Caution! We test, We Twitter, Those Sweet Old G'ma Days? Over!

Looking for a little common sense amongst all those pompous, blow hard media types?
You got it!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Bristol Palin, Republicans, , Black Friday and American stupidity

So Americans are going to show us, yeah they are, that nobody is gonna push us around, by golly, wink wink.
We're gonna vote a greedy, stupid, avaricious (look that word up-Sarahgrzzly), reality star who encourages her daughter to make a fool of herself on national tv,  quits her government job so she can  rake in the millions, and really doesn't give a shit about the US- to be our next president!

Yessir, no one is gonna pull the wool over our eyes-we showed "them" (whoever "them" refers to in the US)
we voted all those Republicans back into office-better to have our money blatantly stolen that have a "BLACK MAN" in office, eh?

Oh yeah, we know where we are going in this country-Back to the good ole USofA -
Where blacks and hispanics knew their  place and where God made sure women stayed in the kitchen.

 We don't have communists to fear anymore, but we have them there Arabs, and we are gonna get them-
why we have plenty of poor black and mexican boys who will fight our wars-
and if they refuse, why we'll just draft them to die.
Don't ever forget our Manifest Destiny
Our mission from God-

We don't need no good education to conquer the world-
Why, we'll just do what we always do-
steal from our own citizens,, corrupt other governments, invade countries, oppress our own and other countries citizens in the name of security, and stomp on anyone who questions the status quo-as "Unamerican"
Yep, we sure like our stupidity and ignorance-
makes us feel mighty powerful

Yeah, I sat outside target in my tent all night so I could buy the 46 inch no name tv-for 600.00
So what about it? It's the American way-got my picture in the paper..
I was first!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

No more Pissed Off

 I have given up the PO'd routine. 
American citizens are proud of their vast store of ignorance.
I don't recognize this country -it has become a third world bastion of corruption, owned and operated by lobbyists and corporations.
The only Manifest Destiny the US can claim for fame  is the ability to destroy a huge country, once proud of its' melting pot, now stirring all kinds of prejudice, racism, anger, hate and stupidity.
I still have a teeny bit of hope we right ourselves (we did with McCarthy madness) before we implode.

Otherwise I am hoping I can lie low, live long enough to collect my retirement, fade off into some oblivious portion of the US that isn't full of the same scary people I live around today, and find a little peace.

Since when did this country worry about the national debt?
Since when did America worry about being fiscally responsible-at the expense of the lives of other citizens?
Since when did our citizens decide to establish a "worthiness" scale which will allow some to live and others to starve, suffer and die?
Since when did money become so much more important than the quality of life for all US citizens?

This country is ridin'  the wrong rails and there is no established track.
Of course, we refuse to pay to build one.
Growing old in this country is starting to look like one mean business.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Las Vegas ranked 55-dumbest city in the United States

The Daily Beast lists 56 cities from smartest to dumbest.
Las Vegas, as usual is one of the dumbest cities in the United States. (Number 55!) With only 7% of our citizens with Masters Degrees, 14 % with a Bachelors and a dismal high school graduation rate, we can proudly call Sharon Angle our own, can't we??

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Randy Michaels-When Your Age Doesn't Get It..

At one time, former radio shock jock Randy Michaels was a maverick, just like McCain.
Their words were admired and actions tolerated.
People shrugged and said, "Hey, they make money(or policy).

What neither of them get is age IS a factor. Randy Michael's frat house  behavior was considered cute when he was-but as an old man- he is considered perverse in some way, immature and offensive. The old, "bare your breast " jokes may have been seen as over the top in the eighties but the Hooter's girls see a bespectacled old man holding a 100 dollar bill in his pudgy fist and think, "there are limits to this job, pervert.."

American culture looks askance (I am sure that is on Michaels list of 163 words not to use in journalism)
at men as they age-the jokes are no longer ladened with a" sexy masculine virility " they are viewed as repulsive, immature and a sort of expected male senior moment.

If you are a man over the age of sixty and still telling sex jokes let me give the picture in the brain of those under that age-a dirty old man fondling what is left of his balls.
Not a pretty sight?

Randy Michaels broke all the rules.Twenty years ago it was outrageous, cute and the generation loved it.
He forgets, his generation looks a lot like him now-with one exception-
they grew up.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Christopher Columbus A Fairy Tale

We Americans live in such a world of fantasy.  Trusting historical tales is tricky.
Christopher Columbus never reached North America. He landed on Haiti and Cuba. Spent time in islands off the coast of South America.
Why do we teach kids otherwise?
The roundness of the earth was established long before he took his three ships out to sea.

Paul Bunyan and Babe, Pecos Bill-acknowledged tall tales.
Columbus has historical significance in a small way.
But a holiday? A legal holiday?

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Democrats lose majority in 2010 race!!

Open Letter to Democrats

June 18, 2009
Dear Democratic leaders,
What in the hell are you doing?
Harry and Nancy, can't you keep your kids in line?
You are going to give this country back to the crazies and the only reason will be the sheer disgust of supporters at your utter lack of cohesiveness.

An obvious flaw you all might not notice? No teamwork! You have members out there spouting off to the media to make a name for themselves -damn the teamwork. Every time I turn on the TV I see some red herring democrat vowing not to follow party lines.
What the hell!
You were elected to follow party lines.
Message to the egos-if you want to make a name for yourself-you are doing it-you will get voted right out of office. You don't think people notice backstabbing??-that's not independence-it's disloyalty and voters remember come election time.

Lately I am not a big fan of any party. Personally, I think the party is over for both sides.
But I am trying to give you a little advice here-you are going to lose your asses if you keep this up.
Citizens WANT affordable health care coverage, they DON"T WANT your sucking up and taking money from health care lobbyists and spinning it by calling it "independent thoughtfulness" on your part.

Voters want you to quit sucking up to the financial sector and get the country out of this mess.
Nail those credit card company extortionists.
US citizens voted for President Obama. Give US citizens what Obama promised. Quit undermining your own frickin party!

The Republicans party looks like satanists right now but you know something? At least they followed their leader-they got things done. Nothing voters wanted for sure-look at our country!
You are going to lose the opportunity to make this country whole again-or is that it? That is what you want? Your election is all about the money from the PACS, the lobbyists and your ego?

Keep this up and next election we will have a country comparable to any oppressive regime out there-and the Ayatollah (Gingrich). (Limbaugh),(crazylady Palin) or some other wing nut will be cramming their version of "Family Values" down our throats.

Get with the frickin program or you won't have a seat let alone a platform.

Follow the damn sheep and get something done up there!

When You Believe You are So, Absolutely, Right

There is nothing so dangerous as a person who believes they are "absolutely right".
Absolutes are rare and belong to the category of natural elements not crackpot politics, in which we are all "absolutely certain"  the incumbent  is incompetent and out to screw us and the "fresh meat" would do no such thing..

Saturday, October 02, 2010

When Did We Decide Money Was More Important Than Human Lives?

The United States of Capitalism, Corporations, and For Profit Greed.
Our country's politicians have given away our citizenships to profit making  mega corporations and death is considered a minor fallout..
When we allow our government to pass laws, policies and budgets so corrupt and obviously destructive to our citizens' lives, we no longer can call ourselves a country, let alone a democracy.
We are a corporatocracy., ruled by the interests of the corporations buying our congress.
We can vote out the politicians but until we take action to eliminate the corporations in our government workings, 
we will continue our slide into third world status.

US-Master of the Bully

Bullying is an art form in the US. 
How can you expect kids to refrain from bullying?
Our television shows are predicated on it (most reality shows feature humiliation and degradation )
Our politicians use media outlets to lie, twist and rant untruths -(about our own President), and  with elections in progress-are you kidding?  Classic examples for kids to learn how to destroy  another human.
Our news media is full of untruths, lies and twisted quotes.
Media uses tweets, blogs, radio, tv and print to write lies, deceptions and twisted truths , once thrown out there they can hardly be dispelled in as powerful a manner as they have been announced,

How can anyone in this crazy, convoluted culture expect kids to not do what adults are teaching them to do so well?
Destroy others because you can.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Why Teachers can't Teach and Why You are Killing the Wrong Messenger

Teachers don't teach anymore. Well, they don't decide what your child needs to learn and how they will best learn it.
It is what teachers attended universities and paid thousands of dollars to learn to do, it is their field of expertise.
But School district administrators, researchers, curriculum developers and text book companies decided they know better.
What you need to know is all schools are "data driven" and your child's needs are based on that data. It doesn't matter if your child isn't ready to learn a certain developmental task. Your child fails if they aren't ready to learn it. Oh, teachers are to provide "remedial" training to your child, based on the curriculum calendar -for example, if your child doesn't understand the concept of groupings by September of this year in first grade, but gets it in March, your child's report card will reflect the fact they are failing that concept based on the timeline expected for them to learn it.
You see, teachers don't call the shots anymore. District curriculum administrators do that.
Teachers are told what to teach, when to teach it and how to teach it.
Your child's personal needs are not considered.
Teachers are evaluated by the ability of a class to achieve milestones directed by the school district deadlines.

While parents and the public are bashing public teachers as poorly motivated, lazy, even slothful, protected by unions who appear out to protect an archaic system, the public is attacking the messenger.
We would love to teach to each child's needs. We would love to spend a little extra time developing a learning environment  which prepares your child for learning new concepts when ready.

We would love to use those tested , tried and true methods to instill a love of learning, an excitement and wonder for learning. It is what we all remember -the teacher who instilled the love of reading, made history and social studies come alive, knew how we learned and placed a full plate of educational wonders at our desk so we felt rich and full.
Last week my group of first grade boys were completing the district mandated calendar activities-
date, month, year, shapes, weather, counting by twos, fives and tens, and seasons when one of them asked me about the seasons. Why was their summer? Winter? How did the weather get cold or hot?
While not in the curriculum calendar for first grade 5 and 6 year olds it was a teachable moment and we used the globe to discuss the rotation and revolutions of the earth.
The astonishment on their faces, the rapt attention, the fast flying questions and the pondering looks on their faces reminded me of why I became a teacher.
It is the love of learning, the amazing connections we make when we learn and the wondrous looks on the 20 faces of the little boys I so love to teach -that is why I teach.
Mostly your children are cheated of these experiences and while it is happening the public is killing the wrong messengers.
The very ones who want , more than anything in this world, to make learning alive, rich in content, applicable and understandable to your children.
The teachers.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The New Poor In America

Last night as I was leaving Wal-Mart a man with two children came up to me and ask if we had any money to spare.
Said he was laid off last year and couldn't find work. Food stamps didn't cover enough for food and he couldn't find a job. He asked me if I knew of anywhere he could find work, he was desperate.
I had 50 dollars to spend on groceries for five people in my family that had to last until Friday and we were hitting the dollar store,
I couldn't help him and I work.
These are kids that go to my schools.
They are kids who wear raggedy clothing and have nowhere to sleep at night.
What is happening to our country?
I got home and found out they had recalled the formula my grandson drinks because the Similac had bug parts in them.
Formula is 24.00 a can!
So 13.00 of my fifty went to buy a can of formula until we get paid on Friday.
Oh, sure, they will give you a voucher for their products without bugs but who wants to buy formula from a company that cares so little about infants they allow bugs to get in their formula?

Eggs? Formula? Lettuce?
These are things which happen in third world countries, not the United States.
Used to.

Monday, September 20, 2010

GOP Contract With America

GOP Contract With America:

Fellow Americans
You loved the  Flush of the Bush years.

New Contract:
 Dear Middle Americans:
How would you like to lose it??
With cyanide or Drano??
The poor of this country are already on their way out.
Middle Americans, Stupid, Ignorant Middle Americans,
Vote us in so we can finish you off.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Let's Raise Social Security Until Their Dead

Raising the age for Social Security is a cheap shot.
When massive unemployment plagues the United States
who do you think is the first to be laid off?
Look around
Those age 50 to 65 are in no man's land.
No Social Security to protect them,
so le';s raise the age for benefits.
The government saves money because it forces many elderly to draw it early
or people die before they can collect it.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Freedom of Speech

I struggle with wanting to shut the pundits of sensationalism and lies up and respecting their right to open their mouths and pour out the inaccuracies, distortions and lies.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The American Psyche-Grandiosity Turned Paranoid

As a nation we have always been full of ourselves.
We  wouldn't have stood up to the most powerful British nation in the 1700's had we not had an insufferable amount of self importance.
Those moments are about the best of us.
Over time we have taken our sense of self importance beyond the  healthy -
twisting our rationale to create Japanese internment camps during World War II and  imprisoning our own American citizens, going to war with one another, a fight to own other humans, how much more grandiose can one get? To believe we  the have the right to own another human?
We have taken it upon ourselves to "root out communism" destroying thousands of American citizens careers, livelihoods , families and lives  in the process,
We have invaded smaller countries deciding our form of government is "free" so we should impose it on other countries. We claim to abhor the violation of others civil rights, considering many third world countries barbaric yet we are one of the few "civilized countries in the world to continue using the death penalty.

9/11 is a watershed in America. The lives lost at the Pentagon, the World Trade Centers, and on Flight 93 did not result in a shining America, ready to show the world how we unite and the wonders of our democratic principals.
Instead it curtailed the rights of citizens, created a witch hunt mentality for those few left in the country who believe they are not of immigrant heritage, laws allowing our phones to be tapped, out internet use to be monitored, and yes, even our most fundamental rights, the right to know our accusers, obtain legal council and the right to a fair trial have been thrown out the window-without one peep.
Oh the occasional blogger might have written something-without much notice.

The National Enquirer, once the gold standard for the outrageous? A small burp behind the hand of a child compared to absolute sensationalized, vacuous, self absorbed, shallow "news" meted out by airheaded, mean spirited, intellectually vacuumed mainstream media caricatures who call themselves "reporters"

9/11 shit happens. We are not so unique.

We have invaded countries on baseless lies-do you not think those citizens and families, the many deaths, is not suffering?
Do you not consider the deaths of thousands of blacks at the hands of America  a a huge catastrophe?
Do you not consider the meddling in other countries-overthrowing governments, because "we" deem it right, removing whatever will the people own, an insufferable method of patronization?

Had we used these moments in history to declare change which actually did improve the lives of those who suffer, we could rationalize our insufferably grand delusional nature.

We didn't. use this tragedy to shine a light on our justice system, the belief in religious freedoms, or the rights of our citizens, did we?
In our bizarro twist of perspective, we have turned our nations' goodness into hatred- no paranoia , allowing our own freedoms to be sacrificed, taken our Statue of Liberty's welcoming beacon and turned it into a torch of persecution towards our own immigrant history, and emerged an angry nation, irrational, sensationalized, refusing to see truth, grasping at media bloviation as if it were truth, and headed for third world country status.

Our beloved country, the United States, once held out to the world as a nation of hope for others, has become a nightmare, to be feared, globally,
not because of our power or our our strength-
because  of our dangerous paranoia and irrational grandiosity.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

A knife or a gun? Voting

Voting for most of the candidates this year is like asking do I want to kill myself with a knife or a gun?
Not doing anything allows someone else to make that decision for you.
Is this called a "conundrum?"
I think so, Helen...

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Simple Rules of Communication

I work at an elementary school. I love my work. I can't think of another job I would want to do.
The kids are amazing.
The greatest challenge is getting 70 women in one building to communicate in an honest and straightforward manner.
A lot of backdoor, backbiting, insinuations seem to occur and usually I just stay under the radar and teach.
For some reason, this year, there appears to be more vindictiveness than usual.
Ironic, when we are teachers of healthy social behaviors and communication skills.

So I wrote a few simple rules that might reduce the number of incidents in which conflict is created by poor communication behaviors.

1. If you have an issue with someone go to them first to resolve it-avoid discussing it with others you work with -what does that accomplish?
2. If you aren't sure or don't know-ask and clarify.
3. Think positive! It may very well be a misunderstanding-never assume.
4. Always ask yourself, "How would I like to be treated in this situation?"- before you act on your feelings. We are supposed to be role models for young children. Are we behaving in the manner we expect them to behave, in resolving differences?
5. Accept responsibility for making our work environment joyful! Isn't that what we all want for our students and ourselves?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Disaster America-the Reality Show

Can anyone forget the carnage of 9-11? Bodies falling from buildings? Brothers, sisters, wives, sons, daughters, grandparents, beloved family members lost in one morning?

Riveted to the TV, not wanting to look at the disaster, horrified?

The legacy we brought from it?

One massive disastrous America.

The emotional climate in America is leading us to our greatest disaster yet.
One huge carnage, where the fallout will be our children, our families, our elderly parents and those most vulnerable without our love and care.

Help thy neighbor?
Show thy papers.

Educate they children?
Not on my dime.

Support those hurting in today's America? Unemployed? Homeless? Disabled? Uninsured? Without food or shelter?
Regard those people with suspicion. Their misfortunes are self induced.

America sees the world as one big conspiracy and they plan to defend it from unseen evil.
The white race, the supreme ones, those with income will lead the foolish citizens , if ever there was a conspiracy, it is the raping of the naive and foolish middle class citizens who follow the rich at their own peril./

Many bright and enlightened minds have written fact ladened articles regarding the lemming like direction of American citizens.
What they do not realize is the citizens of America have stopped listening to the truth. Sensationalized journalism has courted them for the past twenty years and the results are people believe Fox News and Entertainment Tonight are credible sources.
We are an America demented, having lost the ability to think critically. Entertained by Survivor, seduced by Reality Shows and   filled with junk food media reports  between our bouts of stupid tv..

It is a disaster of the bloodiest, goriest kind. I keep trying to turn my face away from the carnage-stop looking, I tell myself!
But the horror of it is too great. And I don't know how to prepare for the aftermath or
and the absolute, deep, profound grief of losing my America, the land of possibilities and opportunity.
It is a deep, deep dark hole we are falling into, America.
Far worse than Alice's fantasy-land.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Nation of Stupids

It used to be kind of amusing. That people bought the Bush lies. Rush Limbaugh could get people going on the dumbest things.
Glenn Beck was a joke and so was Fox News.
Now Fox News is truth to many people,
It is like having the old version of the National Enquirer, with its freak shows, aliens and area 51 cover ups only now half the citizens of our country are stupid enough to believe the outrageous garbage.
Media track Lindsey Lohan like she is something we care about.
We are a nation of stupids.
And come November, the stupids deserve what they vote for.
Perhaps there are people out there still hoping America will come to its senses.
Don't hold your breath.
Ignorance and stupidity are so popular in this country we will make  the Iranian form of government look like something out of "It;s a Small Small World."

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ponderings of Insomnia

Should you put the cream and sweetener in the coffee cup and then the coffee? Is it possible to do it in a way a spoon would not be needed?
Is there anything symbolic about dreaming of a white cat escaping your house and a black cat sneaking in?
Does a short heavy rain have more density than a longer light rain?
What is a good substitute for egg in a recipe?
If kids are coming to school less intelligent should it still be possible to teach them all that is required on a grade level? Should they just "be able to learn it", even if they come in dumber than 20 years ago?
Is sex still as exciting now that all but the inside of the vagina is shown on all medias? Was sex more exciting when certain things were considered taboo?
Do you think the next generation will have to deal with challenges our earth has never experienced in all it millions and millions of years? Or do you think finite is a myth?

Do you think we are all just going to be obliterated by antibiotic resistant germs or will we just blow ourselves up first?

Will money ever become obsolete?
What would  be the next currency ?
Will we ever get past the gasoline engine or the use of oil?

Will Captain Crunch cereal still be around in ten years?
What can you buy for fifty cents?
A quarter?
What is the Tooth fairy giving out nowadays?
Should we outlaw trick or treating on Halloween?

Should we outlaw any holiday that is not considered a Christian holiday?
Should American businesses be punished for hiring illegal aliens?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Has President Obama Jumped The Shark?

President Obama came out strong after the election. Stepping into the maelstrom of a melting economy and the dogsh*t of partisan politics, he gathered some of the best and the brightest to address the financial meltdown, the corrupt and negligent federal watchdogs of Wall Street would be tamed and leashed . It was working. The stimulus money seemed to plug the leaks on wall street and the three big auto dealers were salvaged. The banks, although many have failed over the past two years, were also bailed out . Profits for banks, wall street and private enterprise have soared in the past year.

That is where it ends. The middle class paid for the bail outs with retirement funds, small investments, their jobs, homes and any additional small luxuries they may have earned over the lifespan of their employments.
Those hit the hardest, workers fifty and over have been left holding the emptiest bag, after losing high paying jobs, using up those 401K's( Bush was so proud of )to sustain them while job hunting, discovered they were no longer considered employable. A new class of poor, those over fifty but under sixty five, having exhausted savings, retirement and unemployment, have no options.

In addition, the competition for employment is so fierce, those single woman on assistance, once the desirables for the low paying jobs in fast food, nursing homes and temporary work, live under a four year deadline requiring them to find employment-or what? Starve?

While citizens across the nation continue losing jobs and homes, President Obama seems to have gotten in with the "Let Them Eat Cake Crowd", ignoring all the indicators which tells us corporations, banks and finance have raped the citizens of the country, continue to do so by busting unions with concessions, cutbacks, whittling away at workers full time status with benefits and leaving many on the street.
Eventually who buys what industry produces, farmers grow, businesses serve up and banks seek?
It won't be the consumers of 2007 or 2010 will it?
Oh, President Obama no longer seems concerned about it.
Now we have two choices, the crazy Republicans- at least honest about supporting the rich and raping the country's workers or President Obama's crew, having gone half the distance and decided to join the uber-comfortable top 4%, I guess. Because he isn't speaking to me lately.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Our Country-The Reality Show

Dumbing down is putting it mildly. Bristol's ex, Levi is now planning to run for mayor of Wasilla and has a reality show in the works to follow him. Sarah has her Alaska show and Bristol is running an ad against teen pregnancy.?? wtf?

We all act as if this parody and mockery of our political system is just another "pretend" "yawn*" day in the life of an American citizen.
There are days when I read the news and am ashamed to tell people I am a teacher.
Life is not a reality show and the vulgar the better wasn't exactly the motto I had hoped we would be proud to hold out to other countries.
The 14th Amendment scare, along with the unknown FBI informants is another example of the dumbing down of our country.
Watching the word stupidity become an action, a reality, is such a painful process.
I keep hoping we will come to our senses and stop all this craziness.
Will we or are we doomed to prove that the lowest common denominator in humanity is well and alive in the United States?
PS All the while the top 2%- the wealthiest- are laughing all the way to the bank.

Monday, August 09, 2010

The Mudslides of Motherhood

I have a new grandson. He shed his newborn old man look and is slowly transforming into a chubby little baby with dimples. He has my crooked smile, my daughter's pretty face and his dad's ears.
The first thing he learned to do was smile.
Nature does that for a reason. Babies require so much time and work, if they didn't smile, it could be a little hard to keep going.
I just finished the 3:30 feeding and it is almost 6:30. He's a gourmet feeder-liked to try a little, smile and coo, eat a little more, smile and coo, gaze around the room, taste a little more.
I'm glad he already likes the finer things in life.

My daughter will be 18 in 5 months. She sat with me last night and told me taking care of a baby is the hardest thing she has ever done. She is exhausted and it shows. The pregnancy wasn't wasy but all the time she was pregnant I kept reminding her this was the easy part.
I raised my daughter by myself. Oh, her dad came to visit her and he has always been good about child support generous with her if she needed other things.
Bu the knew he did not want to be a full time parent at the stage in his life when I became pregnant. I definitely wasn't "the one" so that left me with a decision to make.
When I decided to keep my daughter, I was thirty nine. I had a son graduating from high school.
Raising her was never easy, but my love for her is steadfast, always there, she knows this.
For her motherhood is a huge, huge responsibility. She no longer feels connected to her friends. She is too tired to hang out. She feels isolated at home. One day she told me the hardest day is Monday when we all go back to work.
Motherhood comes in all sizes. From teen age to middle age, middle class to poor, motherhood stands, hung with expectations, traditions and assumptions.
Some things never change. woman bear children and bear the responsibility for them as well. The occasional bottle feeding, diaper changing and "willing to help out when asked" is about the limit for men.
Women spend thousands of hours caring for children. Over the past 50 years women have not only continued this job, they have taken on the additional role of breadwinner often alone, with a mate, it means triple the work.
My daughter and I talked frankly about motherhood. So I am going to say the words women never say out loud for fear they will be condemned as not only horrible mothers (omg!) but terrible human beings.
1. Motherhood is a thankless job at times. The demands can suck the life out of a woman and the only thing really motivating her is the need for sleep! Oh what sweet sleep five or more hours can be to a woman sleep deprived, exhausted and feeling terribly hormonal. Of course, men have to go to work, so they can't possibly awaken to take on all three night feedings. Many women are alone and have no choice.
As a society we all know what sleep deprivation feels like. Light headed-dizzy, spots before the eyes, dry skin, heavy limbs, zombie like brain.
Most of us know we can make it through one day-and then sleep for 12 hours.
New moms get no break. Constant sleep deprivation.
2. The rewards are intrinsic-great. Everyone tells you the rewards are intrinsic, society is so intent on sending the message to woman being a good mom means love it or your horrible-but the rewards are sparse, actually, and the love one has for a child has little to do with the actual chores of parenting. Yes, we love our kids. No we don't like being tethered to a human being with needs so great is controls the entire household. Yes, it is thrilling to see the changes, the first smile, the first step, no it isn't grand to work all day and be up with a crabby baby all night, and then go to work again.
Reality is-a baby needs the care of at least three full time caretakers.
Who invented the rule that the mom is responsible for triple duty?

3. Money IS everything. Money provides women more choices. It is the differences between a caretaker one worries about each day and a sense of security. Money provides respite care for mom. Money allows women choices about the level of work required outside of the home.
Money also provides choice. Poor women receiving cash assistance from any state in the US is required to place their child in day care 8 hours a day five days a week and do SOMETHING-even if it is cleaning up trash at the county dump 40 hours per week.  Poor woman cannot stay home and raise their kids in infancy-at six weeks they are required to place their kids.
Money talks.

4. Have men become worthless to the woman who does it all?
"Helping out" ? Why do woman still accept this? Men should share equally in the child rearing process. Woman are equal partners in the work world. In today's world, I would not have a child unless I had a commitment from my spouse to provide equal care for our child. If he reneged, I would divorce him.
Seriously. I would be doing all the work anyway, so why keep him around?

5. The above observations do not cancel out the fact my grandson is cute, he has a great smile, and he is hungry again..:}

Friday, July 30, 2010

Waking with the strangest dreams-miniature cows??

I woke up remembering my dreams. That is rare. I couldn't tell you the last time I remembered my dreams.
No, it wasn't anything I ate.
I stood in the kitchen looking at a little square Tupperware container. You know, the kind you stash your  leftover Macaroni and cheese? Someone stood across from me. We were having a conversation and as we talked I lifted the lid to the container. Inside were four miniature cows and a miniature black bull with sharp horns.
They immediately jumped out and I found myself chasing them around the fruit bowl and cereal boxes.
I got the cows back inside but the bull kept fighting.
Each time I opened the container to return the bull a cow would jump out.
Finally I got the lid on tight and walked away.

A few hours later I was standing inside a department store and a family stood by a counter with the cows and bull, claiming they found them running around . I explained they weren't for sale, put them back in the container and wondered how I ended up taking care of four miniature  cows and a bull and what they would do next.

Any ideas?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

"Reality TV" It's Dead-Get On With It!

I am so sick of reality tv- it doesn't  deserve to be capitalized.
For awhile a few of the shows amused me-Housewives of New Jersey was kind of trashy in a Jerry Springer way-the word reality is some kind of joke,  scripting is an insult-kind of like watching WWF. You know it's fake, why waste time?
Can't flip through the channels without sixty odd reality shows, the other channels are nailing us with reality infomercials and there isn't much difference.
Now, Sarah Palin is going to have an "Alaska" reality show and her kid is shopping around for a Bristol family Donna Reed show, what is left?
Have we no shame or dignity anymore?
A show about  repo-ing someone's truck or motorcycle? Cheaters?  Process Servers? Pawn Shops? Funeral Homes?  Sara and Bristol Palin?
The entire United States media has jumped the shark.
No, jumping is a kind description, US media trawls the ocean floors with catfish, slugs and other bottom feeders.
We're supposed to be "entertained" by media's lowest common denominator-stupidity.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Anyone Else Not Care To Be Along For This Ride?? (Politics)

My stomach is in knots when I read the news. I don't remember getting on this roller coaster ride voluntarily -and I sure don't know how to get off unless pleading ignorance is the E Ticket ?
I do not believe in profiling race to control immigration.
I don't believe 2 1/2 million unemployed people in our nation are "whiners" and "lazy"
I don't believe every person losing a home to foreclosure is shirking responsibility.
I don't believe we need to "tighten our belts" in order to control the economy.

I do believe the middle class are disappearing.
Many professionals have been laid off to "save money" and are replaced with "younger, inexperienced" people.

Why do I believe it?
Because companies are making record profits and the unemployment  and  foreclosure rates continue upwards yet consumer spending rates are  down.
So big companies and Wall Street are doing great but our citizenship is struggling and losing ground financially.
No, I don't want to go along on this crazy ride called,
"We don't want more taxes, we want less-
and no we don't care who is suffering out there, if families are suffering, it is their problem".
I don't like being on the ride called, "Public schools are horrible, teachers and government employees are over paid, let's cut them off even more."

Our "voice" per se, as a nation, has become one of hostility, heartlessness , selfishness and greed.
I don't know how this happened or where it is coming from, but it isn't the "E ticket ride" I chose.
Get me off.
This nation feels like a bad "Chuckie" movie, and I don't like it.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Beware, Las Vegas Police shoot first, ask questions later

Las Vegas has become a microcosm of what a police state looks like.
You might want to keep this information for future reference.
The Las Vegas Police department doesn't use tasers to subdue potentially dangerous suspects,
They shoot to kill.
In the past 6 months, 17 people have been killed by Metro Police officers.
Of those incidents, one especially trigger happy officer has killed twice in six months.

Consider that Las Vegas, the place you go to keep secrets, is a "libertarian state", carrying concealed weapons is a badge of honor for the tough, independent, but very self centered men living in this little corner of the state.

And it is the men who are shot and killed.
Well, they did shoot and kill a woman standing outside next to an ice cream truck because they claimed she had a butter knife in her hand. She was upset with the police because they were apprehending her husband, the driver of the truck.

Las Vegas Police officers don't mess with deescalation techniques, or quelling a potentially charged situation.
In fact the most recent shooting to create real controversy was the shooting of a man outside of Costco, in the parking lot .
Glad I wasn't pushing my shopping cart around Costco that day.
Oh, it was recorded but something about the tapes not working correctly.

Flawed video is kind of a mantra with the department.
Used to help elect Jim Gibbons, Nevada's worst governor ever, brought this state to its knees these past two years.
Perhaps the LVMPD should share the blame for our fiscal and regulatory nightmare.

So what, right?
Our little corner of the world  isn't very big, is it?
Visitors are getting the message that Las Vegas is a very scary place for a vacation.
A very, very scary place.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Suckers! The Palin Greed Train

Sarah Palin dumps her Gov job to sell a ghost written book and earn hundreds of thousands of dollars for "speaking engagements"
Levi and the Palin Princess are reunited! Will marry!
Oh, what a surprise! Shopping for a reality show.
Have we had enough of the sleazy behavior
or are some of you still convinced she's the A ticket for president?

That's what I thought..
The painful reality of my country -please prove me wrong here-please?
morons, ignorant, ignorant morons

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wild Country and the Las Vegas Man

Like wild horses in the Nevada Canyons, only not as pretty or self sufficient, the Las Vegas man of Nevada considers himself to be a Libertarian. Now a Libertarian believes the less government the better.-
But let's take a look at what the Nevada man really says when he speaks "Libertarian"
 "The less government the better-no one has the right to be in my business-"
what this really translates into is a mandate for legalized prostitution, legalized drug use, loose alcohol and gambling restrictions, and no responsibilities toward the community in which one resides.
The Las Vegas man can be spotted in the comments section of both local newspapers railing about less government spending and regulation.  Regular commentary  from this species usually entails the ranting about the uselessness of children and encouraging the closing of public schools, the disgust with single women and children, anyone needing help, disabled, mentally ill, elderly-
one might believe Hitler's ancestors sent their remaining genes disguised as men to Las Vegas to set up a pure, healthy, white race of humans, preferably "just men" because women can be purchased for a few hours.

Trucks abound in Nevada. Not a state to worry about conservation of any resource except the money in the Las Vegas man's wallet, he sees women as entertainment, ignoring laws and rules as his right, and the only responsibility he claims is for himself.
You won't find this man on, nor will he ever claim to be lonely or in need of long term companionship.
As long as he has a paycheck, he has all he needs.
A beer or a joint in hand, a roll of the dice, a hook up from the night club, a working truck, and he is good to go.

Welcome, Midwest and East Coast to

90 degrees ? A luxury in summertime Las Vegas. Anything under 100-comfortable.
While those in the Midwest and on the East coast complain about the heat they might want to take a look at the hottest cities and learn how to cope.
Unfortunately many cities aren't equipped to deal with the heat as well as Las Vegas.

1. Acclimate yourself to the heat by going outside in it during early mornings and evenings. Stay out of the days hottest hours if possible.  Amazing but  true-lots of people actually work out in the heat and get used to it.
 They drink lots of water and wear sun protection but it is doable.

2. Las Vegans turn their days and nights around when possible. Las Vegas is a 24 hour town. Shopping can be done at night.
In fact, most of what you want to do can be after sundown with the exception perhaps of going to the bank.
Early evening is a perfect time to get those prescriptions filled, hit the library, go to Walmart.

3. If you must go into the daytime heat, plan your trips to cover as much as possible. Hit the bank, any chores requiring 9-5 hours in one trip. Stay indoors the rest of the time.
4. Turn your nights into days. Sleep during the day and work during the night. Clean your house at 2am. You will have more energy when the air is cooler and the suns glare is gone.
5. Keep moving. The heat makes us lazy. In the desert, summer is our winter. Most people gain weight in the summer and lose it in the winter. Take early morning walks, garden  or mow the lawn at sunrise or sunset.
Heat really does make us lazy.
6. Take water everywhere. Dehydration is not only dangerous in the early stages it makes people grumpy. Grumpy people are bad drivers, poor customers and lousy neighbors. Drink water!
7. The heat harms babies and the elderly must faster than the rest of the population. Infants bodies don't regulate temperatures like adults. Heat can be deadly. Keep them indoors if possible, if not, cover them with a light cotton blanket in the sun, give lots of fluids, keep their skin out of the suns glare.
8. Older adults whacked by the heat can suffer strokes and heart failure with excessive exposure. Check on your parents and neighbors.
9. Stay positive. Makes the difference between road rage and tolerance.
Las Vegans can be ugly drivers in the heat. Our insurance rates prove it.

Monday, July 12, 2010

You think we WANT Republicans in Office??

Of course no one wants to see the rest of those idiots blunder, plunder and cheat the remaining 1% of America, since the middle class and poor are almost one.
But Hey?? Democrats-you can't even get a vote together to keep the unemployed from hurting even more?

So what ARE OUR choices come fall? Ineptitude or Destruction?
Give us something to hope for, Democrats, please?

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Doing More Of The Same-the American Way

With over 1.2 million American citizens unemployed and without unemployment, the Fourth of July must feel seeped in betrayal.
How frightening it must be to have no options to feed ones family, pay the utilities or pay the rent or mortgage.
Not since the Great Depression have American citizens been without a safety net.
State budgets have been cut to the bone.
Yeah, let's stay in this craziness and bail out the big banks but allow those who have worked and contributed to our economy for years and years to suffer.
What country is this, again? Please refresh my memory.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

1.2 million people are unemployed in the United States.
Congress, collectively in their most pious tone, lacking complete wisdom, believes the unemployed are enjoying their benefits too much .
In addition, the latest buzzwords, "fiscal restraint" take precedence over the 1.2 million unemployed, not counting their families-
When the "Eat Cake " politicians come off their collective clouds, they might find themselves on the unemployment line come fall.
"Stupid is as Stupid does" says  Mama.

Congress represents WHO??

Congress is truly a group of old white men, many who have not worked a REAL job-claiming their years as politicians grant them the expertise needed to make decisions for the rest of us.
Take a look at the numbers. Over 400 of our representatives list their occupations as politics.
Talk about being totally out of touch with the rest of us.
These numbers are from Wikipedia.

441 members of Congress are male (83%) and 92 are female (17
269 members (227 Representatives, two Delegates, and 40 Senators) served in state or territorial legislatures
214 members (182 Representatives and 33 Senators) list their occupation as public service/politics
225 (168 Representatives and 57 Senators) list law []
201 (175 Representatives and 27 Senators) list business
94 (78 Representatives and 16 Senators) list education
At least 112 members are former congressional staffers, i
Currently 42 members (9.5%) of the House are African American.
 As of 2009 there is only one Africam American. Hispanics represent over 14% of the U.S. population, while the Senate is 3% Hispanic and the House is approximately 5% (25 members
As of 2009 there is only one African -American currently serving in the Senate 1.5% of the population, are the most underrepresented group. Tom Cole, a Chickasaw, is the only registered American Indian currently in Congress.
GI Generation 1901–1924 3
Silent Generation 1925–1942 33
Boomer Generation 1943–1960 56
Generation X 1961–1981 7
Generation Y 1982–2001 0[1]

Senator Party Birth Year Generation Noted for:

Hawaii Daniel Inouye D 1924 GI
New Jersey Frank Lautenberg D 1924 GI
Hawaii Daniel Akaka D 1924 GI
Pennsylvania Arlen Specter D 1930 Silent
Kentucky Jim Bunning R 1931 Silent
Indiana Richard Lugar R 1932 Silent
California Dianne Feinstein D 1933 Silent
Iowa Chuck Grassley R 1933 Silent
Utah Robert Foster Bennett R 1933 Silent
Alabama Richard Shelby R 1934 Silent
Michigan Carl Levin D 1934 Silent
Oklahoma James Inhofe R 1934 Silent
Utah Orrin Hatch R 1934 Silent
Wisconsin Herbert Kohl D 1935 Silent
Arizona John McCain R 1936 Silent
Kansas Pat Roberts R 1936 Silent
Maryland Barbara Mikulski D 1936 Silent
Ohio George Voinovich R 1936 Silent
Illinois Roland Burris D 1937 Silent
Mississippi Thad Cochran R 1937 Silent
West Virginia Jay Rockefeller D 1937 Silent
Delaware Ted Kaufman D 1939 Silent
Iowa Tom Harkin D 1939 Silent
Missouri Kit Bond R 1939 Silent
Nevada Harry Reid D 1939 Silent

Saturday, June 12, 2010

When it Happens-and it Will Happen

Have you considered the possibility humans one day will destroy a natural resource beyond the point of no return?
Maybe it will be our oceans- maybe the process of landfilling garbage will destroy the natural water table.
Perhaps one day some company will pollute the air with chemicals which cannot be adsorbed into our atmosphere.
One we damage an ecosystem or natural resource beyond repair. what happens?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jim Gibbons-Nevada's first Gov. to lose a primary

It has been a painful 3 years and 5 months. I declare, no state in this nation has endured what Nevada has experienced.
A Governor with no common sense, little intellect and poor breeding. Didn't his momma ever tell him it wasn't polite to text mistresses during legislative hearings? You don't attack women, you have to ASK!
Throwing your wife out of the Governor's mansion and forcing her to live in the little guest house out back, with no money was something the people of Nevada would not admire?

Thank the good lord Nevadan's had enough sense to kick him out. Between Gov. Gibbons and George Bush these last fews years have been a harrowing experience of ignorance, stupidity and just plain foolishness.
Will we ever get down to some serious work in this country and not just a bunch of grandstanding from old white men???.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

On Offense For Experienced Teachers

PBS , using that quiet intellectual tone listeners are so comfortable hearing ran a story on the unfairness of teachers union to new, qualified teachers and the devastation wrought to students .
The gist of this argument is this: Unions protect bad teachers, allow "new" competent teachers to be fired first and leave districts with "highly paid  less than qualified" teachers.

The truth of the matter is this: School districts would like nothing more than to bust unions. If you believe school districts are performing poorly, imagine the education your children will receive from low paying first or second year teachers.Compare it to accepting the lowest bidder to perform heart surgery. You want to hire the youngest, "most up to date" new heart surgeon to cut you or a family member open?
Be my guest.

The myths behind the "union as stone waller" argument are these:

1. Many incompetent teachers are allowed to teach because the union protects them.
Like many businesses a process does exist to fire a teacher. The employer must write the employee a warning notice specifically directing the teacher's performance, citing the contract expectations.
This process does not address suchs activities as leaving students unattended, using force, neglecting students, not providing the educational curriculum expected by the district, driving students in personal vehicles, etc. Many of these are immediate firing offenses. No contract protects the irresponsible or dangerous teacher from termination.
So the myth teachers can't be dismissed is is just that. Incompetent teachers can and are dismissed . Ask any teacher, if an administrator wants you gone, they will find a way.
2. "New teachers" are cheaper and better.
What a joke. Every teacher knows it takes at least two years to know your curriculum well enough to be proficient.
Research shows  that every class with a first year teacher puts your child back a year in learning.
Most first year teachers are just hoping to get through the year without being noticed. Good first year teachers will admit their ignorance and ask master teachers for help. They will inhale all the good teaching around them, remembering the best classroom management practices and pursue opportunities to watch master teachers in action.
Those first year teachers, smug in their beliefs the education just completed makes them experts are the dangerous ones parents should hope are in another classroom. I have seen a third grade cadre of experienced teachers assist a failed fourth year NCLB school to success. In three years test scores climbed and two years in a row the school met AYP for the first time (ever). A new principal came in, hired new staff three years ago encouraging many of the master teachers to go elsewhere so young teachers could be hired. The school has failed three years in a row. If the new teachers are well trained and continue to learn, perhaps the school will see results in another year or so. What a loss for the students.
I was a first year teacher, I remember feeling totally overwhelmed, staying at work until 9pm most nights, working weekends, feeling like a beggar, asking if I could sit in classrooms, ideas for lesson extensions, ways to differentiate my lessons, and a million other questions. Some teachers were gracious and helpful, others mean and petty. Like any large business, one can appreciate those willing to help. It is a commitment of mine and I am forever grateful .
New and young are not always better. Yes, a young heart surgeon may have learned all the latest techniques-but his lack of experience would sure make me nervous. A teacher's experience is critical to the success of your child.

3. Teachers with experience are not as up to date as new teachers.
False. Teachers are not only strongly encouraged to obtain a Master's Degree once they begin teaching, they are required by the employing district, the state and the federal government to complete a substantial amount of training hours in order to renew their licenses.. Not only are they required to complete these hours, they are also required to pay for the training . This can amount to thousands of dollars.
In my district, once a Masters degree is obtained, the pay scale is set up to reward continued schooling. The levels of expertise look something like this:
BA/BA+16. BA+32, MA, MA+16, MA+32, PhD.
After having reached MA+32, I am still required to obtain further education to maintain my license. In fact, teachers are now encouraged to attend another program for those with MA+32, an additional 16 college credits, which provides an additional 3,000 per year.
At a time of potential layoffs, and salary freezes, this program remains intact. No one, but those in the 16 college credit program, receive raises. The program will cost me 3100.00 this year.
I suppose I could have gone on and worked for a PhD but I love teaching children. I love learning new methods and approaches to teaching. I just want to be an effective teacher. I have no desire to be an administrator or a University professor. Sometimes I think the educational requirements are overinflated
but if these classes make me a more effective teacher, I'll do it.
4. Longevity is too expensive.
You get what you pay for. Wouldn't you rather have a teacher, well paid, knowledgeable and experienced teaching your children? Most teachers stay in teaching because they love it. It is a passion. The committment has everything to do with the learning success of students. If you had any idea of how much money teachers personally spend decorating classrooms, purchasing learning materials, keeping snacks for hungry children, kleenex for those sent to school with runny noses and paper towels which will do the job, brown paper bags for projects, notebooks so each child has a journal, extra markers and coloring pencils because the district does not provide them, craft stuff for parent presents, additional learning games, flash cards, puzzles and games, a library usually consisting of 300 or more books because the district does not provide classroom libraries, and all of it is a labor of love. Teachers who love teaching don't care what it cost to teach children. But they do need to make a living to support their own families.
5. Teachers get paid to do nothing
Yeah? Our contract is for a specific number of teaching days. We do not get paid for holidays, those weeks off in the summer, spring break or Christmas break. We get paid for the days we teach. We ask that our salary be spread over 12 months because we need to eat during those times. We aren't getting paid for those times.
Ironically teachers will spend a good part of their "time off" preparing for the next semester, or the next school year, or scouring stores, Goodwill, Salvation army, Walmart and any other store offering specials on school supplies, books, furniture, games and whatever else is needed for the next school year.

Next time you hear the myth of the teacher who cannot be fired, the myth of the teacher who does nothing but babysit, or the myth of the teacher who walks out of the building each day at 3:00 with nothing to do, hopefully you remember teachers are not the enemy. In fact, good teachers are precious and consider your children to be precious as well.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Liberty Gone Awry

There must be some philosopher who discovered every action, with time, becomes a parody of itself.
Our nations' intertwining use of the words "liberty" and democracy" are as farcical as the myriad of "God Bless America" advertisements taken out by major corporations after 9-11.
Sincerity becomes an advertising player, as are words used to describe precious American concepts.
When Beatles songs sell advertising  the Baby Boomers have made their last stand.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tragically, Humans think

Humans are animals who have the misfortune to think they are superior to other life on earth (or anywhere else for that matter)
The unfortunate aspect is not that we are human but that we think-
-our problem is just because we know how to think
it doesn't mean we do it well.
The blessing ? because we all know how to think
thinking poorly is done en masse
and only a few aberrations in the food chain notice
and they are considered anomalies and must be destroyed
Darwin's finest theory at work keeping human survival right up there with the pigeons and the cockroaches.

Oil Spill Won't Hurt National Economy: Report

Oil Spill Won't Hurt National Economy: Report
Gee that sure is a relief, eh?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Men, What does she really look like underneath all that...

Aging men don't realize they aren't a pretty sight. Those stooped shoulders, the belt under the belly, the thinning hair.
Nice for men that they in their superiority from day one and it never wavers-right up to the walker, wheel chair and Attends.
Woman don't fare so well either. Oh, Helen Gurley Brown and Joan Rivers thought they could fool the world with those onion skinned face jobs and oozing of Botox, enough to paralyze the face and look like something out of one of R.L. Stein's scary stories. The Pumpkin Heads or something like that.
Woman are so indoctrinated with hiding and secrets, from infancy, they won't show you the real stuff-mostly because they don't recognize it.
God forbid, men would see them as less than perfect-whatever perfect is supposed to be nowadays.
Women hide stuff -obvious stuff, we have make up and face creams , foundations, concealers(can you believe we buy "concealers", we have hair extensions, breast enhancing bras with water or gel,  ass girdles, stomach girdles, even false toenails (did you know that?)
We can grow, replace or add to our eyelashes, tattoo eyeliner and eyebrows, make chipmunk cheeks with plastic filler, pull our back teeth to make our faces look thinner, hide fat on our back with full length spandex, and even wear leg make up if we are too lazy to get an artificial tan.
We use perfumes on our skins, in our vaginas, our ears, our hands and behind knees and elbows.
We have special creams for face, hands, feet, and even knees and toes.
We spray our vaginal areas with "deodorizers", shave the hair and do cutsie things like leave a heart shape.

Guys have no clue who they are really with-they really don't.
If Nature gave us   Pheromones to attract one another,  women have killed them  a thousand  times over. No wonder they complain about guys who use soap and water and scentless deodorant-they wouldn't recognize a sweat gland if it called to them.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Immigration Anger? Losing the bigger picture..

We do have a serious problem with illegal immigration. I know. I work in a public school system where my elementary school kids cannot always remember the name by which they were enrolled. They don't have addresses or phone numbers, (which constantly change by the way) because parents don't want to be found. Families move around the city frequently to avoid detection. Many live with legal relatives or friends-two or three families may live together, sleeping in shifts, waiting in the Kmart parking lot for an employer looking for cheap labor.

We can't have it both ways. Large employers hire illegal immigrants because the deal is good. Immigrants are hard workers, the pay it worth fourfold in Mexico, the employer pays no taxes, social security and below minimum wage. Many times laborers are cheated in the agreement, but employers know they can't do anything about it.
Employers need to feel the consequences of hiring illegal immigrants. Ignorance is no excuse. Neither is the greed employers harbor when hiring illegals.  Americans need to ask themselves-"At what point do we acknowledge the need for fair and equitable treatment for workers, a fair profit for employers, and a just employment system?
At the present time the greed in our country is so rampant and blatant, citizens have a right to be angry.
But they seem to be killing the wrong messenger.
Illegal immigration isn't the biggest problem we have right now.
It is our willingness to forfeit our own freedoms to address a problem which could be easily dealt with.
George Bush made the invasion of our privacy quite palatable to us. We still haven't made a peep about the fact we can be arrested under the guise of terrorist, placed in confinement, refused the right to be told of our
crimes, refused a trial, and held indefinitely. In addition, our phone calls, emails and any other correspondence can be monitored without our knowledge at any time.
US citizens, forget the wired and bugged White House of the Nixon Administration. History is not exactly a priority of standardized testing, so we seem doomed to repeat our mistakes.
The McCarthy era spread the same paranoia, anger, and ignorance as the Rush Limbaughs of the present day craziness.
When an entire state legislator votes to required a birth certificate prior to placement on a ballot, all based on the bizarro birth certificate fairy tale concocted by crazy media, we are out of control.
These are frightning times for Americans. Misdirected anger , fueled mostly by ignorance, is leading us down a cliff, lemming like, and the obviousness of it is seen by the entire world, except for those it will impact the most-us.
Profiling of any sort leads to the era of "armbands"-shall we continue to lead to our destiny?-Hitlerish choices, to segregate and isolate our nation?
The simplistic philosophy, "You don't have anything to worry about if you haven't done anything wrong" is a great and deadly fallacy.
Not all Hispanics have carmel colored skin and dark hair.
It could be you-picked up because you don't carry your social security card, or "proof" of citizenship by some disgruntled cop, locked up, unjustly, until you can prove your citizenship.
Of course, you don't believe it. 
Therein lies the frightning prospect of making laws which oppress rather than fixing a problem.
I wish I could understand better how perfectly reasonable people , some of whom I love dearly, fueled by fear and anger, are willing to give up the liberty and freedoms we all hold so dearly just to feel like they have a modicum of control. 
Vengeance does not steer well, my comrades.It moves full boar ahead into any obstacle, ignoring the helpless and the innocent. 
Anger is a dangerous engine to drive any decision. 
Think about that. When was the last time you made an excellent decision in the midst of rage?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Time, Useless Time

Oh if it were so! Large, falling chunks of time, spilling into the spaces of humanity, wasted.
Even smaller, tiny slivers of time, tinkling in richness of feeling and sound, drift quietly, ignored . The boisterous clamoring of wasted time invites us, seduces us to pay attention-like spoiled petulant children, feet stomping, wailing, gimmee-gimmee-I want, can't help but look at the wreckage -kind of time..
Adding the hours-thousands, no perhaps millions of people hours added together, feeding off the carcass of wasted time.
Perhaps it isn't wasted. Perhaps time is meant to be wasted on nothingness-like twinkies-empty on the inside with a scant touch of sugar to fool the mind.

Sweet time, time rushing into eternity, time lost only by regrets yet treasured and rewarded with sweet moments,
that time lives as well,
honeyed moments
without fanfare,
without media
feathered by thoughtfulness
tasted in awareness.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lest we Point Fingers

Cheatin seems to be in vogue this season.
In fact, whole families seem to be "condonin" it lately. Act like freedom comes from being dishonest to someone near and dear for years-now useless to the "newfound individual".
Yep, Christianity has come a long ways these past twenty years. All those church goin, prayerful people, asking for forgiveness after tearing hearts out.
umm hmm umm hmm

When The Angry Fuel Anger with More Angry

I glance at the news and try to avoid a full on confrontation with the details. Tired of wincing from the pain of the stupidity, ignorance and anger, avoidance has become my coping mechanism.
If ignorance is bliss, perhaps I ought to try more of it.
Being responsible, feeling responsible and acting responsible seems to be the mantra of the angry-yet how responsible can one be when irrationality leads the argument?

Yeah. I'm getting old. Not diaper old but old enough to have lived the cycles and recognize the craziness of this one.

Did you know the desert flowers are in bloom?

ummhmmm-as the old ladies comment.
ummhmm  ummhmm

Friday, March 26, 2010

Media's Responsibility and the Lunatic Fringe

You need to change your spin. The Glen Becks and Rush Limbaughs used to be the lunatic fringe.
Now it's CNN, CNBC, ABC and CBS. Small newspapers across the nation have entered the lunacy.
Radio Talk show hosts increase ratings by ranting.
Greed and irresponsible media become synonomous.
The GOP isn't the party of "NO" any longer. They are the party of  "No Nation Under God"
They will destroy our country rather than accept the will of constituents.
It is a dangerous tactic, leading our nation to physical violence and death.
Hopefully, civility still lives in the heart of those who identify with the "Tea Party"  and they realize it no longer represents those who believe the government should be run differently-peacefully-and they get out.
History repeats itself.
McCarthy led the nation by the nose stirring up fear with his communism rhetoric. Lives were destroyed.
The US locked up its own citizens in internment camps during world war two.
We are distinguished by a war in which half our country wanted to continue owning black human beings.
Are we destined to continue  on this destructive and ignorant path?
I would not be surprised if enough crazies descend on little Searchlight Nevada to create harm.
Media creates its own news by egging on the crazies and the violent.
It also needs to be held accountable.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Yahoo! Health Care Reform for Grandma Ginny!

Grandma Ginny will not have to pay those high prescription bills anymore.
All those temps hired by  by Workforce and offered 600$ per month insurance coverage by Manpower? You have an opportunity to purchase affordable insurance.
All those kicked off policies for "pre existing conditions"-you can buy health care as well.
Still attending college but kicked off your parents policy because you turned 18-you get to stay on until you finish graduate school!

It ain't universal but it is a start!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

What ARE the Tea Party Principals?

I haven't attacked the "Tea Party"  in theory but only because I haven't had a clue about what they stand for.
I have however, shaken my head in disgust as news reports show racist signs depicting President Obama, cite "Death Panels" and continue to ask President Obama for his "real birth certificate".
Do I did a google search looking for the principals of the "Tea Party". I found a lot of information on what they consider themselves NOT to be.
There does not seem to be any ONE mouthpiece for the Baggers-
but these are the ideas that seem to seep into the blogesphere-and I ask-do these seem like over all national goals for our country?
There seems to be an awful lot "Male rights". God insertions and white guy kinds of privledge-in addition to the same arrogant, "manifest destiny" we seem to think our entitled asses can just reach out and grab.
I am not in any mood to return to "white male model of living.
Doesn't it seem a little creepy? Like the nations who can stone a woman to death for showing her ankle? Just plain creepy.. 

Voting out each and every single incumbent up for re-election in 2010 who voted for the Stimulus Package and/or the 2008 Wall Street Bailout/

Electing to office only candidates who promise to support a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution (without any exceptions -e.g. in the case of war, emergency, or a 3/5ths vote in Congress) in an act that also requires spending reductions only (no raising taxes) for the first four years to balance the budget, as well as:

•The transition of Social Security from a mandatory pay-as-you go system to an optional system of private pensions.

A permanent repeal of the payroll tax.

1. The only reliable basis for sound government and just human relations is natural law.

2. A free people cannot survive under a republican constitution unless they remain virtuous and morally strong
3. The most promising method of securing a virtuous and morally stable people is to elect virtuous leaders
4. Without religion the government of a free people cannot be maintained
5. All things were created by God, and therefore upon him Him all mankind are equally dependent, and to Him they are equally responsible.

6. All men are created equal.

7. The proper role of government is to protect equal rights, not provide equal things.

8. Men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.

9. To protect man’s rights, God has revealed certain principles of divine law.

10. The God given right to govern is vested in the sovereign authority of the whole people.

11. The majority of the people may alter or abolish a government which has become tyrannical.

12. The United States of America shall be a republic.

13. A Constitution should be structured to permanently protect the people from the human frailties of their rulers.

14. Life and liberty are secure only as long as the right of property is secure.

15. The highest level of prosperity occurs when there is a free market economy and a minimum of government regulations.

16. The government should be separated into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial.

17. A system of checks and balances should be adopted to prevent the abuse of power.

18. The unalienable rights of the people are most likely to be preserved if the principles of government are set forth in a written Constitution.

19. Only limited and carefully defined powers should be delegated to the government, all others being retained by the people.

20. Efficiency and dispatch require government to operate according to the will of the majority, but Constitutional provisions should protect the rights of the minority.

21. Strong local self-government is the keystone to preserving human freedoms.

22. A free people should be governed by law and not the whims of men.

23. A free society cannot survive as a republic without a broad program of general education.

24. A free people will not survive unless they remain strong.

25. Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.

26. The core unit which determines the strength of any society is the family; therefore, the government should foster and protect its integrity.

27. The burden of debt is as destructive to freedom as the subjugation of conquest.

28. The United States of America has a manifest destiny to be an example and a blessing to the entire human race.


Insanity reigns Tea Party Racism and Ignorance

This isn't even the worst of them. Protesters spitting and calling legislators "nigger" and "faggot".
This is beyond scary-when the truth is not enough-citizens get so crazy using racist signs and insults, our country is out of control.
I still believe this is not about health care, socialism, Obama's birth certificate, or taxes(which have actually been lowered)
Bush drove our country into the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression-by deregulating greedy banks, wall street and corporations-
The Republicans graciously helped him do it and the citizens of the US lost jobs, pensions, savings and homes.
Great for Bush- he was white, huh?
President Obama could hand the Tea Partiers the economy on a golden platter and they would still use racial epithats, crazy illogic and anger-
this isn't about the issues-
this is all about racial prejudice-and it is damn creepy to see so much still exists.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Do Dumb Politicians reflect Our National IQ??

Are we a nation of ignorant, selfish people? Did we really vote these idiots into office?
When did a career in politics become an easy ticket for stupid, ignorant, egotistical white men?
The Special session currently in process makes  even a semi-intelligent person cringe.
Our own Gov. Gibbons claims he doesn't need to be smart to run the state?!!
Our we reflecting our own personal and national stupidity when we elect simpletons??

 Heller told a weekend crowd at the Republican Party’s Lincoln Day Dinner in Elko that Washington’s efforts to continue extending unemployment benefits for jobless Americans may be creating a dependent class, unable to get work- a new generation of "hobos".

CARSON CITY -- Gov. Jim Gibbons admitted Tuesday that a woman with whom he has been accused of having an affair accompanied him over the weekend to Washington, D.C., for a meeting of the National Governors Conference.Gibbons repeatedly denied to a KLAS-TV, Channel 8, reporter -- but then later admitted -- that Kathy Karrasch went with him to Washington. She is one of the two women whom his estranged wife, Dawn, said in divorce documents had engaged in sexual relations with the governor. 
Nevada Gov Celibate Since 1995: 'You Can Survive Without Sex For That Long'

Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) believes that the U.S. has the best health care system in the world.

Newt Gingrich 'Sharing Resources, Coordinating Efforts' With Oil Lobby

Republican National Chairman Michael Steele is spending twice as much as his recent predecessors on private planes and paying more for limousines, catering and flowers – expenses that are infuriating the party's major donors who say Republicans need every penny they can get for the fight to win back Congress

These men represent our country???

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Congress-Old White Men are Destroying Our Nation

What do they know about the needs of the majority? A bunch of  entitled rich old white men with free health insurance and mega benefits making decisions which affect the majority of us-women, children, Hispanic , Black and Asian descent?
What the heck do they know about our needs? Take a look at who runs our country? A bunch of old white farts,
Do you think they really give a rats patootie about the suffering in our nation?
Quit voting for them, idiots-
They run our banks, corporations, credit card companies,  health care, wall st, they outsource jobs to third world countries, exploiting even poorer minorities, the lobby and pass laws to protect their fat white butts-
the only thing more repulsive?
People are so stupid they vote for them-against their own interests-

111th Congress is as follows:

Generation Birth Years Count Party Division

GI Generation 1901–1924 4 4D, 0R

Silent Generation 1925–1942 33 15D, 1I, 1ID, 16 R

Boomer Generation 1943–1960 56 32D, 23R

Generation X 1961–1981 7 4D, 3R

Generation Y 1982–2001 0[1] 0D, 0R

State Senator Party Birth Year Generation Noted for:

West Virginia Robert Byrd D 1917 GI

Hawaii Daniel Inouye D 1924 GI

New Jersey Frank Lautenberg D 1924 GI

Hawaii Daniel Akaka D 1924 GI

Pennsylvania Arlen Specter D 1930 Silent

Kentucky Jim Bunning R 1931 Silent

Indiana Richard Lugar R 1932 Silent

California Dianne Feinstein D 1933 Silent

Iowa Chuck Grassley R 1933 Silent

Utah Robert Foster Bennett R 1933 Silent

Alabama Richard Shelby R 1934 Silent

Michigan Carl Levin D 1934 Silent

Oklahoma James Inhofe R 1934 Silent

Utah Orrin Hatch R 1934 Silent

Wisconsin Herbert Kohl D 1935 Silent

Arizona John McCain R 1936 Silent

Kansas Pat Roberts R 1936 Silent

Maryland Barbara Mikulski D 1936 Silent

Ohio George Voinovich R 1936 Silent

Illinois Roland Burris D 1937 Silent

Mississippi Thad Cochran R 1937 Silent

West Virginia Jay Rockefeller D 1937 Silent

Delaware Ted Kaufman D 1939 Silent

Iowa Tom Harkin D 1939 Silent

Missouri Kit Bond R 1939 Silent

Nevada Harry Reid D 1939 Silent

California Barbara Boxer D 1940 Silent

Tennessee Lamar Alexander R 1940 Silent

Vermont Patrick Leahy D 1940 Silent

Montana Max Baucus D 1941 Silent

Nebraska Ben Nelson D 1941 Silent

Vermont Bernard Sanders I 1941 Silent

Arizona Jon Kyl R 1942 Silent

Connecticut Joe Lieberman ID 1942 Silent

Florida Bill Nelson D 1942 Silent

Kentucky Mitch McConnell R 1942 Silent

North Dakota Byron Dorgan D 1942 Silent

Georgia Saxby Chambliss R 1943 Boomer

Idaho Jim Risch R 1943 Boomer

Maryland Ben Cardin D 1943 Boomer

Massachusetts John Kerry D 1943 Boomer

New Mexico Jeff Bingaman D 1943 Boomer

Texas Kay Bailey Hutchison R 1943 Boomer

Connecticut Christopher Dodd D 1944 Boomer

Georgia Johnny Isakson R 1944 Boomer

Illinois Richard Durbin D 1944 Boomer

Wyoming Michael Enzi R 1944 Boomer

Alabama Jeff Sessions R 1946 Boomer

South Dakota Tim Johnson D 1946 Boomer

Virginia Jim Webb D 1946 Boomer

Delaware Thomas R. Carper D 1947 Boomer

Maine Olympia Snowe R 1947 Boomer

New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen D 1947 Boomer

New Hampshire Judd Gregg R 1947 Boomer

New Mexico Tom Udall D 1948 Boomer

North Dakota Kent Conrad D 1948 Boomer

Oklahoma Tom Coburn R 1948 Boomer

Oregon Ron Wyden D 1949 Boomer

Rhode Island Jack Reed D 1949 Boomer

Colorado Mark Udall D 1950 Boomer

Michigan Debbie Stabenow D 1950 Boomer

Nebraska Mike Johanns R 1950 Boomer

New York Charles Schumer D 1950 Boomer

Washington Patty Murray D 1950 Boomer

Idaho Mike Crapo R 1951 Boomer

Minnesota Al Franken D 1951 Boomer

Mississippi Roger Wicker R 1951 Boomer

South Carolina Jim DeMint R 1951 Boomer

Maine Susan Collins R 1952 Boomer

Ohio Sherrod Brown D 1952 Boomer

Tennessee Bob Corker R 1952 Boomer

Texas John Cornyn R 1952 Boomer

Wyoming John Barrasso R 1952 Boomer

Missouri Claire McCaskill D 1953 Boomer

North Carolina Kay Hagan D 1953 Boomer

Wisconsin Russ Feingold D 1953 Boomer

New Jersey Bob Menendez D 1954 Boomer

Virginia Mark Warner D 1954 Boomer

Indiana Evan Bayh D 1955 Boomer

Louisiana Mary Landrieu D 1955 Boomer

North Carolina Richard Burr R 1955 Boomer

Rhode Island Sheldon Whitehouse D 1955 Boomer

South Carolina Lindsey Graham R 1955 Boomer

Kansas Sam Brownback R 1956 Boomer

Montana Jon Tester D 1956 Boomer

Oregon Jeff Merkley D 1956 Boomer

Alaska Lisa Murkowski R 1957 Boomer

Nevada John Ensign R 1958 Boomer

Washington Maria Cantwell D 1958 Boomer

Massachusetts Scott Brown R 1959 Boomer

Arkansas Blanche Lincoln D 1960 Boomer

Minnesota Amy Klobuchar D 1960 Boomer

Pennsylvania Bob Casey, Jr. D 1960 Boomer

Louisiana David Vitter R 1961 Generation X

South Dakota John Thune R 1961 Generation X

Alaska Mark Begich D 1962 Generation X

Arkansas Mark Pryor D 1963 Generation X

Colorado Michael Bennet D 1964 Generation X

New York Kirsten Gillibrand D 1966 Generation X

Florida George LeMieux R 1969 Generation X