Hopeful words are far and few in our country at this moment. Most campaigns are devoted to trashing the other opponents. Rove invented the smear campaign in a way that tossed us Americans into a cynical cereal bowl where we can't tell the marshmallows from the cereal. We think we can, but we are always questioning, aren't we?
Obama;s speech on race isn't about race-it speaks to our hearts -about our identity as American people..
It speaks to our confusion, our history as a nation. We are a myriad of races in our country, not one has felt the prvlidges of the the elitist white male, who is on the cusp of nonexistance- if we pay attention.
Bush has give us a present in many ways. He has turned the mirror of elitism outward for all of us to see. In the past we could ignore it, it wasn't always flashing in our faces, showing us the 1% of the population which holds the majority of the wealth in our nation.
Bush is so out of touch he can't understand the suffering of the victims of Hurricane Katrina, or the fact the Iraq war is fought with the lives of our poor, uneducated, black and hispanic males, without a chance, giving their lives for something to believe in.
Bush allowed that minority of elite white males to rape our country financially, to spurn the people on who's backs they make a profit.
Bush has stolen our hope, not in a subtle way, blatantly, handing over any ideals we had of a nation allowing us to make something more of ourselves, and handed our earnings to his rich fraternity.
Obama's balm to us is the reminder that we are a nation-all of us, and those values we hold in our hearts are real.
Reading his speech hurts my heart because it speaks to it.
I believe in his words because his truth is my truth and it is the only truth that binds us together instead of separating us.
Dear God, let this be our time as a country, for every one of us to be heard, cared for and given the dignity we so yearn to share as a nation.