Caution! We test, We Twitter, Those Sweet Old G'ma Days? Over!

Looking for a little common sense amongst all those pompous, blow hard media types?
You got it!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Misery Index-Nevada-worst and last

MSN Money lists by state the top home foreclosure rates and bankruptcy filings.
It is no surprise Nevada is number one in both.

Yesterday a report released by our very own State legislative task force, New Academy Of Health found that Nevadans wear their seat belts more than anyone else in the US!
Isn't that marvelous?
We all know why! Police in our state are aggressive in giving tickets to anyone with a Nevada plate-our income is way down. Tickets start at 65.00

But wait!
That was the only GOOD news for Nevada in this report.

Nevada has the WORST graduation rates in the country.
The worst record of providing immunizations for children.
The worst rate of nurse per patient ratio.
46th in providing preventative medical and dental care for children.
Last for providing medical care to low income families.
State health spending was 1.9 percent of the gross state product, or 48th worst in the nation.

Our Gov. Jim Gibbons won his election, not for the people of the state, for big business.
Nevada has been notorious for treating citizens in an abusive and cavalier manner. After all, people are considered worker bees. Just like the old west-
Where the general store owned all the employees? Indentured servitude was a way of life.
Worker bees come and go health and well being are not considerations.

This is why Jim Gibbons has no compunction cutting services to the poor, disabled and elderly to almost non-existent levels.
It is also why he doesn't lose sleep over cutting education budgets 45%.

While the Las Vegas Review Journal purports to be the paper of the people, the circulation is dwindling rapidly because the only people willing to buy it are the right fringed lunatics it speaks to-
In fact, the dirty little secret of the Las Vegas Review Journal is you can buy the Sunday paper(2.50) at the dollar store for a buck !
If you are considering a move here, unless you are part of that top 10% income bracket remember what happened to those seeking riches during the gold rush days-
many died, abandoned , destitute and often having been cheated out of every dollar they possessed.
The west hasn't changed much, here in Nevada.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Credit Unions-Next in the house of cards

This didn't exactly make the headlines yesterday. I am surprised it didn't happen sooner.
Which Network services your credit union?.
I have a feeling this is only the beginning.
U.S. Moves to Bail Out Credit Union Network
Wall Street Journal

Falling in love with a house

Dreaming of living in sunny Florida, I came across this house for rent and instantly fell in love with it.
A classic old Floridian home with hardwood floors and screened in porch.
Contentment settles on me just dreaming about it.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

CNN's fairy tale version of economic crisis

CNN encapsulates the financial meltdown in a thousand words or less-blaming the subprime borrowers (firstof course). The greed and lack of restraint on wall street-bush give to the rich policies aren't in this fairy tale-Let's make the peasants the villians.

CNN lead in:
How a 'perfect storm' led to the economic crisis
Story Highlights
Firms are cutting jobs, credit is frozen and billion-dollar bailouts are being doled out
Experts trace the crisis to a housing bubble from earlier this decade
A confluence of greed, lack of regulation and reckless borrowing played a role
(interestingly this isn't attributed to Bush or Wall Street greed)

Republicans-Like Flying Monkeys-stupid and scary

Those of you who armchair the economy like the Republicans are doing need to settle down.
Most of us don't understand economic theory anymore than we do black holes in the universe.
We can foist our ignorant opinions on any polite listener(and believe me, you will be lucky to find one) but we are in uncharted territory here and we have some of the best minds in our country working on it.
This team work concept of Obama's doesn't sit well with the school bullies.
They don't want to take their toys and go home because they aren't allowed to cheat at the game anymore and twist arms, yelling, "say uncle".
Instead they have found a new venue for their bullying-
They call it "conscience" and the collective conscience is "stupid is as stupid does" These guys want to make sure (if they have the opportunity to destroy whatever possible success the Americans have of getting out of this mess-)that everyone knows they didn't vote for the aftermath of their destruction.
Do you understand that how that works? The GOP are using that airtime telling everyone they could not vote it. Need more tax cuts for their rich friends.(Like that worked). Doing everything to obstruct it-
to replace it with the same presents to their rich friends and corporations that got us here.
Hey, armchair economic experts-lets try something new. Not listening to your same old tired rhetoric full of hostility and resistance.
Let's give this a chance.
Or aren't you scared enough yet? Is that what we need to do to get you to build instead of rip apart?
Make you so scared you are ready to wet your pants?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How the New Generation Shares-A telling moment

A silly but telling incident happened at my school yesterday. I am still shaking my head. Be mindful of this generation of teachers-twenty-somethings-
Someone placed about ten cases of snack foods on the "share table" in the teacher's lounge.No note had been left.
Another teacher and I were speculating and decided maybe the guy was there to fill the snack machine.
When we returned for lunch about an hour later, people were walking out with cases of snack foods. Each one held over fifty bags.
People were eating lunch and had cases sitting by their feet.
So I asked them,
"What are the snacks for"
Reply, "We can have them"
me, "Are you guys taking them all?" "You aren't planning on sharing them or dividing them up?"
Another reply-"well, there weren't any instructions or rules"
Off they walked/
These were teachers-role models for children.
You don't want to hear the rest of my teacherly-motherly-little lecture.

The snack dates expired and were placed on the table for the teachers to enjoy. The principal had to send an e-mail out that sounded like a parent to a child-"These are for teachers, they are to share-please bring them back"

The parallel to wall street greed struck me. Have we taught this generation anything is okay unless 1) explicit rules exist and 2) someone better be there to enforce it
because it doesn't count if no one says anything?
I find it an interesting consideration.

Choosing Our Precipice

Our choice of precipice is about the only independant act we have nowadays.
If we choose to do nothing we allow ourselves to play the victim.
We have been making that choice for eight years.
A fat lot of good it did us.
Welcome to the hood. The neighborhood of victimhood.
Doing nothing and saying nothing does not make us any less responsible for our condition today.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Collective Fear-A Vicious Cycle

There isn't much empty land to squat on nowadays. Laws have changed since 1929. Money is supposed to be insured so banks can't just tell you-"Too bad", laws are supposed to be in place to protect the most vulnerable of our people, social security, medicaid, unemployment, welfare acts are supposed to provide food stamps for the truly desperate.
All of these provisions were implemented during Roosevelt's administration to protect the US economy and its people from another great depression.
Yet unemployment rates are soaring, mortgage defaults continue, wave after wave of layoffs continue-
Why ? Has our economic system really been a house of cards all along? How can we stop this downward spiral?
Us little guys don't have much control, do we?
We are at the mercy of business and the way our economy is built, those who invest pull the strings.
As we lose jobs, we don't have money to spend, business suffers, more layoffs occur, business suffers and the spiral continues.
I really do believe collective fear is an insidious thing-crawling into our psyches, disabling us, or worse yet, signaling that old "fight or flight" instinct, often bringing out the worst-you know, that part of us that oozes anger, attacking those around us, looking for a cliche to blame-those who have, portraying others as less than human, if they don't have.
I am waiting for one big corporation, one world business leader, one very influential group, or even one little voice of a powerful powerless person to ring aloud, the sense we all need to hear-
"That we are in this together and there isn't anything we can't do collectively to make this earth better for us and our families.
If we believe we will always have food to eat, a job to put our honesty and labor into-a roof over our heads for our families, and that those we love will have the same safety because we have their backs, , we will be just fine.
Give the fear back to that place in your mind that stores it-you know the place where sometimes the worst can come out of us?
Put it back in there. Take stock of your strengths-the ones which mean the most in this life-your health, those you love, what you can do to give back instead of take-
don't let the fear mongers in the news, the doomsday naysayers in the press, those whose negative energies spill out to grab you-don't let those take you off the path you know is right-
You know that path-the one that reduces us to the basic, the very basic core of what our needs really are-our belief that life is good because we have all those essential necessities in life-and as long as we have each other-that is all that counts.
Don't let it go-not for a second.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Gibbons-Education FIrst Now Education Last..

Gibbons may keep his word on NO NEW TAXES but he doesn't keep his word of EDUCATION FIRST-
A lightweight gov. in all aspects, he is is equal only to Dan Quayle in the brain cell department.
A perfect example of the Political Machine's ability to put ANYONE in office if they campaign to a certain lowest common denominator-greed-in big business, corporations, gaming and mining.

It is a theory I thought only possible on the grandest scale-i.e. George Bush-but it is obvious, we have little threads of brain dead light weights woven into our country's government.
Or-my other theory-is this the best we can do-nowadays?
If it is, as an educator, I promise to work even harder to teach my students not just the three "R's" but more civics and common sense.

Governor Jim Gibbons signed Assembly Bill 627 into law on Wednesday, June 6th during a signing ceremony at Bernice Martin Mathews Elementary School. The governor signed the education budget bill at the same elementary school where the Education First Initiative was launched in 2003. Nevada voters approved Education First overwhelmingly in 2004 and 2006, and it is now a part of the Nevada Constitution.
Placing our children's education first as a state priority has proven to be a vital policy that protects the interests of our children and our state�s education system," Governor Gibbons said.
AB 627 provides nearly to $2.2 billion in K-12 funding over the next biennium, and represents an historic 18% increase over previous funding levels

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Nevada teachers protest in HUGE rally!

That is what the Nevada media should be headlining!
This is actually a picture of teachers in China!!
Freakin China!! No human rights China!!

Where is our rally?
Parents and teachers stand side by side by the thousands, and tell Gibbons, NO.
Schools districts, unions, educators , parents and children -stand together and let the state of Nevada know that our children are not up for bid to the lowest state contracting crony of Jim Gibbons.
Nevada's citizens -this is child neglect. Set an example and empower your children
Where is our rally?
We need to do this.

Teachers-shame on you for rolling over and playing dead.
Remember, we are a country with the right to free speech?
What are you teaching your students when you walk around muttering, "There is nothing we can do..."

CCEA? You make me sick. More platitudes about letter writing and calls.

CCSD-Ruffles tells us , "Oh, write the Gov.", he'll listen."
The largest school district in the state of Nevada-Clark County-where is your rallying cry??
Am I missing something here?
Or is this lunacy real??

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Nevadans acting like crowded rats in a cage...

Like overcrowded rats in a cage, Nevada citizens

have begun to eat their own....

It occurred to me this morning as I read the rampant ravings of the RJ editor-there is nothing like stirring up the little people, pitting them against one another-to take the focus off the REAL


big business, banks, huge corporations yelling uncle and taking no responsibility for the shape of our country, state and local losses.

What a goldmine for them! Eliminate senior employees, outsource more work to cheap labor in other countries-hold back credit to the little businesses, ideally forcing them into bankruptcy and leaving a conglomerate of large monopolies to control the economy.

Until now, the money kept flowing -NPR reports Chase Bank CEO demanded a 10 million dollar bonus in December for "cobbling the deal with B of A-his TOILET in his office, cost 35,000.00

Employees are asked to take cuts, freeze pay, accept retirement losses and eliminations, endure layoffs and hit the unemployment office.

What is wrong with this picture?

The little people (workers) are eating each other up, pointing fingers, calling state workers greedy and unpatriotic, attacking one another in community forums-

While the elite continue to eat cake...

This has to stop.

As long as we are willing to kill one another over a few thousand dollars, and repeat the mantra, "Be glad you have a job"

We will continue to the idiots we have been acting like for the past eight years.

Stop it.


Hold those banks and corporations accountable.

Forget the letter writing campaign and the sit ins.


Pull your money out of banks that deal with B of A and Chase and put it into credit unions,

boycott the very banks that hold your money and won't share it.

We have power collectively.

None divided.

Gov. Gibbons finds a way to starve poor people

I work with a little boy who has a rare medical condition and leaves his home for medical appointments only. His education consists of five hours per week-per school law-in home teaching.
He actually receives a great deal more because his mom is a fantastic teacher. He is a bright, creative student and it is a joy for me, as a teacher to be a part of his learning.

Because of his medical condition Mom cannot get a job.
Oh, she could, if she could afford to pay for nursing care for her son. The cost of care is prohibitive.

Yesterday my little student fell asleep as I was packing up my gear and mom told me the state cut her food stamps.
She used to receive 445.00 a month for food. They cut her stamps to 270.00 a month.
The food stamps they use to eat with does not cover such things as toilet paper, toothpaste, shampoo , tampons, cleaning supplies or any other non food items. She must purchase this out of her "own" money. Which is zero.

This is how the state of Nevada cut her food stamps.
Income was considered at a rate of 450.00 per month. If she made more than 450.00 per month it affected the rate of her food stamp allotment.
They live on a small allotment of 450.00 per month from disability. This is supposed to cover housing and utilities.
The state of Nevada recently changed the income level and reduced it to 250.00
This means anything over 250.00 is considered excess and food stamps can be cut.

She is now considered over the limit because the disability check is 450.00 per month.

It is unconscionable to expect a family of two to live on a grocery budget of a little over 50 dollars over week.
"Oh, you say, let them eat ramen noodles, like everyone else." We are talking about a child with a serious medical condition. 50.00 a week doesn't exactly cover the food pyramid, does it??

Gibbons government cut their food budget by almost half in less than three weeks.

This is the reality of the state of Nevada.

While we quibble over "no new taxes" and "cut education", gold mines, businesses and other profit making entities in our state have no obligation to the little boy I see five hours a week.
In fact, he is an anonymous face to them, one who doesn't exist as they rake in their profits.

Shame on you, Gibbons, and shame on Nevada. These cuts are taking place on the backs of the poorest and the most vulnerable of our state citizens.

The future isn't about our adult selfish sides. You know, the ones who overspent, refinanced the equity in homes so they could buy an SUV or a new jet ski, pay down that credit card used to buy Ferragamo shoes and Dooney and Burke purses?

The last time I had to decide how to budget 50.00 a week for groceries was in 1978, when I was a student in college and my son was five years old. Even then we ate a lot of macaroni and (fake)cheese.
When you talk about tightening your belts you don't talk about living on less than 700.00 per month for rent, utilities, food and necessities.So you are on unemployment? You still receive more than this family of two receives.

The very sad fact is they have no choice. The future for them, with his medical needs, doesn't change. They are at the mercy of our decisions.

Gov Gibbons, how about giving your six percent cut to this family?
Maybe this little boy can have some fresh fruit in his diet.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Now I know why the peasants went crazy...

There was something freeing today, about President Obama's inauguration.
A ton of weight lifted from my heart.
I did not realize what fear and anxiety I held inside until now.
Not a baby boomer but old enough to watch -through child's eyes I saw Kent State, the assassination of both Kennedy's and Martin Luther King. I watched my cousin go off and never return from the Vietnam War.
I lived through the trials of impeachment and eventual resignation of Nixon. Ford pardoning him.
These past eight years instilled a subtle fear-insidious actually-knowing phone calls could be monitored without cause, citizens could be locked up without representation, a right to a fair trial-
unions weakening and workers losing many of the rights hard earned by the violent confrontations between worker and owner.
I grew up in Detroit, experiencing the consequences of layoffs and strikes. The deep gashes on my fathers hands from working the assembly line.
Now I understand why peasants went a little mad during the French Revolution. Destroying property and executing the elite.
Not that I would ever condone the deaths of any persons-but desperation and fear are two toxic companions.
Hunger, helplessness , fear and hopelessness drive humans to desperate acts.
I am grateful we have an opportunity to walk the road of justice, toil with pride amidst the ethics of hard and good work,
Open the shades and let honesty into our country again.
No longer see the fear reflected from countries, once our allies, at the unpredictability and arrogance.
I began to wonder if our country really wanted to rush that road of zealotry and harsh judgement under the guise of a new form of Christianity.
I am filled with joy that we have a chance to make it right-for the future generations, and hopefully, for a tiny smidgen- in my lifetime, as well.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Las Vegas Teacher-paycheck to paycheck

I am sitting here in pain with an infected tooth. I don't get paid until Friday. As usual, it is a paycheck to paycheck life I lead and I am trying to figure out what I can do.

I try not to let the swirling mass of Nevada citizens anger get to me. The LVRJ has done a good job of stirring the hate and passion of Las Vegans. Continually writing about what fatcats we are-how we have the cushy job with no oversight. The LVRJ has relentlessly pounded on our retirement benefits and step increases.

I wish it were so-I wish life were as cushy as Sherm paints it-for us teachers.

So many women teach. You know the old joke, "those who can't teach?"
Ironically it is us-who can-teach others who will be able to in the future.
That doesn't take care of my tooth, though.

Last year I worked three jobs. I never took a vacation. The cost of living in Las Vegas was horrible. I didn't have a twenty thousand dollar credit card limit-I have a one thousand dollar limit.
I did not take out a second mortgage, I could barely keep up with the first.
One of my jobs tutoring dried up as the school district and the union took over the Title I funds for remedial education from private tutoring companies. The Teacher's union then used their private foundation to provide tutoring and pay teachers half of what private companies paid.
This year there are no private tutoring companies for Title I schools. It's all processed through the district.

As private citizens complain about losing jobs and pointing fingers at public school employees-they need to remember-during the boom-teachers took a paltry 2% increase. Over and over again. With the promise of a 4% increase after three years. My first two years teaching we had no increases.

During the boom, utilities increased prices, groceries, especially meat and vegetables became ridiculously expensive and we had faux shortages increasing prices on eggs and milk. Gas prices prohibited even a trip to California. I bought anything I needed for my house from Craigslist. Savors and the Goodwill are two of my favorite stores. I even learned to sew so I could make clothes for myself.
Many of the teacher resources I have are from Goodwill and Savors. This year we were told we had no supply budget. I followed the sales before the school year and bought enough crayons, colored pencils, erasers, pencils, paper, journals, markers and folders to provide 25 students with supplies for the entire year.
Did you offer to donate anything to your child's school?
Of course not! You believe the district is a wasteful, uncaring, greedy mega institution.

Sadly your anger only hurts your children. Teachers and most Principals love their students and my bosses, like many in the district, began brainstorming early on ways to cover the supply budget. We all did. Long before those doors opened. We collected money(teachers) at our school to make sure our kids all had uniforms. We wrote grants and begged organizations for donations.

I hope Albertsons goes bankrupt. I really do. They played that scarcity scam so many times I quit shopping with them.
The local Wal Mart grocery store started out cheap enough-now it is as bad as Albertsons.

Do you know where I shop?? The 99 cent store and Fresh and Easy. They always have sales and runs on vegetables and fruits.

Did you know the RJ is also sold at the dollar store on Sundays for a dollar?? Dirty little secret.

So what am I going to do about this tooth?
I am going to take a needle, heat it up, pour alcohol over it, stick it into the gum and try to drain it. Then I am going to use an antibacterial mouth wash and hope I can hang on till Friday.
I don't have a choice.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Jim Gibbons-Misogynist and Misanthrope

Nowhere in his "Chainsaw Nevada" speech did Jim Gibbons mention his level of dislike for women.
As a qualified expert in Women's' and Children's' therapy, my observations of his behaviors over the past few years reveal disturbing patterns.

Chrissy-in a parking garage, lying and getting away with it only reinforces his sense of superiority.
In fact, he probably genuinely believes she asked for it. Notice how thoroughly her character was discredited? A man with a healthy ego would not have needed to so thoroughly destroy a single woman-it is like using a missile on a kid with a BB gun.

2. Best friends-former Playmate, probably was troubled and looking for support. Jim Gibbons took advantage of it. There is nothing more appealing than a woman's wounded spirit. She is most vulnerable.

3. Having an affair with a woman is one thing-having an affair with a woman when the husband is your friend is an angry and hostile act. Yes, men who have serial affairs find a real thrill in having an affair under another man's nose-(and the wife's) there is something deliciously cruel in it for them. His actions in this situation demonstrate his twisted reality-something very untrustworthy.

4. How he treats his wife in public-to announce a separation and divorce in the public arena is a message to wound deeply. It is an act of humiliation. My guess is Dawn Gibbons has looked the other way for many years. Yet she has been his steady rock. His nurturer-no matter what-she stood by him. His method here was to destroy-not just wound.
Considering she is a talented and educated woman in her own right, I am sure she has given him much good advice in the past. It is obvious without her he is floundering in his own delusional thinking and acting on it. She probably would have continued to put up with his affairs had he stayed loyal to the family. His election as Gov. allows him to think he actually has something to offer-and many prey upon his lack of intelligence and delusions of grandeur.
Without his wife's grounding he is rudderless and doesn't get it. I am sure we will see the evidence of this when the records are made public.

So why does all this lead me to think he is a misogynist?
His cuts affect thousands of women(far more than men) cutting education. His cuts affect children and young adults. Rarely do his cuts affect men of power.
Gibbons has such little respect for women-and let's be honest-hatred-what better way of (unconsciously) attacking than to cut the very livelihoods that make them powerful? Education and family.

Thousands of teachers in Clark County are woman. No survey has ever been taken, but if you lift the lid off the pot - you will find that these female teachers' paychecks support entire families, often as head of the household- many teachers today also support laid off husbands from the hospitality and building industries. The remaining cuts affect poor women with children and those who can least defend themselves-the mentally ill. Men are a part of this group, you rail! Yes, but the very characteristics of these populations are the ones Gibbons attacks in women i.e. Vulnerability--credibility-women are second class citizens in his mind.

Many teachers have children in our school systems . Wow! What a powerful message-to cut your mom's salary and your educational opportunities as well!

This is a dangerous and foolish man . Healthy men admire the strength in women as partners. It is a feeling of camaraderie. We are in this together -we will make it-
Men who love women see the greatness in their partners and feel genuine pride.

Jim Gibbons has cut the strings from his rock and his anger and immaturity are probably, unconsciously pointed right at that which he fears most-women with intelligence and (he feels) her power to destroy his poorly constructed and struggling ego.

If you are his friend, (real friend) I suggest you encourage--no-intervene-and get him into some serious therapy.
Actually, no harm will be done to the rest of us- but the damage he has created to himself is catastrophic. It is the hangover he will have, if he has any insight into himself in the ensuing years that will create serious problems.

Caveat-this article is based on an examination of his public behavior. Please do not misconstrue my observations as a mental health evaluation. I will leave that to whatever experts remain in this state, after these cuts are completed.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bring in the Clowns!!

I'm all excited about the entertainment lineup tonight!
Let's bring in the clowns!!
It's a double feature-I've got my Movie theater popcorn with extra butter-my Diet Dr. Pepper and my score card.
Let's see which speech convincingly gets that R rating for horror, violence and deception...
Or are we thinking along the lines of "Love Story?"

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Nev. Gov. and Bush-A twofer speech time!

Tomorrow night is a big night!
George Bush wants to sing his Swan Song after raping the country even more to the tune of billions of dollars in the past six months. As he moves on to his gated community-which only recently allowed blacks to move in-he wants to reiterate his famous words, "Brownie-You did a heckofajob" and "Mission Accomplished".
You can bet his rich friends will be there to support his legacy-of supporting those who supported him-to the exclusion of our country-remember "The Good Ole USA"- George???
Hopefully, out of the woodwork will crawl Dick Cheney in his night goggles-to reside at another dark, dank location which supports monetary, power hungry vampires.
Lord knows the two of them have sucked the lifeblood outta this country.

Why the Three Stooges?
I dunnoh-let's throw in Rumsfeld for old times sake-or Karl Rove -who we last saw slinking away, snake like. after his ugly strategies failed to elect McCain.

AH -but the twofer-Jim Gibbons is actually going to televise his screw you -poor, moderately living and middle class(isn't that a joke of a phrase now days..) citizens who are being laid off by the hundreds-promising-yes-promising-NO NEW TAXES!!
Yessiree-now that you all are laid off-he promises there will not be a service left in the state to help you all out-since you have no income and aren't paying taxes in Nevada right now-don't worry your pretty little low life heads.

This ones on Jim-for his RV buddy and that new guy he wanted to hire -you remember the one who handled luggage at Reno Airport-the one he decided to hire because his RV buddy told him to go ahead and break the rules...

DO any of us really want to listen to this twofer?? Haven't we heard enough from this peanut gallery we all so sheepishly elected? (Well, I didn't-but SOMEBODY out there did..)
I promise I won't ask who...
Let's just get them out, be polite and get back to work picking up the rubble left behind, sift through it and see if we have anything salvageable to work with.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Nevadan's meaness bares pointed fangs///

Like many other states, but probably second only to Michigan in the loss of one dimensional income-Nevadans are speaking their minds about what to cut and spare.
Mind you-the state has almost non-existent services for those in need-to begin with. (See Las Vegas Sun-01-11-09

In retrospect, I suppose we deserve our Governor-Jim Gibbons-his simplicity and moronic outlook on humanity seems to coincide with the following supporters-
these comments were taken from the Las Vegas Sun-a thoughtful article on the state of Nevada's economy and putting real people's faces to the cuts.

The Sun asks the question we all grapple with-What are our priorities?
While many responses were more positive than these-the viciousness of the citizens in Nevada is almost frightening

It is too bad the State government cut mental health services to the bare bone-it seems as if a few of these commenter's need a little medication.
Anger states it mildly-
Rage is more like it.
Ignorance isn't bliss-have you noticed? Ignorance is like putting a flame to a can of gasoline.
How quickly we buy into the worst without ever checking facts.

Peruse at your leisure.
And remember-
Nevada has the highest suicide rate in the nation-as well as the highest rate of crime.

Raising taxes most likely will result in more layoffs to private employees.
The Sun and Democrats shed no tears for that

If you want that model of high taxes and broad base taxes with a diversified economy then you should move next door.
They are having no problems
High growth...raise taxes.
No growth....raise taxes.
That is all you guys say. Raise taxes. the math.....we are already paying $1,000's of dollars in taxes

I guess you have not heard. State spending has actually gone up the past year over the previous year.
Also, there have not been any cuts in forms of layoffs or pay freezes or pay cuts or benefits cuts which tons of businesses have done this year.
God forbid if a government worker suffers. It will be the end of the universe.

The Sun can be the messenger of Cry, Cry Cry all they want. The simple truth is - Raise taxes on me and my business now, I will fire more people. Not because I want to, but because I have to to survive. And when I cant cut anymore (soon), I will close and file for unemployment and go on the states payroll.
Sorry for the bluntness - but I'm not buying into the pity party!

let the homeowners pay school taxes like the rest of the country and raise property taxes to reflect the state and city work forces you apparently seem to want to see grow daily into one of the costliest items you need to pay for and give even more benefits to your city and state workers,give them more paid days up or stop complaining.

Here's an idea: Either call it an "editorial" or keep your pro-tax, liberal agendas out of so-called news stories. You're not fooling the smart ones among us.
Then the answer is simple... the state should file bankrupcy. That would invalidate these BS contracts and we can start from scratch with something more realistic. Even better - public employees - PLEASE STRIKE! We can replace your useless butts so quick with people being laid off in California (not to mention those laid off here already) it won't even be funny.

Hey! I have an idea... all parents get together and decide how much the state should waste uhm.. I mean "spend" per child or whatever, then send them a bill for each child. That should end this argument pretty quickly.
There is a family down the street from me with 13 kids
- rather than pointing fingers at the casinos, how about we have this family pay their "fair share" since they are "contributing" so greatly to our community with their ignorant spawn.

re: "It is time for the casino industry to pay their fare share." - yeah you typed that like a true CCSD administrator - kudos!
Hey - how can I get in on this public employee scam. I want checks for doing nothing! I can be like "CCSD Flooring Manager - Travertine Division III" and pick up my $120k a year. Maybe I can be the guy administering the guys keeping the jacuzzis and automatic curtains working in the administration executive offices on West Sahara

What can I say? Nevadans have spoken...

Friday, January 09, 2009

Nevada Governor-Buffoon Gibbons

Meet Jim Gibbons. Nevada's Governor. Today he announced he wants to cut teacher pay by 6%.
Nevada has one of the worst education systems in the nation. It also has the leanest. It is has the lowest per pupil funding in the nation.
If you don't know this idiot-you will soon.
His political career is over.
His political career is a classic tale of genetics. It is a lesson we did not learn with George Bush and we pay dearly.
It is a lesson we still have not learned in Nevada.
Never, children, never, never, never, elect a person because someone else in the family may have been successful.
Remember, boys and girls. Energy depletes each time it is cycled.
We have lots of humans in this nation for display as excellent examples of reduced energy.
I'd say Jim Gibbons is at the end of this particular cycle.

United States Burns While Washington Fiddles

Either our government no longer works or we have elected and/or support stupid people.
Either way we are in a process of old patterns which are not working. As we citizens stand by and watch our livelihoods, our infrastructures, our nobility to just and fair methods -government fiddles awaywhile our families suffer and our towns crash and burn.

We hear the word, "caution" when making decisions for the masses and we hear "NOTHING" when making decisions for the elite.

A few bad habits need to go-NOW

1. I don't care if it is an election year. Do the right thing. Tell us why.
2. Quit listening to lobbyists. If they cared about the whole picture we would not be in this mess.
3. Grandstanding does not work. Get off your pompous high horses and do what is right for us. Getting on the tube and telling us why you are screwing us just makes us mad.
4. If it didn't work a year ago, what makes you think it will now?
Try something brave and bold. We did not elect or hire you to get YOU rich, get over that.
5. Go into your job fighting for OUR country-not Japan, China, or India. Look for jobs for us. Change our trade agreements, quit borrowing from China, give us our jobs back, give the US companies tax breaks, not Toyota and Honda. Quit raping our economy.
6. Honor US. The workers. The autoworkers didn't create this mess because they were paid a living wage-it has always been from the top down. WE are stupid if we keep giving back our wages to keep wealthy stockholders rich-on our backs.
7. If you can't stand the heat of an honest decision, don't work in politics. If you don't get reelected, what did you really lose?
8. God I miss Paul Wellstone.