The New York Times published this picture today. This is Jose Padilla on the way to the dentist-from his maximum security cell.
He was arrested without charges on US soil-is a US citizen -a muslim. He has been in prison since 2002-without the right to a trial and until recently without the right to know the charges against him(as he is considered a terrorist) or the right to council.
His arrest and detainment isn't from Iraq or Afghanistan to Guantanamo-it is from New York City to a US prison.
Who invented the use of sensory deprivation as an interrogation tool? It doesn't appear to be used as a tool here but as a punishment.
He is now unable to understand the charges against him anymore, nor is he able to defend himself. He doesn't know who to believe and wonders if even his own attorny is a part of a conspiracy by the US government.
Whoever said if you are innocent you don't have anything to worry about has not yet been "detained" by today's government,
He is described by prison officials as "docile" and "not a problem".
The thought my own country, the United States, the democracy I have held dear would use such cruel and sadistic punishment -stuns and frightens me.
If we support this, no matter what the reasons, we are not the country I love and believe to be -and that is frightening idea-
What is happening to us??
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