Caution! We test, We Twitter, Those Sweet Old G'ma Days? Over!

Looking for a little common sense amongst all those pompous, blow hard media types?
You got it!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Jasper Schuringa,-it takes a Dutch citizen to do the right thing...

Jasper Schuringa was a Dutch citizen on the plane to Detroit. Jasper was the one who lunged for the bomb making passenger, burning his hands in the process of subduing the bomb maker.
Perhaps we could learn a lesson from him.
If we all chose to be proactive rather than expecting  authorities to "take care of us" our country could be a safer place to live.
I remember the stabbing death of Kitty Genovese on the street of New York City duirng the 1960's. Chased by her attacker, many saw the incident and chose to look the other way. No one aided her, she was stabbed to death in daylight-  as people watched.
Over the years, Americans seem to think safety is contingent upon authorities. We have stopped meeting our neighbors, we live in walled in communities, and rather than outrage and action, we tend to cocoon ourselves, insulating our families, cutting off meeting our neighbors, actively joining in community events and taking part in national, state, regional and local elections.
Our culture, as American citizens, has transformed from a "frontier" mentality to a rabbit society. Looking for safe havens, which will never be safe as long as we choose to hide, see ourselves as powerless and helpless. victims.
If we took control of the world around us, actively engaging in community, local and state government, perhaps we would not have such a chasm of hostility, greed and self centered righteousness between citizens.
It is time to take back our country.
In a good way.
Look outside today, not in the house. Look outside and ask yourself,
"What can I do to make this neighborhood, city, government, country a better place for those I love and for myself?
Then do it.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Tell Me it Was So

Take my hand one more time
in our old age of experiences,
tell me it was so

Years of us, children grown,
heads together, united

Take my hand one more time,
tell me it was so

Red sun nights,
bereft times,
sleep united
 moments of dreams connected,
rage connected,
joy connected

Take my hand one more time,
tell me it was so

As we move away,
 cords are tattered,
 newness shines,

No lingering hands,
darkness falls
sadness trails the sky
as if stardust streaks the skies as tears.

Take my hand one more time and tell me it was so

Friday, December 25, 2009

The Slow Slide

Slow sliding ,
imperceptibly obvious
no knock on the door,
no blast of  horn

slow sliding
impervious to improvements
unresponsive to my pleadings

slow sliding
ignores weeping,
scorns weakness,
seduces the mind

grasping what is left, holding tightly,
slowly sliding ,sliding,sliding
into the unknown

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"Just Doin Business" Using Extortion To Avoid Doing The Right Thing

The government passage of  a bill forcing airlines to let passengers off the plane after three hours is a step in the right direction. The weak excuse that it will create more delays is  ironic.-how much more delayed can one get?
America has become the land of extortion-
complain about banks playing with your money by charging overdraft fees on the largest amounts first, or credit card companies jacking up your interest rate, "just because" and they will threaten to raise rates all around-claiming, "Well, if we have to follow laws that protect consumers the consumers will just have to pay more for the practices"
Credit card companies? "Well, if we have to play fair, we'll just charge the consumer more"
Services which can hold us hostage used to be regulated-
airlines, banks, credit cards, utilities, water, communications-
The argument for deregulation -then? Oh, deregulation will create all kinds of competition and the consumer can  only  benefit- resulting in lower prices and more choice.

When one can be held against their will for 7, 10 or even 24 hours on an airplane, when hard earned public dollars are literally stolen from bank accounts in the bankers little shell games, when consumers are charged exorbitant amounts for electric in a little town of Vero Beach, Fl. because the city government passed a little known ordinance to double the cost of utilities for those living directly outside the 17 mile city limit, with no choice to change, we can all see what deregulation has done for the consumer.

Since US companies and businesses choose to treat consumers like mindless cash cows, disregard any imperative but the dollar sign, and use the opportunity of deregulation to monopolize instead of compete,
the time to regulate is here.
It is time business recognizes their value is only commensurate to the value of those they service, and not the other way around..

Monday, December 21, 2009

There Will Be No Christmas Presents This Year..

This holiday season do yourself a favor-don't buy into it.
Who says Christmas a'la Santa has to be celebrated on December 25th?
I am going to start a tradition at my house-Christmas is in March.
I am going to buy my presents in January when sales are slow.
We will put up our tree in March.
In the meantime, we are going to celebrate the religious holiday by honoring only those religions which practice non exclusivity, teach  and practice kindness, love and concern for humanity . We will seek out religious practices which do not make up their own rules of condemnation-choosing who in this world, according to religion, is "bad" and who is :"good".
I wonder if Jesus wants our world to continue honoring him in the way in which we have transformed him?
According to christians in the US, all should worship him on the dollar bill, in schools, and in public. No other religion should be allowed the same freedom. No other form of deity should be recognized. In fact, it is Satan who planned these diversions from the "true" religion.
Now isn't that just like America?
To consider themselves so special that only they have the right to dictate others religious beliefs as right or wrong?
March. Tree. Santa.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Workforce Investment Act Wastes Billions of Dollars-Still No Jobs

The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) provides increased flexibility for state and local officials to establish broad-based labor market systems using federal job training funds for adults, dislocated workers and youth-

Recently 500 million dollars was added for unemployed adults to obtain training and education. Another 50 million was added for unemployed youth ages 17-22. Is it working? 

Millions of dollars are being provided to states to help the unemployed find jobs, pay for education or training and or relocation fees for those who find employment in another region of the US.

But what really happens to that money? Some people are actually assisted . So many unemployed US citizens and so few jobs.
The Tampa Tribune recently did a little digging and you can read the article here-

We need to start asking where this money is going?
This article is a drop in the bucket compared to the waste going on in our country of these WIA dollars. 

Questions to be asked?

Who are on the Workforce boards?
How many of these businesses are benefitting from these relationships?
How many people are actually employed vs the dollars allocated to states?
What are the qualifications and competencies of those hired to assist the unemployed and how successful are they at placing individuals?
Who are the individuals recruiting jobs for the regions and how successful are they at placing individuals in positions?
How are employees at Workforce treated? What is the turnover rate? 

Workforce should be the shining star in employment!
Unfortunately, the turnover, the low wages and poor benefits for the employees actually doing the work result in high turnover and low employee morale.
Many Workforce locations hire temporary workers through Kelly, pay no  sick time, holidays, or insurance benefits
.One catastrophe, such as a sick family member, a need for time off for funeral or a business matter creates a financial problem.
Many of these temporary workers qualify for food stamps.

Is this the best we can do for our country??
Those dollars could create jobs .
They are wasted -
and as usual, end up in the pockets of those who already have rather than those who are in need.