Well. Las Vegans, the comments are in and I thought you might enjoy the highlights of the deep thinkers kind enough to respond to the Rj's article on the school budget. Once again, the clarity of the people , ever faithful to their principals of "screw you-leave me alone, I ain't paying for nothin I don't use" is loud and clear.
Pat yourselves on the back. Yeah, you tell them, ain't no one taking nothin out of your pockets. Screw the kids, education ,medical care, mental health,,,blah, blah,,,eh?
To summarize them:
1. Schools are bad-abolish them.
2. Illegal aliens are destroying Las Vegas schools.
3. All who work in public education are lazy and making the big bucks.
4. Public schools are pretty much hated in Las Vegas.
5. Children are pretty much detested in Las Vegas.
6. All sorts of innuendos related to immoral acts are fair game in the comments.
7. Poor kids should ride the public bus=screw them if it doesn't get them to school on time.
8. Only parents should pay for education-why should everyone else?
Enjoy the comments!!
It's ALL waste. If we abolished public education, private school seats would pop up, sufficient to meet the demand for all parents who desire education services, for all tastes, and all affordabilities
First off, we get rid of these so-called Area Superintendents and all their cling-ons... savings approaching $100 mil right off the bat. Put these clowns back into the classrooms.. all of them. Trim the "management" staff whose overbloated salaries are siphoning off money that rightfully should be going into the classrooms. Why do we even need a ridiculous position called "diverisity office"? Chase out all the ILLEGLA alien children and send them packing anywhere else but Nevada. Taxpayers should not be forced to fund this nonsense. Too bad for the children, but their parents are the culprits, it's not the childrens fault, but still they don't belong here. Need more? There's plenty of waste everywhere one looks.
a secretary being paid 90k?hello ruffles get rid of this incompetent who can not get her job done in a reasonable timeshe probably does not even typehmmmm wonder what she does after hours for him
Superintendent Walt Rulffes, Show me where to Cut? If you idiots would deport illegal aliens, people that should not be here in the first place, your budget would be on the way to being balanced! Oh..we can't talk about that, it's not P C. But...that's O K, eliminate American jobs so we can help these poor people. What a bunch of B S!!!! Signed, American Tax Payer.
Low income people can take the bus with the reduced rate. Why do our school buses run up and down the streets to pick up all children for free, regardless their parents' income?
If the parents want someone to pick up their children, then pay for it. Don't demand school bus to work for free. While students have iPhone, iPod, texting cellphones, ...there shouldn't be any reason that they couldn't pay for $2.25 to get on the bus, regular bus that regular people take.
Cut cut and cut and if you want to spend on anything, spend on better screening programs so we can cut out the meth dealers and predators out of the school district.
If you want to cut the fat, get rid of all of the books. This will also eliminate the need for bookcases, paper, pencils, garbage pails, custodians etc.. Books are the real reason that we cannot ballance the budgets in these schools
If you want to cut the fat, get rid of all of the books. Good idea. The kids can't read anyway.
Get rid of the mormon mafia that runs CCSD and cut positions by 15% and you're good. I want a efficient school district administrationy jobs program!
Any moron with half a brain can find ways to save district monies so we can hire teachers, buy textbbooks and paper.
And my all time favorite??
don't tell anyone how to spend their own money, but I think the government should be prohibited from accepting (much less soliciting) private donations. Government is a necessary evil; certainly not a friend. Government should only be supported by taxation. People who *voluntarily* support it are committing treason.