Certain holidays are for old people, according to US citizens. Memorial Day, Labor Day and Veteran's Day are some of these.
Otherwise, for the rest of the nation, these are, "just another three days weekend" type holidays.
Now I am not a zealous patriot. I don't say this as some braggadaccio-honestly, I am not on that bandwagon. Yet I have become increasingly aware that even my little bit of patriotism to the ideals of this country are huge compared to the majority of my fellow citizens.
Labor Day was once an important holiday -a recognition of those who fought to end child labor, who stood and fought rich and greedy corporations and scions of wealth abusing the earnest labor of the working indiviudal.
Corporations did this in collusion with laws, law enforcement and even our own government.
Beating and arresting workers, killing ringleaders, threatening families, locking out workers and hiring "scabs", the labor unions fought for fair wages, reasonable hours and reasonable work expectations.
Now we have a nation which hates the unions. Considers them some kind of scam on the workers.
Or we have unions which really represent the coporations.
Fools. We are fast becoming a nation of fools.
Tea parties. Refusing to ensure all citizens have health insurance.
Screaming about the government's lack of response to the 13% unemployment levels across the country. Yet all the while blaming the government, refusing to take responsibility for the fact it took the citizens of the nation to get where we are today. Remember, that government of the past eight years? WE voted for it. Twice.
Millions of dollars entrusted to corporate individuals in the name of states, which continue to pocket the money and say, "Sorry, no jobs."
Ronald Reagan destroyed the air traffic controllers union. They went on strike in the 80's concerned over the lack of safety in the skies. Deregulated airlines. Unsafe practices. The liability of being responsible for too much airspace per controller.
Our citizens said, "yeah, way to go Reagan, don't let those unions control our "right to work". Free enterprise. Yeah!
Fools. Ignorant. silly, spoiled citizens of the United States-forgot the origin of your roots-haven't you?
All those "fascists"-those democratic socialists? They were the ones who passed regulations to ensure your food was safe, your medication and medical treatments were regulated to save your life, housing was available to anyone regardless of color, religion or sex.
Those "fascists" were the ones who made sure you had the right to vote- women, and your children didn't work sixteen hour days in a sweat shop, owned by your landlord, who maintained your entire fanily as indentured servants.
Labor unions provided people of color and without the silver spoon a chance at a middle class lifestyle. Look at Detroit in the fifties and sixties. People could afford houses. Automobiles.
Roosevelt,, branded a "socialist" (according to todays ignorant and spoiled citizens) created jobs, began social security and provided benefits for widows with children.
Today, as you are in the middle of your "just another three day weekend", look back at the past twenty years of "Republican rule", the ones you feels so very strongly represented you in this nation, and ask yourself, "How did we get to this point in our nation- No jobs, no health insurance, unemployment exhausted, losing homes, living with friends, no hope-
and then ask yourself,
Did those nice deregulated corporations, banks, Wall street, tax breaks to the rich, and the totally decimated labor unions, trade agreements with Mexico and other third world countries your tea parties and "no new taxes" make this country a better place?
How long has it been since you had a raise? A job? Did you lose your "401K" that those "non fascists" told you would be better than a retirement program required by your place of business?
I celebrate Labor Day because I honor those that fought for a standard of life we might all achieve through fair and equal labor laws.
As I watch all of it go down the toilet because a generation of ignorant and spoiled citizens who rarely suffered a day in their lives thinks if they throw temper tantrums, blame
"socialist, fascist" governments (for trying to balance the scales gain, -they don't even get that) believe our country will be free again.
I am sick of you.
We parents made grave errors in child rearing these past twenty five or thirty years. We did not allow our children to suffer.
Not allowing our children to suffer cheated them. Cheated them of the understanding that responsibility and restraint, compassion and loyalty, fairness and justice, are qualities we must practice to ensure the continuation of a strong and equal nation of citizens.
They just don't get that.