and they realize it no longer represents those who believe the government should be run differently-peacefully-and they get out.
History repeats itself.
McCarthy led the nation by the nose stirring up fear with his communism rhetoric. Lives were destroyed.
The US locked up its own citizens in internment camps during world war two.
We are distinguished by a war in which half our country wanted to continue owning black human beings.
Are we destined to continue  on this destructive and ignorant path?
I would not be surprised if enough crazies descend on little Searchlight Nevada to create harm.
Media creates its own news by egging on the crazies and the violent.
It also needs to be held accountable.