Caution! We test, We Twitter, Those Sweet Old G'ma Days? Over!

Looking for a little common sense amongst all those pompous, blow hard media types?
You got it!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Las Vegas Sun readers meltdown for Obama

Is there a full moon tonight? The Las Vegas Sun printed an article today.
This was the header:
Obama tells Sun: Nevada’s housing pain is on my mind

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama said Wednesday he is acutely aware of Nevada’s foreclosure crisis and is evaluating whether more can be done to help homeowners, including by redirecting unused bank bailout money for homeowner relief.
Obama warned that using a portion of the $70 billion returned from the banks may require help from Congress.


Now, I am here to tell you the loonies came howling out the door on comment one. Pages of bizarro comments having nothing to do with the article.
The entire conspiracy to forge the above bith certificate came up-yada yada yada

This is what really scares me-
this many crazies-living in one city-
here are the comments-enjoy!
Barry Soetoro is a a liar and thief of Command!
Harry Reid knows it...
Where is the Birth Certificate?
Obama has steadfastly refused to release evidence of that Hawaiian birth -- a valid, long-form birth certificate that would show details of the birth, such as the hospital and the attending physician. Because the short-form "certification of live birth" he released to select news organization was at least sometimes issued for foreign births on the basis of an affidavit by one parent, it proves nothing as far as constitutional eligibility -- and, in fact, raises suspicions about a foreign birth.
1. By biodyzl
6/25/09 at 5:08 a.m.
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Obama's plan is to issue O Bonds to help. For details, visit the O Bonds page on
2. By JPM42
6/25/09 at 5:57 a.m.
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Obama tells Sun? How misleading as it suggests the Sun had a one on one interview with Obama...which judging from this vague article/editorial is not the case.
Where does Obama specifically talk about Nevada? What did he say he was going to do specifically?
"president would not commit to any changes."
"but not ready to commit to its solution."
This is leadership? This is no better than the previous 8 years of Bush! Change? Puhleeze
All I see are glittering generalities from Obama and no specifics.. not unlike the rest of his administration to date.
"It could also not say how many foreclosures have been prevented since the Obama housing plan was launched."
Zero.. none.. Period.
3. By JahReb
6/25/09 at 6:01 a.m.
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I see the little children woke up early this morning to comment. How's that birth certificate thingy coming along, anyways? LOL. Love the O Bonds thing, too. By the way, recess was pushed back to after 4th period today.
You neocon clowns absolutely crack me up. Stay classy!
4. By Thumper
6/25/09 at 6:12 a.m.
(Removed by the site staff)
5. By markp
6/25/09 at 6:17 a.m.
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the banks need to release all the housing stock they are holding, let it go at low prices, only then the market will start to recover, the houseprices currently are still far from affordable... and any bank holding stock are making the situation worse empty houses rot slowly and pulldown an area..
6. By gmag39
6/25/09 at 6:30 a.m.
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Jahreb; Yes, a lot of tin-foil going to waste this morning. Man, it must suck to wake up every day and think "The President's an alien! I must act now!"
7. By annienonymouse
6/25/09 at 6:46 a.m.
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Ooooo, look, the non-regular posters are here.
8. By gotjobs
6/25/09 at 7:07 a.m.
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TARP (troubled asset reform program) remember that? The whole thing was about saving forclosures. Thanks to our government we saved banks (crooks) wall street and GM. Now Obama says we might have some change leftover for the small housing problem.
9. By stevem
6/25/09 at 8:08 a.m.
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obama's plan = tax all the evil "rich" people to the point they won't be able to buy homes then take that tax money and give it to the "disadvantaged" so they CAN buy a house.
that will raise home values.
i want to barf every time i see a photo of our precedent obama.
10. By neiman1
6/25/09 at 8:25 a.m.
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The same guy is losing sleep over the budget deficits? Now he found some FREE money in the Treasury Slush Fund. He will spend like no tomorrow to buy votes for himself and his attempt to save democrats like harry Reid. No way to run a business or a government.
11. By Narcissa
6/25/09 at 8:52 a.m.
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Yes, I also see that any question or recitation of the facts regarding the Kenyan's birth certificate are met not with counterrpoints about the issue itself, but subjective comments about the posters.
Way to try and deflect from the issue at hand, but here's a newsflash for you; namecalling isn't going to change the facts and it certainly isn't going to make the question of Hussein's birth certificate go away.
This reminds me of the responses by Edwards and his staff to allegations involving him and the baby mamma; as I recall, they consistently used words such as
"garbage" and other dismissive terms, but such dismissiveness never really addressed the initial
Why HAS the Marxist in Chief spent over one million dollars with three top drawer law firms,
hindering efforts by those who have the temerity to want to see the birth certificate of this man who
is in occupation of the White House?
And, why won't he reveal his health records and academic record from college and law school,
including his applications to these institutions? No other politician seeking such high office has
been so secretive about revealing such basic information and NOR should they be allowed to be.
Why is he so resistamt? What is this man hiding and why is he going to such great lengths to prevent such basic information from being disclosed to the public?
Of course, the lamestream media refuses to address these questions, but people have a right to ask these questions and get an proper answer-not one that dismisses them in a condescending, elitist manner.
In the meantime, I'm still waiting for Hussein to show us his birth certificate and until I see it, I have no choice but to believe that he is hiding information, the discovery of which could result in his arrogant behind getting kicked to the proverbial curb.
12. By AngryReader
6/25/09 at 9:14 a.m.
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Birth certificate clowns (ie you 'birthers') need to learn to play. You lost, Obama won, get over it.
Maybe you should concern yourselves with the death spiral the GOP is in and try to encourage some fidelity amongst the GOP leadership. If they can't keep their pants zipped up then they should at least keep their mouths shut about how 'righteous' they are. The voters will forgive infidelity, but nobody likes a hypocrite.
Back to the topic.... If Obama is this clueless about how bad the housing situation is in southern Nevada, we all might as well all throw in the towel.
When your second mortage lender asks for double digit interest to convert to a fixed rate, and your first mortgage holder is so messed up you cannot get the same person on the phone from day to day there is only one way out.
Let them eat dirt!
And talk to a BK attorney, because you are going to want to get that 1099 tax form the lender's will attempt to punish you with legally discharged so you won't get screwed by IRS after the fact.
13. By mred
6/25/09 at 9:24 a.m.
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The birth Certificate has been on the web for about a year now.
If you don't like the Government, don't participate in the mortgage program and stop cashing your social security and unemployment checks. Didn't Irwin Shiff try to claim he was mentally ill to try to beat his tax evasion charges? Please check your self in.
14. By VegasEngineer
6/25/09 at 9:41 a.m.
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Trying to buy Vegas out of this housing situation would cost trillions, not tens of billions. It also wouldn't fix the problem that is prolonging the crisis, which is increasing unemployment.
Imagine if Bush and Obama didn't bail out the banks and credit was still frozen. Unemployment would be much much higher if businesses could not get credit. Housing prices would be significantly lower if mortgages were unavailable and the only people who could buy houses were people who could pay cash.
TARP is a fund to be loaned, not spent. It was established to loan money to banks that couldn't get a loan anywhere else. Banks that survive are required to pay the funds back with interest. It has been a few months since I read the bill, but I think the rate was 6%.
When TARP is dismantled, the money will be used to buy back the treasury bills sold to finance the fund, that way we don't keep those hundreds of billions as national debt.
Using the federal govt's credit to prevent the nation's complete financial collapse was the smart and responsible thing to do. Bush and Obama obviously BOTH thought so.
15. By Narcissa
6/25/09 at 10:11 a.m.
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Thanks for proving my point, Angry Reade. Your lame response of, "we won, you lost" doesn't address Hussein's continued refusal to provide his birth certificate and school applications and records.
16. By ynotjohn
6/25/09 at 10:45 a.m.
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This "plan" will just reward people you used their home as a savings account and how want to be rewarded or will walk away. These people did not do "all of the right things". They re-financed or 2nd mortgaged during the good times or just bought and now are underwater. What happened to all of that money and the cooresponding tax savings if they re-financed or if they just bought the idea to stay in the home for 10 years or more as our current real estate market is just making this paper losses?
Instead, eliminate mortgage deduction and capital gains tax savings when selling home on anyone who forecloses.
We need some "Tough Love" to get homeowners/investors to do the right thing and only buy homes for the long term along with paying a mortgage instead of the "flipper" profit taker mentality.
17. By crackedbeak
6/25/09 at 10:50 a.m.
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Let's face it people, every four years we elect a lying, no good, rotten, not my guy, Human Being to an office that nobody in their right mind would want. We then expect them to solve all the problems left over from the last idiot and all the new ones dumped on them by circumstance. And do it right now, we want it done yesterday, what are you waiting for? After all, we believed in your "elect me" promises. Chill. If any of us had the answers we would have the job. There are no answers, just process. In four years we will elect another lying, no good, rotten, not my guy, Human Being to an office that nobody in their right mind would want. Unless the meteor hits, then the cockroaches will have to.
18. By AngryReader
6/25/09 at 11:12 a.m.
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Before I go on topic, let me just say to the 'birthers', GET OVER IT! You LOST! When Bush and his brother stole Florida to steal the Whitehouse in 2000, we sucked it up and watched Karl rove, Dick Cheney and the rest of that amoral criminal gang systematically destroy our country. And we suffered through it until we could vote all the Republicans out of office. And the way things are going scandal wise for the GOP, by 2010 your choices for a candidate will be the drug addicted fat man, that idiot Gingrich, that vacous airhead from Alaska. Good luck with that.
The flippers and investors only existed because the greedy bankers were enabling them. That flooded the market with cash that did not belong and artificailly drove up prices.
Many innocent bystanders paid far too much for a home that was overpriced due to artifical demand. These same greedy bankers funneled these people into ARM's that paid the mortgage lender triple the profit of a 30 yr fixed with about half the effort.
Then the greedy bankers sold these ARM's to greedy Wall Street weasels to package and resell to the super rich as a hedge against the coming hyper-inflation. (Oh and it's coming... bigger and harder than it did after Nixon took us off the gold standard).
Then all the greedy bankers and wall street weasels ran off with billions while the entire Ponzi scheme collapsed.
They are all unemployed, but have billions stashed away, except for the few that got prosecuted. In the meantime, purchaser's of a single family residence in Clark County from 2004-2006 got shafted and are left holding the bag.
So now you have a choice. You can be a victimized bagholder, or you can tell the greedy scumbags that created this mess to "EAT DIRT".
Let's the ARM backed securities all go into default. Let the rich that wanted to prey on the American middle class to insure they could protect their zillions against inflation "EAT SOME DIRT".
Rental rates in Las Vegas valley for a 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath home are around $1200 a month. How much is your first and second mortgage running?
Foreclosure timeframes are running around 10 months. That's a lot of time to build up a reserve fund, find a rental, pay off all your other debt.
Then discharge the tax liability in a Chapter 13 plan and start over.
Or be a bagholder, work like a slave until you die, and help those super rich ARM backed security investors pay off their Jaguars and luxury yachts.
19. By DessertSun
6/25/09 at 11:25 a.m.
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I truly believe that the American people have no clue what this president is doing to our Nation. A president that speaks of transparency and yet hides information and rushes bills to votes before they can even be read/vetted is NOT transparent. Obama is extremely deceptive. Every move he has made indicates that he is a Socialist and pushes our nation closer to Socialism. The Democrats and their leaders Pelosi and Reid are the most irresponsible Congress I have seen in my lifetime. Obama is worried about Nevada's housing crisis, OMG the last thing we need is another Obama fix. I think we have learned early in his presidency his idea of aid is another government take over of another industry. Why, because that's he answer for EVERYTHING! This is not leadership, it's Socialism.
20. By ynotjohn
6/25/09 at 11:54 a.m.
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It is not the ARMs but the "homeowners/investors" that took out 2nd mortgages or refinanced and took money out to pay for a lifestyle they could not afford. The mortgage brokers and banks were the "pushers" of this drug (Debt).
How these users who lived beyound their means wants someone else to pay. Sounds like these homeowners are addicts that will go back to becoming highly leveraged and be back to the same place as before wanting someone to save them again.
21. By ynotjohn
6/25/09 at 12:09 p.m.
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For the small percentage that are ARMs that are impacted (note that more reports are coming out about Fixed rate mortgages that are going into foreclosure so your greedy bankers/class warefare arguement is not valid where my arguement is valid), eliminate those mortgages and make them renters. They should not get a free ride to make money on selling for a profit that real estate.
For Angry Reader:
What is so bad about being a renter? The US government does not owe everyone the right to own a home. Your class warfare arguement of taxing (STEALING) from one group of taxpayers and give the money to another class of privlaged people is either Racist or Sexist.
I have been a renter all of my life because either financial or employment situation warrented the adult decision to rent instead of the child-like attitude of wanting it now. This has cost me more in taxes for me and my family. Why should I support other individuals unruly lifestyles?
22. By SgtRock
6/25/09 at 12:23 p.m.
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He probably "feels our pain", too.
What a crock of crap!!!!
23. By ynotjohn
6/25/09 at 12:32 p.m.
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Angry Reader:
A short sale property I looked at was selling for $199,000 but was orignally purchased in 2001 for $179,000. Tell me how a property purchased 8 years ago with payments being made by a homeowner is doing the "right" thing? Where did the money go? It was not the banks but the Homeowner who stole the money.
The next wave of foreclosures will be a result of purely greedy Homeowners. This next scam is underwater homeowners buying another home and then walking away from the orginal letting it go to foreclosure. This is the type of individual (my definition is a thief) that Angry Reader wants to help. To stop this bad behavior, the government must eliminate interest deduction and capital gains profit tax savings from anyone who forecloses.
If you bought a home stay and pay the mortgage and you can reap the rewards. If you need to move earlier then you can pay the difference in lost equity (which could be less than renting). Anything else is stealing from society.
24. By shrek
6/25/09 at 12:52 p.m.
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Angry Reader has stated the facts as they are without drama & bull! Amen to 'AngryReader' comments. PS<>
25. By ynotjohn
6/25/09 at 1 p.m.
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I guess you are not reading my facts and instead beleive the distortion of facts that Angry Reader is talking about.
Where is all of the money these underwater Homeowners took out for their refinancing or second mortgages? If you bought in 2004-2006, did you not plan on living in your home for a long time or were you just trying to 'flip' it for a quick profit? If you are staying for awhile then all you have is paper losses. If your took on another mortgage or took additional money out, you were living beyound your means and need to pay the price.
26. By mrxroc8
6/25/09 at 1:11 p.m.
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It takes guts and fortitude to stand up for your beliefs in the face of 'Popular Opinion'. I have taken the time and effort to research this issue thoroughly and penned a published Internet piece with my results.
Please let us know about your research and conclusions on this issue before you decide to denounce the facts.
Would you agree... 'An honest man has nothing to hide'?
"An honest man in politics shines more than he would elsewhere." Mark Twain - A Tramp Abroad
"If you Don't care that Your President is not a natural born Citizen and in Violation of the Constitution, then Delete this and go (back) into your cocoon.."
I certainly do not wish for my children and family to live in a country that has a 'Get over it!' Legal System!!!
27. By solar
6/25/09 at 1:58 p.m.
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So, leave the country?
28. By ksand99
6/25/09 at 2:30 p.m.
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"I have taken the time and effort to research this issue thoroughly and penned a published Internet piece with my results."
ZOMG! Published on the INTERNET? It must be true!
29. By cnev
6/25/09 at 2:46 p.m.
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What is going on?
Half the comments have nothing to do with the article.
This article is about housing!
The comments sound like a bastion of loonies
-is it a full moon?
This is bizarro!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ensign/Sanford-the twofers

If it ain't the remorse boy duo-

say the words, boys and girls-

"deeply sorry"

Well this week we got a twofer-didn't we?
Between Ensign and Sanford, we just can't keep up with who is doing who..
The cliche's from the good ole boy network are just pourin' out-sweet little boys gone wrong
-they are deeply sorry
-regret the pain caused to wife and family
Someone ought to just write a speech-they can all keep it in their pants, - maybe read it before
both legs are out?

Outrage!! Oh, wait! Fox wasn't outraged-they gave Ensign a heads up and then lied about it.
Oh yeah, the Cheatin Man's Prayer Breakfast applauded Engisn's confession, cause the lord forgives-he likes nothing better than a fallen sinner-and Ensign, the Promise Keeper is one sinner the lord is salivatin over...

Sanford can tell some exotic stories-too bad he keeps changing them-looking for a long weekend but forgot to leave a forwarding contact-how stupid is that?
I don't know if he is sorry yet-but look back a few paragraphs. and recite those words.

As a former therapist I can tell you-these guys want to get caught. The Russian Roulette they play has more to do with their own inferior opinion of themselves than it does having the taste to cheat.
The down and dirtier the better. Ensign having sex with a friends wife. I have a feeling the friend knew at some point-more to that sordid tale-but Ensign's behavior was definitely on self destruct. Some people choose that method to activate major life changes. If you burn the bridge, no going back-
Well, the boys can join the legislative cheaters and liar club now. They all forgive each other and ignore the ones who voted them in-because "they just want to get back to work"

Guess what? I don't want them to "get back to work"-look at what they were doing with our time?
I say, "Don't get back to work"-your definition just isn't what we citizens are quite looking for..

Friday, June 19, 2009

Universal Health Care-we should not have to choose

Health care should be a given. It is in all developed countries but the United States. It is offered in many underdeveloped countries as well. Take a look at the United States today:
14.5 US citizens are unemployed as of May 2009.
86 million of our friends and neighbors are without health care coverage.
9 million of our children have no access to medical care coverage.

The health of a nation is measure by the infant mortality rate. The United States, considered one of the most powerful in developed countries has an increasing infant mortality rate.

The U.S. ranks 29th worldwide in infant mortality, tying Slovakia and Poland but lagging behind Cuba, the CDC repo Nearly seven U.S. babies die out of every 1,000 live births. More than 28,000 American babies die before their first birthday.

The U.S. infant mortality rate is higher than rates in most other developed countries," note CDC researchers Marian F. MacDorman, PhD, and T.J. Mathews. "The relative position of the United States in comparison to countries with the lowest infant mortality rates appears to be worsening."

The following nations already provide Universal Health Care to citizens:
United Kingdom
New Zealand
Czech Republic
South Korea

Rationale to continue our system as is ?
Competition provides better care
No long waits or exclusion of services
No bureaucratic, government intrusion into our personal affairs
Cost containment better handled via private health care administration
We are a country of free choices and every citizen should have the choice to choose a health care system

HMO's were developed to do the exact opposite of the above. How many of you believe in our health care system? Many who are employed don't see an issue. When your family and friends are-and maybe you at some point, perhaps the, "well this isn't my problem" mantra will change.

Unemployment rates rose 9% in May 2009.
Guess which industry didn't layoff?

Look at this statistic from the US Census website:
Health care employment increased by 24,000 in May.

The numbers speak for themselves.
This isn't about some lazy family refusing to work.
Your friends and neighbors, parents, elderly grandparents and babies, having had continuous health care coverage, will, probably for the first time have no health care coverage.

Pay attention-while the debate on Capital Hill is between our elected officials and Obama's push to provide what other civilized countries have been giving for years-
it is really between the powerful lobbyists who control our elected officials, big business and oppositional parties.

Sorry-this issue has nothing to do with you-the United States citizen-
-it's all about making a profit.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Las Vegans Crack the Hardened Shell

Mr. Ramirez can thank the Las Vegas Sun for the touching story written about him.
The story touched me as well. After strokes and a heart attack, he approached the
Clark County Commission asking if there was a way he could save his home
from foreclosure due to back taxes.

The commission told him not to worry they would not sell the house until next April during auction.
His plea touched an attorney at the hearing who offered to pay his penalties if he could come up with the back taxes.

People responded to the story. Little people. People without much to start with.
I understand this reaction-having been in the situation myself.
Circumstances are not always black and white. But the suffering is a commonality. I think it is the reason "little people" responded with such compassion.
When I say little people I don't mean it as an insult. Little people are those caring humans who hand a dollar to the dirty, disheveled guy dressed in the army fatigue jacket in the middle of the summer, outside Smith's. They don't have much themselves. Usually enough to get by.
"Little people" don't judge. They understand bad times and struggles. It doesn't really matter if the guy buys a bottle. They don't ask and hope he gets a bite to eat.

Las Vegas has some big bucks citizens. I didn't read about any stepping up to pay the $8,000 in back taxes for Mr. Ramirez. Maybe one of them did quietly and generously.
Las Vegas is not known for its generosity-the Las Vegas Sun also had this to say about the way Nevada gives-

"Research studies bear this out: In 2008 Las Vegas ranked in the bottom three among major metropolitan cities in the United States for volunteerism. In 2004, during a period when Vegas was the ultimate boom town and money was being made here hand over fist, the Council on Foundations ranked Nevada 25Th nationally in terms of total giving."

It is said that charity starts at home. With job losses, the closing of businesses and home foreclosures, Las Vegans are hurting something big.
I am hoping Mr. Ramirez' story helps crack the "I don't give a damn" shell Vegans are using to survive these tough times.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Furlough-another screw to the American worker..

An article on the Huffington Post Website describes how the furlough system is working for California government employees . Nevada workers may want to take note.
Apparently it isn't working. Many workers are told to "schedule" themselves for their furlough days. Most don't. They are afraid . With the hype and disaster scenario in the background the unspoken message , "How bad do you want this job?" translates into-there is no real furlough time-get used to it.

Any government or corporation which uses the furlough method to save money should be required to close down the business on designated furlough days..
Once again, the government worker, being attacked as "lazy, fat cat, on the take" by the public gets screwed.
The public (meaning us) need to understand we get the government we pay for.
If the DMV, Public Health Departments, licensing bureaus, state offices, etc. had to close on that one day a week for which workers do not get paid, we might all understandthe real results of budget cutting.
As it is, furloughs have become just another way to cheat the employee.
Of course, expect outrageous denial from government managers-remember-they get paid from the same pot of money-ours.
Attacking government workers for choosing jobs which seem more secure in today's business climate doesn't exactly speak to our responsibility as citizens to monitor and choose our government services responsibly.
In fact, it seems to me across the country all I hear is whining and pointing fingers at a government that we chose-whether actively or by default.
We all need to understand through the experience of shuttered government services, we get what we pay for.
We set dangerous precendent if we look the other way while state and local government employees get screwed and cheated.
Don't think it hasn't already found its way into the private sector via complicit approval of the government.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

My neighborhood- Foreclosure Posterchild

I don't think anyone realizes the severity of the foreclosure crisis.
My three bedroom condo was purchased for 230,000.00 in Las Vegas. After foreclosure, it is selling for 62,000. How can that happen?
I started looking at the listings in my old neighborhood-on the east side of Las Vegas .
I discovered many foreclosed homes which once belonged to my friends, many neighbors, friends from daughter's elementary school-and they all have a story.
Neighboring homes I watched go up-bold and big-foreclosed. . Many jobs have been lost in Las Vegas -this story is all about how close we are to the edge when the jobs are gone. It is recommended we save at least six months expenses in case of emergency. How many of you can afford to save six months income?
While so many point fingers and claim buyers should have been more responsible, the culture of Las Vegas does not encourage responsibility-in fact it's predicated on taking people's money for no other reason than "that's entertainment". Home ownership in a community touting taking chances seemed like a lifeline to so many people. A real stake in a community. A sense of belonging in a town that offers more to outsiders than to resident families.

One of the houses up for sale belonged to a man who recently passed away. He left a young wife who worked in a casino and was laid off shortly after he died. His daughter and son , both very very bright students, on the verge of attending college. He literally built his house, over time, adding a pool, (which he put in with help from friends), did all the landscaping over a period of five years, completely redid the outside of his home and added rooms. He was an amazing man.
His wife and children lost everything.

Another one belonged to a builder who went in bankruptcy.
Two, in the neighborhood of my daughter's former elementary school belonged to families we saw every day .
Another belonged to a another family . Not only did they lose the house- they lost the family business.

One luxury home took years to build. It has never been lived in. Someone bought it, lost their job and the home went back to the bank.

I had four neighbors next to me in the town home I lived in and all homes are now in foreclosure and up for sale.
One neighbor on one side of me cared for his elderly mother -, another owned by a man who worked out of town frequently (his mother lived in it until she was laid off from the casino) and another a rental unit owned by an investor.

It is so easy to see these homes impersonally and make judgements.
The press keeps trying to get a line on real stories, with real people, with real foreclosures-
If you ask people who have lost homes, they don't crow about how they "got over" on the system.
Most had a dream. The dream of buying a house isn't about value or making money. Most people will tell you it is about roots and stability. Home ownership is about belonging to a community.
There is still a fair amount of shame connected to foreclosure.
Where is the shame of a government-on all levels-so disengaged it refuses to provide a basic level of services to citizens?
Where budget planning is decided on the backs of the teachers and the state workers?
Where small businesses go belly up but large corporations pay no taxes?

If Nevada is the future it is frightening. I rip it to shreds for the level of anger and disgust the libertarians lash out with in response to suggestions for making the state a citizen friendly place to live-but
what I am discovering is a similar disassociation in other cities-large and small.
We don't seem to see ourselves connected to one another anymore.
As big a nation as we are-our personal sense of community and civic identity is shrinking, behind closed, locked doors, walled in communities and barred windows.
What is happening?

Friday, June 12, 2009

Newsmedia Terrorize Americans

Reading the headlines today got me going -again.
With the exception of the New York Times, news media
headlines increasingly
remind me of "The War of the Worlds" radio forecast.
I did a quick search of the "more significant" hyped up media issues
that sent panic to vulnerable or naive
citizens. No wonder they lose money.
At least the National Enquirer owns up to the sleaze and
(Why is this important?)Conservative
Blames Fox News: Right-Wing Extremism "Fed By The Conservative
Media" (Just blame them for stupidity)

Michael Steele On Letterman: "Time To Turn The Channel"

(Steele wastes his govt time on this?)

Confusion expected as analog TV broadcasts end
(How many months have we been hearing this one?)
Big deal-your TV doesn't work on a few channels for a day yawn*)
Agencies lag on millennium bug
lag on millennium bug

Its official: Swine flu now a global pandemic; California deaths from
virus rise

Honestly, after awhile it is obvious, even to a four year old child, we are
not long for this world. It's a wonder any child growing up in this environment
believes adulthood is attainable. No wonder they can't make committments.
WHy should they? We're all going to die tomorrow anyway..
Look above for a few of the panic pics