Caution! We test, We Twitter, Those Sweet Old G'ma Days? Over!

Looking for a little common sense amongst all those pompous, blow hard media types?
You got it!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Las Vegas Sun Readers Trash Sen Harry Reid

(Nevadans love to attack Sen Reid)
Vegas constantly amazes. The Las Vegas Sun article today reporting Harry Reid's request to President Obama that Las Vegas and Reno be removed from any sort of "No go list" is trashed by constituents of Nevada.
If you had the time to read the comments on any of the articles written about Senator Harry Reid you would think him some kind of worthless derelict like John Ensign and Gov. Gibbons.

Ironically he is one of the most powerful men in government for the citizens of Nevada and one would think a feeling of pride might show, considering little Nevada(translation total population per square mile-is 18.2 people over a land mass of 2000 square miles with a population of about 2 million(half of that in Clark County) hasn't been considered a heavy hitter until Sen Reid put it on the map.

The habit of trashing instead of supporting or improving isn't anything new for the libertarian state. Sometimes it appears the mob did it's job well-leave the state alone to roll the high rollers-
dance topless in the clubs and provide a little sex for sale , continue the "mob" like drive by shootings, creating causalities like the little eight year old boy, recently shot in a drive by shooting-just leave Nevada alone-(according to comments)

As one commenter wrote in a previous article about budget cuts,
"We don't need no stinkin schools" "Why should we pay for other peoples spawns? Cut the school budget and make them take all their classes on line-it will save a lot of money"

Many fine people live in the Las Vegas area, I wonder why they don't voice their opinions?
Maybe I am wrong. Maybe most people feel the way many commenters do.
Reading those comments trashing Senator Reid amaze me.
Do the Las Vegas Sun readers have some inside scoop to voting for a higher quality candidate?
If so, they sure haven't picked a winner in the last Gov. election-nor with Ensign.
Kind of makes me wonder if the vote is honest.
Who in their right mind voted for Gibbons and Ensign?
The love-hate relationship really hurts the tourism industry.
No one wants to vacation in a town which considers the tourists "suckers and rubes".
The virulent comments don't exactly sell plane tickets and rooms.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Oh How Quickly We Lower Our Standards When Broke!

At a private company I asked to use the restroom.

Led to a nice private staff restroom(more like your bathroom at home) I noticed changes

Oh, how standards have lowered!

No toilet seat covers! You know, those paper, flushable covers every woman demanded, lest she sit her backside on a toilet seat crawling with germs-omg! deadly germs someone may have left behind!

No more! I remember before these little paper hoops appeared, I would walk into a stall and behold! The circle of toilet paper to protect the precious tush!!

I don't even see those rings anymore-women must be squatting a lot or just plopping onto the seats.

Next I noticed-no more bacterial hand soaps! Just standard get it at the warehouse soap in a container! Dryers? Nah

Those little towel holders which come out in a roll? Uh uh-just plain old brown paper towels from Sam's Club or some other wholesale outlet.

Amazing how society lowers standards to save money!

Bottled water? Drinking fountain is over there..

Private hand sanitizer wipes? Bring them yourself.

I guess we will just have to share germs -until we can afford our group neurosis once again!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Health Care-Americans shoot at their own feet

Why wouldn't any American want to be guaranteed health care coverage?
Look around the world-all civilized countries provide it.
Who will suffer if health care coverage is offered to all citizens? Honestly?
Is everything about money in this country? Money at the expense of our children, the elderly, disabled, chronically or terminally ill?

Doomsday predictions oozing from the Washington Post, Mr. Brooks, Rush, Fox News, and of course every HMO in business.

Lobbyists don't exist for the people who need this coverage. We have elected officials to speak for us. Or don't we?

Ironically health care advocates have to fight for an "alternative" to standard offerings. With 14.7 million US Citizens officially counted as unemployed, many with benefits running out this month, why would any one of them decline health care coverage for themselves and their families?

Who speaks for us? The average citizen is already razored to ribbons- homes lost to foreclosure, reduced work hours, furloughs, layoffs, loss of pension plans, 401K's lost to Wall Street brokers-benefits reduced("we all need to take the hit"), the big corporations tell us-as profits rise but unemployment rises more..

I wonder sometimes if we have lost our senses. Each time something that helps us "lowly citizens" is put forth, it seems as if the current administration has to fight against the very people it wants to help-
Credit card protection
State governments refusing stimulus money for unemployment benefits and jobs
A consumer protection agency

As I read the papers identifying the issues I read the comments-
comments often start like this
_Look moron..
Anyone with a brain...
Nice try, idiot..

Read the last comment written in my blog-it appears we cannot discuss issues without insults and ignorance.
Why wouldn't we want to have a government at all levels which promotes the health, safety and protection of all citizens?

Look around. America is not "all white" anymore. Those of color are not all "illegal".
In fact our country is fast becoming a true melting pot. I am proud of it. I am a part of it. As much as others may want to fight it, we are the melting pot. No going back.
It is time we move forward together -not work to tear apart the fabric of our nation.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Twittering narcissists-the bird brain syndrome

We talk too much. We talk without thinking. We don't listen-just wait till the other person stops talking-waiting-to open our mouths -vocalizing-always vocalizing.
-we text-same inanities. What can be said -important-intimate-that one would want to say in a text? Yes, I am aware people woo, propose, fight, break off relationships, close business deals-texting.
Think about it. Whatever happened to human face-face interaction? A certain amount of courage and respect is required to deal with close to the heart matters face to face. Texting intimate details is cowardly.

Now we have twitter.
to utter a succession of small, tremulous sounds, as a bird. talk lightly and rapidly, esp. of trivial matters; chatter. titter; giggle. tremble with excitement or the like; be in a flutter.

Let's go with number two. Who cares about your trivial mundane activities?

You do. For some unfathomable reason you believe others are fascinated by you. Your every moment is twittered. Getting in a cab to meet Sasha for lunch at a new trendy restaurant. Hanging a fascinating new picture discovered in a junk shop!

Celebrities twitter pictures of themselves in the shower.
Pictures of their shoes.

The ultimate narcissism.
Mindless twittering by twits.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Generation X-Will You Be The "New Party?"

Dear Generation X-

You did it by voting for President Obama. Keep moving in that direction.

Do not follow the baby boom generation. It is my generation. From idealism to great greed and corruption, the baby boomers are destroying middle class America . They have stolen their pensions and cheated the middle class by eliminating retirement plans and selling them the 401k-a farce. . Passed laws that literally indenture citizens , (who have lost their jobs and homes)- legally tying Americans to a system of debt impossible to repay.
Entry level jobs have been shipped offshore to exploited third world countries for greater profit. American corporations scoff at nationalism or social conscience. They boldly and proudly proclaim their profits. Scorn and ridicule the impotence of American workers inability to impact their runaway trains of greed.
Today, while billions are made on Wall Street. millions of Americans are unemployed.
How does this continue?
Health Care Systems in America are scams. They charge huge dollars for insurance. Brazenly reject our needs, use dishonest tactics to stall services, selling our health to investors- shareholders -the health care industry has some of the largest profits in America- death is cheaper than life.
Health care earns their money when they can successfully deny service to their insured.

The tragedy of the baby boomer generation is they make no apologies for the rape of our country.
In fact, in their typical arrogant fashion, they find a way to blame the average American, spin their capitalistic sell -that more to the rich is good for all of us-boldly taking more from those with less-and actually convincing citizens to vote for this concept.

The central axiom of free-market capitalism is that the best allocation of resources is achieved through consumers having free choice, and producers responding accordingly to meet consumer demand.

The new capitalism definition is this:
Producers identify consumer need and market products. Consumers choose from the limited choices and price is fixed. Demand is driven and controlled by the producer not the consumer.

Baby boomers are at the end of their generation. Don't let that fool you.
They will suck you dry in old age, demanding it all and live 20 years longer than any other generation.

Do not turn your back on the United States. Step up to the plate.
It is time for new politics. New representation with new political parties.
Sadly the democratic and republican parties are so corrupted by lobbyists and financial influences even Barack Obama's idealism doesn't seem to be able to penetrate the wall of seven deadly sins congress has built around our nations democratic ideals.

Take it back for all of us. Please?
Don't lose hope.
Push aside the cynicism and hopelessness.

Get involved.
Start new government parties aligning with our constitution.
Make our earliest motto honest,
"For the people, by the people"

Power is only perceived. Change the perception.
Do not perceive this corrupted government as power.
Recognize the millions of United States citizens as the power base for our government.
As President Obama recognized, we want to have a say-he tapped into our long history of involvement as democratic citizens of this nation.

Until our representation at all levels of government is purged of corruption we do not have representation.

This is your next step.
Take it back for us, please?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Goldman Sachs Rage

Excuse me while I try to clear the white hot rage choking me from inside as I read about the profits.

I don't need to rehash all that has toppled our worlds in the past year.
The domino effect of Wall Street's house of cards can be see on every street, in every town, at every workplace in our nation.

72 million of our relatives, friends, coworkers, parents, sons and daughters have lost jobs in 2008-double that of 2007.

JP Morgan just posted a 2.7 billion quarterly profit.
Goldman Sachs a 3.44 billion dollar profit

Are you seeing red? I am seeing red.
Are these the Wall Street cripples we bailed out less than one year ago?

Outrage is so passe nowadays-have you noticed? Anyone else starting to feel suckered?
Why are banks making profits yet Americans continue losing jobs?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Stay Tuned: New Republican Soap: "As the Dung Flies"

The Truth is Ours To Decide

OUTFOXED Broadcasting announced a dramatic new soap debuting September 1st-
pronouncing it, ", Astonishing, Riveting and Horrifying".
Describing it. a cross between horror and comedy genre-OUTFOXED claims "As the Dung Flies" will outshine, "Unwed With Children" by setting record low standards for human behaviors.

Starring, Sarah "Sex Symbol" Paltry, the woman who believes she has it all -and her ability to cash in on her lack of it,
Jock EnSin, son of a rich tycoon, struggling with religious and sexual fervor, sidetracked and tormented by lust,
Rick "the Yearner", seeking his true soul mate at any cost-
Guest star, "George "Underachiever Extraordinaire", Bust, rounding out the cast portraying a delusional dreamer, yearning for fame, constantly misled, sadly unable to accept his limitations.

The Premiere of "As the Dung Flies", held at an abandoned Crawford, Texas ranch, once famous for it's clandestine meetings of a powerful group seeking world dominance was overrun by OUTFOXED Network Paparazzi.
Exclusively, OUTFOXED Network had the scoop!
Other news media sources excluded from the premiere were warned-any media infiltration would be suppressed by a volunteer security force, comprised of the famous spiritual organization, Robertsonian's Renegades".

"I feel my character, as this big Texas ranch, which can be seen worldwide from space, will be able to be zoomed right in, and I can make a difference. I hope this show , as it is going to be breaking this very ground, I can show, make a difference, ya know, because I have it all.
I just know I am ready and I won't blink", stated Sarah Paltry.
Sarah was dressed in red high heels and running shorts created by Uma Ungurra .

Jock EnSin, to to his character, remained on his knees in prayer, lusting after Sarah's red heels. "I am proud to be a part of this great nation, um, er, cast", he corrected. "I am praying for the success of the entire "red stilettos", uh, sorry, cast and will do my utmost to contribute." "Fortunately, I have the support of my loving parents, always willing to assist me when needed, during times of great temptation. I want to give a shout out to the boys in the prayer house-I know you are watching my back"

Rick, looking soulfully lost, interviewed by Ratched Limburger, explained his character was misunderstood by his wife, played by Arsenic Coldshoulder.
I believe my character's search for true love is real and lasting, he searches the world for his one true love, meeting many women, as his quest for a "real and honest relationship" is derided by his wife"
"People will relate to me!", he exclaimed.

Guest star, Underachiever Extraordinaire, er, George, exclaimed,
"You know, sometimes when I sleep at night, I think of "Hop on Pop",
when asked to elaborate, George spoke metaphorically,
"I think if you know what you believe, it makes it a lot easier to answer questions. I can't answer your question.

OUTFOXED predicted millions will tune in next Thursday, September 1, at 8:00 pm to watch this all star cast shine in this new genere of horror/comedy .

Friday, July 10, 2009

Are any of us who we appear to be?

Serial killers have neighbors who proclaim astonishment when informed about the nature of the man next door.
Recently a meth lab blew up in a large apartment building in Las Vegas, NV. "But the neighbors were so friendly", claimed the occupants in the adjacent apartment.

As our world population increases, what are the odds people we think we know reveal themselves totally off the mark in our judgements of them?
Is it our inability to judge people-in a climate of cyberpersonalities-those who portray themselves unlike reality?
Is it our changing communication methods-texting, cell phone chatting, which stunt our ability to use common sense ?
Is it a lack of experience in forming judgements based on the shallowness of our interactions with others that creates isolation?
Who are we really and can anyone be trusted?
Politicians, leaders-public figures-all revealing qualities which seem to surprise and disappoint us-why?
Do we really know anyone anymore?

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Summer Malaise-Political cheaters and liars

Is it just me or is anyone else out there feeling depressed and tired of the smut atmosphere in politics?
Where are the Paul Wellstones of our nation? I crave an idealist right now. Just one. One who might shore up the molding, ammonia smelling group of political narcissists oozing and splaying their bacteria across the print and talking heads in the media.

I won't even dignify names. Lying CIA? Is that an oxymoron or what?
Taking your crayons and going home because you don't like the coloring books?
Acting like a lovesick 13 year old girl with a crush on a teen idol?
Relentlessly pursuing your best friend's wife?

Juxtapose all this moldy smelling drama with thousands of people out of work , without health care and tell me-are you feeling as sick and discouraged as I am?

An apt cliche?
What is wrong with this picture?

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The Mexican America- Entrepreneurs?

The pristine, new school building I taught in last year is surrounded with gang graffiti. Long streams of consciousness decorate the semi-walled in communities. Abandoned shopping carts trail along a path leading to a local grocery store- famous for a mass shooting ten years ago.
It is a pedestrian school. A polite phrase for poor people who don't own cars .
Plastic shopping bags litter the main street, windblown , trapped against the fences surrounding the school.
The majority of the students are Mexican. Parents speak little or no English. Drawn by the casino resorts, building boom and the ancillary services complimenting these major industries, the American-Mexican dominates the east side of Las Vegas, Nevada.
Most billboards are written in Spanish. Major grocery stores sell products marked with bilingual advertising. Mercado's are interspersed among the franchise grocery stores. It is where I go to buy chili candies -my students favorite.

Mexican-Americans work for the school district. Organized, hard workers, willing to take on the jobs at the bottom rung, many advance to positions of responsibility and respect.
Students are related. Cousins are common. Multiple families living in one dwelling is common as well. Pooling the money earned means a newer car, babysitter overlap, better food and a common sense of security.
Isolation is not a characteristic of the Mexican-American culture.

Then the bottom dropped out. Las Vegas layoffs started with the building industry.
Gardeners, painters, carpet layers-laid off.
Casinos cutting back -housekeeping staff, buffet and dining staff. Cleaning crews.

American families live in isolation. A layoff often has a domino effect. Lose a job, lose the house-the car-downsize, downsize, until what? We don't live with other families unless desperate. We see living together as a sign of failure.
We prefer to fail alone and take our families along.

As the job market tightened my students talked about parents losing work.
They collected cans. They looked for odd jobs. They also worked with their parents.

One parent came around to the schools on certain days and cleaned teachers' cars for 20$.
Another parents sold corn outside the school(corn with mayo and chilies is awesome)
A mother made tamales and sold them, bringing them in heated containers.
The school started a flea market once a month. Parents could bring items and sell them.

One mother sewed princess dresses, very much like the Disney princesses and sold them for the Halloween season.
Valentines Day, Easter, Christmas- any holiday, actually, on the east side of Las Vegas, corner stands pop up with a variety of gifts, fruits are sold on street corners, there is no end to the market on the east side.
Many garages selling used tires, tire repair and service , guaranteed only by the owner's reputation abound.
I admire entrepreneurship.
I believe it is the only way to break the conglomeration of corporate price fixing, pushing each product to the line of sale, lamenting about the price of labor-the continual gouging of the American worker.
I think the east side Mexican-Americans of Las Vegas have the right idea.
Is it fair to our system? Legal? Perhaps-no.
It would be if the same companies asking us to buy American actually supported the United States worker, the US consumer. Is our system fair to the workers? Is buying American to our advantage? How many of you are without jobs right now due to "downsizing?" Is it corporate profits or truly a business in trouble?
How do we know? Wall Street seems to recovering. Why aren't we?

Monday, July 06, 2009

One pooldlady examines her motives

Last night I was thinking about the negativitiy in many of these posts. . I don't consider myself a negative person in general. Most people do not care to read negative critiques. All around, negative items just make for a bad day and who needs it, right?

My frustration over feeling powerless, our gullibility, and our indifference at the whittling away of our choices -all are the negative themes that crop up in my rants.
Years ago, if one didn't like the social or community norms dropping off the social grid was an option. Move to the "country"-use propane, burn firewood..
As population increases, not many off grid sites are available to Grizzly Adams wannabes.

Why do I do it?
It isn't because I "relish" the negative.
The passion for justice and the heaviness in my heart for those who can't-gnaws away at me.
Silly me, believes it just isn't right.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Hypocritcal Americans mourn Michael Jackson

Let's face it, Americans-today you live and breathe "reality TV" which has nothing to do with reality. It sickens me. Mindless school of lemmings-running en masse to the cliff side, only to be pushed over by those behind them-you truly truly disgust me.

Michael Jackson, dead as he is, troubled, bizarre, (albeit talented in his heyday) is no person to worship, to revere, to cry over, using those big, disgusting, crocodile tears.

Get a life.
I swear, the reality of star slobbering media , prostituting themselves for the last dime- it is no wonder they are dying on the vine. The maudlin crap over the past week, usurping any newsworthy events(well, I suppose we could question THAT definition) and the response of Americans is enough to drive me to the toilet bowl-my stomach can't take much more.

Michael Jackson , who once tried to purchase the bones of the Elephant man for one million dollars, settled out of court on a number of child molestation cases, spent money totally unrelated to the reality of his income, has sadly self-destructed and died.

Yes, it is sad -a man with such talent-for so many years, was not able to maintain the same level of talent for living life on this earth.
I respect death. Michael Jackson's death is a tragedy.
It is also a mixed conundrum of legal morass, stiffed vendors, abused children, bizarre behaviors and whacked out reality.

Why can't we acknowledge those facts? Why do Americans do this garbage? Elevate to Sainthood those who have caused damage to others -is talent a free ticket for anything goes in life?
What's next? Cheering for serial killers? Americans have already decided politicians cheating on wives and numerous other sex scandals involving public figures are-*yawn* not our business..

Get a clue. Have some dignity. Celebrate Michael Jackson's music-put away the Kleenex and grow up. A day is fine. Weeks on end?
You all really disgust me.

Friday, July 03, 2009

US Citizens Losing Democracy-by default

In the 1950's the American Dream thrived-suburbs flourished, men returned from World War II with the GI Bill. The GI Bill opened doors to education previously not available to the working class. Unions ensured the labor force US companies needed were treated fairly and a living wage provided for many families of the working class.
Conceptually individuals with trades, skilled labor and professionals all had a shot at the American dream. Baby boomers, raised by this generation had opportunities not afforded to children of working class families-and took advantage of the opportunities.
It was a time of enlightenment with a Supreme Court, in the 1960's which favored individual citizens and kept a lid on the abuse of overreaching law enforcement, institutions, government agencies, city, state and federal abuses and the development of large corporations which might otherwise profit and the expense of the human labor force.

What a long and painful journey it has been from those freedoms to where we are today.
It is not my agenda to outline the many labyrinths which have led us to our current situation.

My agenda is to mourn the loss of our nation of involved citizens. Citizens who believed our government could and should be transformed to benefit the citizens of this country-and acted upon their beliefs.

I don't know about you but on a personal level the feeling of helplessness is overwhelming .
For example, I received my electric bill in the mail yesterday. By some convoluted formula
the city I live in charged me 145.00 for electricity.
Fair enough.
In addition, I have what is called a "usage fee" for 125.00. I pay this because according to the city I live in I am two blocks from the city limits but not far enough out of the limits to qualify for Florida power.
So I am charged double because I do not fit in anywhere. I have no choice.
My "usage fee" is almost as much as my bill. I have used the air conditioning very little because I am on a budget.

That is one example. Here is another one-
I applied for my new registration is the state of Florida. They requested a copy of the title from the lien holder. The lien holder sent it in the Florida envelope required by the state.
The state claims it did not receive the title.
The lien holder documented when the title was sent.
I did this the first week of may.
It is July and the cost of registration just went up 100.00 for new citizens. I have beendriving on a temporary registration awaiting receipt of the title and notification from Florida DMV.

These may seem small to you but they are examples of the powerlessness one feels today when dealing with credit card companies, banks, school loans, mortgage companies, utility companies, city, state and federal governments-

It is this feeling of helplessness and the sense of overwhelming smallness when dealing with large bureaucratic agencies and corporations that discourages citizens from believing they have the power to take action-to have an impact .

We need to collectively use our ability to make change-as a nation of citizens. Protests do nothing today-but boycotts can.
Boycotting certain companies, agencies, corporations-this will make a difference.
It can make a difference because money is what it is all about.
You and I are not important-unless we speak with our wallets-and we will continue to be unimportant because entities know as long as they can stonewall our government, lobby our elected officials and maintain such laws as the new bankruptcy law, the credit card, the oil industry, the overseas labor force regulations and the tax laws to favor them, we have no chance.

We are still one of the biggest nations in the world.
Sadly, we are one of the biggest, but no longer the greatest because we, as citizens have a government so corrupt it has weakened our ability to uphold, protect and maintain our once democratic ideals.
While those with money yell, "Socialism" and warn of us we will lose our right to choose, they are very aware that at this point in time we have already lost our right to choose, we have lost much and continue to lose more-and nothing, nothing but the goodness of a very few people, corporations and government entities exist to support the democratic ideals we claim we love.

On this 4Th, when we celebrate freedom-perhaps more of us will examine where we are as a country today. Perhaps some will recognize how those who fought to keep the talons of a king and his whims from allowing us to suffer a monarchy- (which saw us as slave labor for a larger, superior country)-are very much parallel to the corporations, the shareholders, the Wall street elite and bankers, the oil companies, and all of our American businesses outsourcing to third world countries.
I do not think this is what our 4Th of July celebration and those who fought and died to uphold the ideals of democracy had in mind-do you?

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Missouri Rep Cynthia Davis-hungry kids work harder-no free lunch!

July 2nd, 2009 by onepooldlady

Missouri State Representative Cynthia Davis is one tough cookie. Last week she opposed subsidizing school lunches for low income children during summer months saying, “Hunger can be a positive motivator.” This is excellent news considering 1 in 5 Missouri kids is living in hunger, so that state is due for a productivity boon.

It is 1962 and free school lunch is non existent. A little seven year old girl wakes and prepares for school. Her five sister and brothers and mother continue sleeping. The flu continues its round robin of family members.

She is so tired of sickness and hungry. Rummaging through the kitchen she discovers a piece of hardened cheese, bread , a wrinkled apple. She places it in a bag, unwrapped, searches through the mound of clothing on the floor of the bedroom she shares with her five siblings. Grabbing a pair of pants, a tee shirt and her shoes, she dresses quickly and walks to the bus stop.

She doesn’t notice her clothing is wrinkled and dirty. She isn’t aware of the smirks and stares. Her radar shut out the jeers and mocks in kindergarten. School is the one place she finds safety from the violence, abuse, and unpredictability of her home. Treasures are the discoveries in reading, passion is the expression in writing , adventure is the mysteries of science-all these are gold nuggets -free!

Her stomach growls after an hour of sitting in the classroom. She tries to ignore it. No breakfast but she has SOMETHING to eat for lunch. She drinks water from the fountain on the way to gym class, hoping the shakiness in her legs disappears.

Mrs. Kelly, her second grade teacher stands and talks with the gym teacher. The little girl hovers near the teacher. She leans towards her to stop the shakiness in her legs.

Shadows get in the way of her vision. She begins to see little dark patches between her teacher and the floor. Her hands begin to shake and she reaches out to the teacher.

She folds her arms around Mrs. Kelley’s legs and slides to the floor.

Her last thought?

What a safe place to die.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Nevada attorney takes oath at bar and grill

According to the Las Vegas Sun, July 1, 2009

Speaking of dramatic flourishes, most new judges get sworn in at the courthouse. Las Vegas attorney Joseph Sciscento took his oath Tuesday at a different courthouse — the Courthouse Bar & Grill, that is. Drinks were flowing as his friend, District Judge Doug Smith, administered the oath in front of a small gathering of lawyers and judges at the popular tavern across the street from the Regional Justice Center.

Only in Nevada, folks, do they take the swearing in of a judge so seriously...