Caution! We test, We Twitter, Those Sweet Old G'ma Days? Over!

Looking for a little common sense amongst all those pompous, blow hard media types?
You got it!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Freakin Passwords....

Who could have predicted it twenty five years ago? The only password anyone needed was the one we played in that stupid game...

If there is any doubt in the universe about old peoples' inability to remember as they age-I say, get over it...

We need passwords for our bank accounts, computer accounts, bill paying, telephones, answering services, school loans-any loans-any frickin where the information highway-sky way-and dirt path takes us we need a password.

Social security numbers as national id's? What a joke. We have so many passwords - social security is obsolete.

Mother's maiden name? Best friend in school? Name of elementary school? City you grew up in? Favorite pet's name?

Not only do we have passwords but we have backup questions to verify our passwords.

All these actions indicate we live in a world where information is so vulnerable we haven't quite figured out a system to protect ourselves.

Maybe we ought to develop something a little more stable-something that doesn't involve passwords.

And we think we are dang smart...

we really need to get over ourselves and solve some of these problems.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Couldn't help it-just struck me as funny the minute I saw it...I still can't stop laughing. Thanks for the twisted humor..great brain!!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Dear Children, this is a Library...

Dear Children,
The picture in the center (above) shows a building called a Library. You can check out books(see the picture to the left) for free.
Sometimes, parents read stories to their children, that they check out at the library.
Some parents even go to the library with their children to choose books to read together.
Some parents even check out books to read themselves.
The library does not have video games to play. The library does not have candy, soda or sticker machines. It does not look like a WalMart inside.
The library really does have free books to read!
This is a public service announcement from a teacher who cares about you.

Or perhaps in some underground bomb shelter.

How did we get to this point? A most frightening vision-
a crazy power hungry vice president with a pacemaker.
An emotionally stunted immature president who plays frat boy with the world's leaders-
A sociopath Attorney General who could probably pass a lie detector test..
A group of syncopating buddies who have no clue as to what government has to do with people...
Isn't this the scariest??

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Why wear underwear?

The question in my mind today. Why wear underwear? It is uncomfortable. It creates playground for yeast infections. One more marketing ploy to grab your dollars.

Why wear them??

What a waste. Pants looked bunched up in a wad. Who knows whether you wear them or not? Actually, who cares? I say, take them off! Save yourself some money. Put a little dash in your life! Take them to the trash!!

If Harry Potter died you'd know by now..

It's hard to believe they were so young when they started this saga.
I'm here to end the suspense. It's a great story. He does die. He also lives.
The best part is that very last chapter. I love happily ever afters..
and it leaves room for a new saga.
Now, Get on with your lives!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Add Starbucks to another overrated american obsess

Starbucks used to equal quality coffee at a reasonable price.
Until we, as usual, used our herd intelligence to overrate it, over inflate it and then show our willingness to pay over five dollars for a coffee drink.

How many more times can I say it, for cryin out loud-get a life!!

Starbucks raising prices again???

Guess what, folks..there is a sneaky little society of people out there who refuse to pay for that little cup holder, the emblem of pretentiousness and shallowness...

Those of us who refuse actually make our coffee at home, with quality beans and real coffee makers. We also buy our sickeningly sweet lattes and cappuccinos at 7-11!! Cold coffee drinks actually exist at the McDonald's drive through window..did you know that??

Don't start telling me about the quality at Starbucks.

Have you noticed lately, who is making those high priced, overinflated, mediocre drinks at your local FRANCHISE (as if you are buying something original..)

Yeah, the same kids who are cooking your burgers at McDonald's...

get a clue.

Monday, July 23, 2007

How the Wizard of Oz freaked out a nation of ...

Try to explain this movies to kids from another culture/country. How the flying monkeys freaked out generations of little kids-terror at being picked off in the night from the darkened skies. How the witches evil laugh rang through the ears of thousands of kids-identifying with that one aunt, teacher or evil neighbor lady who hated the dog.
How even the munchkins-had an aura of danger to them-most terrifying? The lollipop boys with their man voices and grown up scowls.
The Wizard of Oz is an American classic which depicts all the linear lines of good and evil for American culture. No sneakiness. No subtle acts-outright evil and bursting forth with righteousness.
It's no wonder we are so screwed up. lol

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Pratibha Patil-Remember this name

NEW DELHI, July 21 (AP) — India selected its first female president on Saturday, winning a vote seen as a symbolic victory for women contending with widespread discrimination.
Pratibha Patil, 72, won almost two-thirds of the votes cast by national lawmakers and state legislators. She had the support of the governing Congress Party and its political allies, and had been widely expected to win. The election of a woman to the office, which is mostly ceremonial, continues an Indian tradition of using the presidency to give a high-profile voice to disadvantaged groups.

Wasn't this a part of our platform as a democracy? I thought the true measure of a society was how they cared for the most vulnerable of their people?

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Cheney takes over while Bush gets it in the end...

Isn't this a frightening thought? Who knows what laws Cheney aka Dungeon and Dragons Master conjured up while we were sleeping and the doctors were finally probing the one place we all told them to look in years ago..

CAMP DAVID, Md. (AP) -- Doctors removed five small polyps from President Bush's colon on Saturday after he temporarily transferred the powers of his office for two hours to Vice President Dick Cheney under the rarely invoked 25th Amendment

Friday, July 20, 2007

Another, "Get a life moment" from the media frenzy..

Harry Potter is definitely cool-but hey, let's get some lives here...we are so obsessed by the, "I'll wait in line for hours to be first narcissism " I want to vomit.
Let's get real folks, it's a fricking book which will be on the bookshelves for the next fifty years. Who cares if you got it first..get a clue...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Fox Wonders if Women with "Axes to Grind Can..

Fox Wonders if Women with "Axes to Grind" Can "Effectively Rule Society"
Posted July 13, 2007 03:45 PM (EST)

Kind of makes you wonder -as Fox conjures up the image of Lizzie Borden...

Introduced in 1888, the right to vote by women was sandbagged for the next forty years. It wasn't until 1920 that women got the right to vote.

Let's see....I was born in 1953-that makes the concept of women voting only 33 years old when I was born. 33 years.

Let's think about today. With men running the country we have all but lost the right to make decisions about our bodies-we are in a war no one in their right mind would have declared("right mind" get it?) We have an economy run by the elite rich-welfare reform has taken away the safety net for poor women-universal health care is nonexistent in this country-dental care is even less accessable to our babies-

and Fox wants to know if the country can be won by a woman with an ax to grind?

I say-you go girl, Hilary-you go girl-grind that axe for all our babies sent to a war we don't want, all our kids with abscessed teeth and nowhere to go-all the singles mothers and women making less than equal pay for the same job -you grind that axe.

Thirty three years. Pretty amazing. Black men had the vote before women did. In fact, every man did-which tells the story of the incompetence men have used to fuck up the country-

other countries have had female leaders for years. We can't even fart out a female vice president.

Go ahead, Fox-piss us off-there are a lot of women out there-go ahead and piss us off--

Monday, July 16, 2007

Bill O'Reilly the media him fall...

Bill O'Reilly, I watch with great pleasure, like any nornal American who likes to gloat, at the beginnings of your demise. I am filled with unadulterated glee!!

Just for fun I thought I would print some of your more inane quotes about the war-while watching you try and spin your twaddle and try and reverse your stance on it this weekend.

Oh Lord, let this happen in full print, without mercy, in living color!

"If I'm the president of the United States, I walk right into Union Square, I set up my little presidential podium, and I say, 'Listen, citizens of San Francisco, if you vote against military recruiting, you're not going to get another nickel in federal funds. Fine. You want to be your own country? Go right ahead. And if Al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we're not going to do anything about it. We're going to say, look, every other place in America is off limits to you, except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead.'" --after San Francisco voted to ban military recruiters from city schools, Nov. 8, 2005

"If the Americans go in and overthrow Saddam Hussein and it's clean, he has nothing, I will apologize to the nation, and I will not trust the Bush Administration again, all right?" -on finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, March 18, 2003 (Source)

"I will bet you the best dinner in the gaslight district of San Diego that military action will not last more than a week. Are you willing to take that wager?" (Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly, 1/29/03)
Couldn't resist this last one...

Well, the hot story of the week is victory.... The Tommy Franks-Don Rumsfeld battle plan, war plan, worked brilliantly, a three-week war with mercifully few American deaths or Iraqi civilian deaths.... There is a lot of work yet to do, but all the naysayers have been humiliated so far.... The final word on this is, hooray." (Fox News Channel's Morton Kondracke, 4/12/03)

Oh Gawd What I'd give to be organized....

Do either of these look familiar to you? Oh what I'd give to know the bliss of neatness! Organization is like a foreign language to some of us. What to throw out? Oh, what to discard? Last night as I went through my purse, I piled the "keepers" on one side of the counter and the "maybe throw it out stuff" next to it.

Sad to say, aside from the bank cards, the lipstick tube and the change, both piles looked pretty much the same...

Scraps of papers with phone numbers, bill receipts, wilted band aids, a few pens that might work, moisturizer in a little tube, more scraps of paper with phone numbers and names of people I can't remember but better to hang onto-what a sad little display of my inner disorganized brain.

Even scarier? People who are too neat frighten me. If the wallet keeps the skeletal remains of a man's life and looking into that chasm of organized neatness tells me -here is a real possibility of minimal emotional response.

Meaning, if the man's wallet is so neat as to leave little to tell me about his life-it may be that is all there is to him-ditto for a woman.

Yes, I am organizationally challenged-but only where others can't see it.

I still know what appropriate behavior is called for to impress the sane and the organized.

Sigh. It's just never going to me...

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Who's Culture is this anyway?????

I am so over Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie and Brittany Spears.

I would ignore them -yes-I would-if the MEDIA didn't repeatedly inundate my newspapers, radio waves and TV with such drivel.

Not even a gentle spoon feeding occurs here-they way the media crams this at us it feels like a onslaught-full fledged enema only we have no way to expel it and I am starting to get a little PISSED OFF.

Unfortunately even the good things get fed via enema to us-
Yes, it is exciting to wait for the last Harry Potter Book-yes-it is fun to contemplate the closing of a phenomenal set of tales. But every frickin day? Five times a day-how many ways can you say it, for crying out loud??

Yeah, we know Bush is a screw up. We know Cheney is a bizarre little man-something out of a Rod Serling story-and we also know that the Republican Right Wing Christian Conservatives are a bunch of moralistic hypocrites that have more than likely steamier sex lives than any of us boring liberals will have-being in the hooker directory and all-

Okay. Enough. Quit trying to give me another enema. I read it. I know it. Now just get them out of there so we can get on with business.

If there is one thing we Americans like to do-more than just about anything else in our culture-it is drool, savor, boast, brag, snit, judge, tut tut, point fingers and prolong any agony we might come across.

Can't we just move on?? Take action, for crying out loud. Do something and move on.

I'll bet those Salem Witch Hunt trials and burnings had more exposure than OJ Simpson on his , "if the glove doesn't fit you must acquit" day.
No wonder McCarthy had so much power during his communist witch hunt-no one wanted to give up the lust for blood factor.

What a barbaric culture we are.

If the media reflects our culture we are in some sad shape-friends-prepare for many enemas ...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Following George Bush logic

Need I say more??????

Sunday, July 08, 2007

117 degrees-a small taste of hell...

Las Vegas Police officers get pissed off, when they do, throwing the victim on the pavement in 117 degree weather leaves some nasty burns. Some people complain of this kind of treatment here in Las Vegas, land of greed, corruption and vice. Too bad, according to the law, you asked for it.

117 degrees shreds your windshield wipers into tatters. Of course, when it rains in Vegas(about five times per year) turning them on is quite an entertaining sight, watching all those shredded spikes of rubber ineffectively moving across the windshield.

117 degrees will dry out your belts, melt asphalt, wear tires into strange contortions and burn your armpits trying to put a seat belt over the body. It will blow up any full, unopened soda cans left in the car(I know this for a fact). It will melt six boxes of 64 each Crayola crayons into a mess worthy of the largest candle you burn.

Travelers walking out of McCarren Airport in Las Vegas had this to say about the heat when walking out the doors, "Holy F***!" Little do they know drinking alcohol will also dehydrate a person -and the casinos are not exactly posting notices. Bad for profits.

Not even a fool in Las Vegas would spend a day at the pool in this searing sun. We have plenty of fools who live here, I know.

I must be one of them to live here in the summer.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Are we still talking the dog here???

Now Mitt tells us the dog liked riding in the carrier on the top of his car. Which size carrier do you think he used? How does he know the dog liked it? He would jump into the carrier. I guess that beats being left along, doesn't it? Kind of like the Stockholm Syndrome.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Romney-What was he thinking???

Mitt Romney. where is your head at? 12 hours on the roof of a car?

I would've kept that one a big secret...Either you thought it was okay or one of your kids leaked the story because they didn't know any better,either.
Young man, you lost big points on this one.

We're all gonna walk around shakin our heads wonderin, "What the hell is wrong with that boy!"

If your mama didn't teach you how to to take care of pets what makes you think we want you to care for our country??
You know that old saying, "I'd treat a dog better than that"..?
tut tut tut