Caution! We test, We Twitter, Those Sweet Old G'ma Days? Over!

Looking for a little common sense amongst all those pompous, blow hard media types?
You got it!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Obama's speech on race-here we are America!

Hopeful words are far and few in our country at this moment. Most campaigns are devoted to trashing the other opponents. Rove invented the smear campaign in a way that tossed us Americans into a cynical cereal bowl where we can't tell the marshmallows from the cereal. We think we can, but we are always questioning, aren't we?
Obama;s speech on race isn't about race-it speaks to our hearts -about our identity as American people..
It speaks to our confusion, our history as a nation. We are a myriad of races in our country, not one has felt the prvlidges of the the elitist white male, who is on the cusp of nonexistance- if we pay attention.
Bush has give us a present in many ways. He has turned the mirror of elitism outward for all of us to see. In the past we could ignore it, it wasn't always flashing in our faces, showing us the 1% of the population which holds the majority of the wealth in our nation.
Bush is so out of touch he can't understand the suffering of the victims of Hurricane Katrina, or the fact the Iraq war is fought with the lives of our poor, uneducated, black and hispanic males, without a chance, giving their lives for something to believe in.
Bush allowed that minority of elite white males to rape our country financially, to spurn the people on who's backs they make a profit.
Bush has stolen our hope, not in a subtle way, blatantly, handing over any ideals we had of a nation allowing us to make something more of ourselves, and handed our earnings to his rich fraternity.
Obama's balm to us is the reminder that we are a nation-all of us, and those values we hold in our hearts are real.
Reading his speech hurts my heart because it speaks to it.
I believe in his words because his truth is my truth and it is the only truth that binds us together instead of separating us.
Dear God, let this be our time as a country, for every one of us to be heard, cared for and given the dignity we so yearn to share as a nation.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

High Schools are obsolete

What isn't wrong with high school?
In Las Vegas, four shootings in three months.
An emphasis on dress codes instead of recruiting competent teachers.
Tardy and absences policies which make it more difficult for students to focus on learning.
Antiquated teaching methods.
A lack of knowledge of how our kids learn in a technological age.

High school needs to be revamped. It isn't safe as it is, it isn't relevant.

One of these days us grown-ups will "get it"-that the method of teaching in our schools is hopelessly out of touch with our kids.

We are losing the best and the brightest because we insist on conformity rather than creativity. We compel kids to learn information not relevant to their lives and do not prepare them for today's world of technology and information.

We prepare them for a world of computer information, sophisticated languages and fast paced demands using number two pencils, notebook paper and teachers recruited from other countries because we treat ours like shit and no one wants to do the job.

I liken it to fighting a Predator with a shield and a sword.

When will we ever learn to pay attention to what our kids are saying??

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Recession-The Three Stooges-dems/repubs/pres

The bailout of Bear Stearns doesn't fill my gas tank-is it filling yours?
It isn't helping me work less than three jobs-me, with a Master's degree-is it helping you work less?

I don't know which party is Larry-or Moe, but Bush is definitely Curly-the only president I know that can yuck it up while I am watching the value of the house I bought last year drop 20,000.

I live in the city that reveres Bush and his corrupt pals. Las Vegas. The worst housing market in the nation.

The high schools have had four shootings in the past three months and my sophmore daughter is afraid to go to school.
Selling my house isn't an option. I can barely hang onto it. I really do work three jobs and I can't figure out why we can't live more comfortably.

I support four people on a teacher's salary. This is Spring break.
Guess what? I am counting the miles I have to drive until payday on the 24th.
You would think with three jobs I'd have extra.
The problem is, the school district isn't paying me for the extra work I am doing and hasn't since October.
Oh, I'll get it-eventually.

My disillusionment with both parties is nothing next to the disgust and contempt I have for the Bush baby. He has taken us down a road of inflation, giving his good buddies at the oil companies carte blanche to gouge us, and we do nothing??

I am as disgusted with my fellow citizens for their laziness and apathy in the eye of a recession.

What do we do?
Start shouting from the rooftops. Someone needs to let our government know that we think they all suck. All of them. All three branches, both parties, the Executive branch of rich, out of touch, let them eat cake leaders who don't have a clue what it is like to live in the US anymore.
Probably the greatest change I have seen in the country in the past eight years??

The blatant corruption, not hidden anymore, not even subtle, of the banks, the credit companies, the oil industry, the health care industry and thousands of other businesses -who have become greedy mercenaries -with the blessing of our government.

I am so disgusted-and afraid for us.

Don't give me that shit about loyalty. Don't tell me to love it or leave it.
I have lived through eight presidents, served during Vietnam, worked as a social worker, in hospital care, with seniors, and now as a teacher -for my entire life. I believe in us-this humanity living side by side in our nation.

No, I won't "love it or leave it" I have loved my country for 55 years. I have fought for my country. I have spoken out for justice and I will continue to speak out for justice. This isn't just about YOU-greedy, apathetic, materialistic citizens-it is about all of US. Remember that word, US??

YOU start loving it enough to speak up-for all the beliefs we claim we live. YOU love it or leave it. I am not impressed with the generations behind me. You are not loving US enough.

We-say it. Even if you don't know who the hell your neighbors are anymore. Even if you drive yourself to work each day guzzling gas because you would not even consider ridesharing. WE-even if your turn your head when you see homless men and women in front of grocery stores and on the streets.

WE-practice saying it.
Because we are all in this same sinking boat-and no- you don't get special consideration because your mom and dad told you that you were special...guess what? You're not. You are no exception.

If you don't believe me, wait until it is your turn to feel the pinch.
How will you know? Because your fellow generation-"ers" will look the other way, just like you do.