Are we a nation of ignorant, selfish people? Did we really vote these idiots into office?
When did a career in politics become an easy ticket for stupid, ignorant, egotistical white men?
The Special session currently in process makes even a semi-intelligent person cringe.
Our own Gov. Gibbons claims he doesn't need to be smart to run the state?!!
Our we reflecting our own personal and national stupidity when we elect simpletons??
Heller told a weekend crowd at the Republican Party’s Lincoln Day Dinner in Elko that Washington’s efforts to continue extending unemployment benefits for jobless Americans may be creating a dependent class, unable to get work- a new generation of "hobos".
CARSON CITY -- Gov. Jim Gibbons admitted Tuesday that a woman with whom he has been accused of having an affair accompanied him over the weekend to Washington, D.C., for a meeting of the National Governors Conference.Gibbons repeatedly denied to a KLAS-TV, Channel 8, reporter -- but then later admitted -- that Kathy Karrasch went with him to Washington. She is one of the two women whom his estranged wife, Dawn, said in divorce documents had engaged in sexual relations with the governor.
Nevada Gov Celibate Since 1995: 'You Can Survive Without Sex For That Long'
Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) believes that the U.S. has the best health care system in the world.
Newt Gingrich 'Sharing Resources, Coordinating Efforts' With Oil Lobby
Republican National Chairman Michael Steele is spending twice as much as his recent predecessors on private planes and paying more for limousines, catering and flowers – expenses that are infuriating the party's major donors who say Republicans need every penny they can get for the fight to win back Congress
These men represent our country???
Caution! We are out there! We have replaced walkers and hearing aids with cell phones and computers! We text and we blog! We also TiVo,Twitter and You Tube. Don't underestimate us!
Caution! We test, We Twitter, Those Sweet Old G'ma Days? Over!
Looking for a little common sense amongst all those pompous, blow hard media types?
You got it!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Congress-Old White Men are Destroying Our Nation
What do they know about the needs of the majority? A bunch of entitled rich old white men with free health insurance and mega benefits making decisions which affect the majority of us-women, children, Hispanic , Black and Asian descent?
What the heck do they know about our needs? Take a look at who runs our country? A bunch of old white farts,
Do you think they really give a rats patootie about the suffering in our nation?
Quit voting for them, idiots-
They run our banks, corporations, credit card companies, health care, wall st, they outsource jobs to third world countries, exploiting even poorer minorities, the lobby and pass laws to protect their fat white butts-
the only thing more repulsive?
People are so stupid they vote for them-against their own interests-
111th Congress is as follows:
Generation Birth Years Count Party Division
GI Generation 1901–1924 4 4D, 0R
Silent Generation 1925–1942 33 15D, 1I, 1ID, 16 R
Boomer Generation 1943–1960 56 32D, 23R
Generation X 1961–1981 7 4D, 3R
Generation Y 1982–2001 0[1] 0D, 0R
State Senator Party Birth Year Generation Noted for:
West Virginia Robert Byrd D 1917 GI
Hawaii Daniel Inouye D 1924 GI
New Jersey Frank Lautenberg D 1924 GI
Hawaii Daniel Akaka D 1924 GI
Pennsylvania Arlen Specter D 1930 Silent
Kentucky Jim Bunning R 1931 Silent
Indiana Richard Lugar R 1932 Silent
California Dianne Feinstein D 1933 Silent
Iowa Chuck Grassley R 1933 Silent
Utah Robert Foster Bennett R 1933 Silent
Alabama Richard Shelby R 1934 Silent
Michigan Carl Levin D 1934 Silent
Oklahoma James Inhofe R 1934 Silent
Utah Orrin Hatch R 1934 Silent
Wisconsin Herbert Kohl D 1935 Silent
Arizona John McCain R 1936 Silent
Kansas Pat Roberts R 1936 Silent
Maryland Barbara Mikulski D 1936 Silent
Ohio George Voinovich R 1936 Silent
Illinois Roland Burris D 1937 Silent
Mississippi Thad Cochran R 1937 Silent
West Virginia Jay Rockefeller D 1937 Silent
Delaware Ted Kaufman D 1939 Silent
Iowa Tom Harkin D 1939 Silent
Missouri Kit Bond R 1939 Silent
Nevada Harry Reid D 1939 Silent
California Barbara Boxer D 1940 Silent
Tennessee Lamar Alexander R 1940 Silent
Vermont Patrick Leahy D 1940 Silent
Montana Max Baucus D 1941 Silent
Nebraska Ben Nelson D 1941 Silent
Vermont Bernard Sanders I 1941 Silent
Arizona Jon Kyl R 1942 Silent
Connecticut Joe Lieberman ID 1942 Silent
Florida Bill Nelson D 1942 Silent
Kentucky Mitch McConnell R 1942 Silent
North Dakota Byron Dorgan D 1942 Silent
Georgia Saxby Chambliss R 1943 Boomer
Idaho Jim Risch R 1943 Boomer
Maryland Ben Cardin D 1943 Boomer
Massachusetts John Kerry D 1943 Boomer
New Mexico Jeff Bingaman D 1943 Boomer
Texas Kay Bailey Hutchison R 1943 Boomer
Connecticut Christopher Dodd D 1944 Boomer
Georgia Johnny Isakson R 1944 Boomer
Illinois Richard Durbin D 1944 Boomer
Wyoming Michael Enzi R 1944 Boomer
Alabama Jeff Sessions R 1946 Boomer
South Dakota Tim Johnson D 1946 Boomer
Virginia Jim Webb D 1946 Boomer
Delaware Thomas R. Carper D 1947 Boomer
Maine Olympia Snowe R 1947 Boomer
New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen D 1947 Boomer
New Hampshire Judd Gregg R 1947 Boomer
New Mexico Tom Udall D 1948 Boomer
North Dakota Kent Conrad D 1948 Boomer
Oklahoma Tom Coburn R 1948 Boomer
Oregon Ron Wyden D 1949 Boomer
Rhode Island Jack Reed D 1949 Boomer
Colorado Mark Udall D 1950 Boomer
Michigan Debbie Stabenow D 1950 Boomer
Nebraska Mike Johanns R 1950 Boomer
New York Charles Schumer D 1950 Boomer
Washington Patty Murray D 1950 Boomer
Idaho Mike Crapo R 1951 Boomer
Minnesota Al Franken D 1951 Boomer
Mississippi Roger Wicker R 1951 Boomer
South Carolina Jim DeMint R 1951 Boomer
Maine Susan Collins R 1952 Boomer
Ohio Sherrod Brown D 1952 Boomer
Tennessee Bob Corker R 1952 Boomer
Texas John Cornyn R 1952 Boomer
Wyoming John Barrasso R 1952 Boomer
Missouri Claire McCaskill D 1953 Boomer
North Carolina Kay Hagan D 1953 Boomer
Wisconsin Russ Feingold D 1953 Boomer
New Jersey Bob Menendez D 1954 Boomer
Virginia Mark Warner D 1954 Boomer
Indiana Evan Bayh D 1955 Boomer
Louisiana Mary Landrieu D 1955 Boomer
North Carolina Richard Burr R 1955 Boomer
Rhode Island Sheldon Whitehouse D 1955 Boomer
South Carolina Lindsey Graham R 1955 Boomer
Kansas Sam Brownback R 1956 Boomer
Montana Jon Tester D 1956 Boomer
Oregon Jeff Merkley D 1956 Boomer
Alaska Lisa Murkowski R 1957 Boomer
Nevada John Ensign R 1958 Boomer
Washington Maria Cantwell D 1958 Boomer
Massachusetts Scott Brown R 1959 Boomer
Arkansas Blanche Lincoln D 1960 Boomer
Minnesota Amy Klobuchar D 1960 Boomer
Pennsylvania Bob Casey, Jr. D 1960 Boomer
Louisiana David Vitter R 1961 Generation X
South Dakota John Thune R 1961 Generation X
Alaska Mark Begich D 1962 Generation X
Arkansas Mark Pryor D 1963 Generation X
Colorado Michael Bennet D 1964 Generation X
New York Kirsten Gillibrand D 1966 Generation X
Florida George LeMieux R 1969 Generation X
Monday, February 15, 2010
Incongruent Township, Defining Justice as Intolerance
The national landscape is fettered with little towns comprised of citizens with value systems out of the 1900's.
They are outraged with government spending. They believe we should all honor our debts. They believe in hard work, honesty and a days pay for an days work.
If only local, state and federal government practiced the same way.
If only banks, businesses, Wall Street and major corporations played by the same rules.
The town of Incongruence believes God will smite those who do not pay their debts-
oh! yeah - it doesn't count if you are a major corporation or a business owner.
The citizens of Incongruence would define themselves as "christians"
-you know, the ones who believe God chooses who goes to Heavan, and it isn't you my black, muslim, jewish, islamic, hindu neighbor
Home grown Incongruents believe more "christianity" should be in the schools, the government and on our money.
They send money to Haiti but allow the poor in their hometowns to live without electricity . They still have poor neighborhoods full of black, unemployed men (they consider them lazy, when in reality the unemployment rate for black men is double the national rate), yet they send "missions to poor countries".
Hang the poor- if they worked harder they would not be poor.
Incongruents believe poverty is chosen.
They believe their wealth is a gift, a reward, perhaps, from God, for doing the "right thing"
And last but most important?
Incongruents believe abortion is murder.
Abortion is murder, but having a child out of wedlock is a sin and should be punished.
For all you women who chose birth rather than abortion, you are to be commended-
but once you have that child-you are a whore-
Incongruent citizens will turn their backs on you and ensure you suffer like the slut you are..along with your bastard child.
Incongruent townships dot the USA like McDonalds.
Are they any different than the close minded, intolerant religious fanatics of other nations?
Incongruents believe the poor deserve to be poor. If they
They are outraged with government spending. They believe we should all honor our debts. They believe in hard work, honesty and a days pay for an days work.
If only local, state and federal government practiced the same way.
If only banks, businesses, Wall Street and major corporations played by the same rules.
The town of Incongruence believes God will smite those who do not pay their debts-
oh! yeah - it doesn't count if you are a major corporation or a business owner.
The citizens of Incongruence would define themselves as "christians"
-you know, the ones who believe God chooses who goes to Heavan, and it isn't you my black, muslim, jewish, islamic, hindu neighbor
Home grown Incongruents believe more "christianity" should be in the schools, the government and on our money.
They send money to Haiti but allow the poor in their hometowns to live without electricity . They still have poor neighborhoods full of black, unemployed men (they consider them lazy, when in reality the unemployment rate for black men is double the national rate), yet they send "missions to poor countries".
Hang the poor- if they worked harder they would not be poor.
Incongruents believe poverty is chosen.
They believe their wealth is a gift, a reward, perhaps, from God, for doing the "right thing"
And last but most important?
Incongruents believe abortion is murder.
Abortion is murder, but having a child out of wedlock is a sin and should be punished.
For all you women who chose birth rather than abortion, you are to be commended-
but once you have that child-you are a whore-
Incongruent citizens will turn their backs on you and ensure you suffer like the slut you are..along with your bastard child.
Incongruent townships dot the USA like McDonalds.
Are they any different than the close minded, intolerant religious fanatics of other nations?
Incongruents believe the poor deserve to be poor. If they
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Step Up to the Plate, States-if the Feds can't do it..
We aren't totally helpless in this morass created by our federal government. Their lack of cohesion, paralysis created by both parties, bickering, posturing and pontificating can be and should be overridden by individual states.
New Mexico's idea of moving money out of big banks and placing it in community banks and credit unions is a step in the right direction. Other states have provided health care for residents. Others have worked to create jobs for its citizens.
If the Federal Government and our legislators are so over run by lobbyists, so polarized , and so weak they are unwilling to take a stand on any issue, states need to step up to the plate. Democracy in the United States was created with many levels to provide autonomy and opportunity.
Let's seek alternative methods to deal with credit ripoffs, bank monopolies, price fixing and job loss.
States can do it. Show courage-United States of America.
Don't let your citizens down.
Seek out your best and brightest to solve these issues.
New Mexico's idea of moving money out of big banks and placing it in community banks and credit unions is a step in the right direction. Other states have provided health care for residents. Others have worked to create jobs for its citizens.
If the Federal Government and our legislators are so over run by lobbyists, so polarized , and so weak they are unwilling to take a stand on any issue, states need to step up to the plate. Democracy in the United States was created with many levels to provide autonomy and opportunity.
Let's seek alternative methods to deal with credit ripoffs, bank monopolies, price fixing and job loss.
States can do it. Show courage-United States of America.
Don't let your citizens down.
Seek out your best and brightest to solve these issues.
Monday, February 08, 2010
American Anger-the Two Year Old's Temper Tantrum
When Americans get angry they get destructive. Like two year olds we stomp our feet and break our toys. We don't much care what destruction we leave behind, we want what we want and we want it now!
Perhaps we weathered the great depression with greater aplomb as a younger country because we had the experience of citizens from other countries. Other countries with hundreds and sometimes thousands of years of experience as civilizations. Civilizations which learned hard lessons, some disappearing from this planet because they refused to listen, learn from mistakes, or considered themselves "too big to fail"
Our government is on a quest to destroy the very fabric of democracy built over the baby years we have been in business. We are babies compared to France, Spain, England and Italy. All major power players on this planet at various times.
Perhaps the wisdom of experiences and the lessons which can be learned by observing history would be helpful to our quest to grow and mature as a country.
Two year olds, as we know, don't have the maturity to reflect. The two year old's tantrum wreaks destruction, out of control, not understanding his own anger, only the desire to remove whatever pain or discomfort creating the chaotic feelings from within.
As citizens, we behave much the same,
pointing fingers, yelling and screaming, crying and stomping our feet, willing to vote for the biggest, most destructive bullies, much like us, who will express our collective anger, without reason, forethought or maturity,
We don't want to just blame others for our immaturity and destructive behavior, we want to destroy them so we don't have to accept responsibility for our own destructiveness.
For this reason, we will vote for those with the biggest bully voices, ignoring our own destructive and irresponsible behavior. We will applaud the destructivness of politicians who obstruct that which will guide us, care for us, lead us or protect us. We look for the bully with the biggest stick, the loudest mouth, the greatest ignorance to lash out, destroy and make us all feel powerful-for the moment.
That moment, that tantrum, when completed, is the great threat to our nation.
Our refusal to grow up and take responsibility for ourselves, our own lives, and our country's health and well being .
We have no one to put us in the corner to cool off, to get control, to learn to control our anger.
Let us hope we can learn to do it for ourselves. Right now, it doesn't look so good.
Perhaps we weathered the great depression with greater aplomb as a younger country because we had the experience of citizens from other countries. Other countries with hundreds and sometimes thousands of years of experience as civilizations. Civilizations which learned hard lessons, some disappearing from this planet because they refused to listen, learn from mistakes, or considered themselves "too big to fail"
Our government is on a quest to destroy the very fabric of democracy built over the baby years we have been in business. We are babies compared to France, Spain, England and Italy. All major power players on this planet at various times.
Perhaps the wisdom of experiences and the lessons which can be learned by observing history would be helpful to our quest to grow and mature as a country.
Two year olds, as we know, don't have the maturity to reflect. The two year old's tantrum wreaks destruction, out of control, not understanding his own anger, only the desire to remove whatever pain or discomfort creating the chaotic feelings from within.
As citizens, we behave much the same,
pointing fingers, yelling and screaming, crying and stomping our feet, willing to vote for the biggest, most destructive bullies, much like us, who will express our collective anger, without reason, forethought or maturity,
We don't want to just blame others for our immaturity and destructive behavior, we want to destroy them so we don't have to accept responsibility for our own destructiveness.
For this reason, we will vote for those with the biggest bully voices, ignoring our own destructive and irresponsible behavior. We will applaud the destructivness of politicians who obstruct that which will guide us, care for us, lead us or protect us. We look for the bully with the biggest stick, the loudest mouth, the greatest ignorance to lash out, destroy and make us all feel powerful-for the moment.
That moment, that tantrum, when completed, is the great threat to our nation.
Our refusal to grow up and take responsibility for ourselves, our own lives, and our country's health and well being .
We have no one to put us in the corner to cool off, to get control, to learn to control our anger.
Let us hope we can learn to do it for ourselves. Right now, it doesn't look so good.
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