Caution! We test, We Twitter, Those Sweet Old G'ma Days? Over!

Looking for a little common sense amongst all those pompous, blow hard media types?
You got it!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Las Vegas insulted by Pres. Obama?The truth hurts


The insulted Mayor Goodman

Gov. Jim Gibbons
Read today's headlines in the Las Vegas Sun.
Our legislators just decided to pass on legalizing prostitution as a revenue source for the state of Nevada. They would rather consider that than require the mining corporations and the businesses pay any kind of taxes. Most of our revenue is on the backs of working people and the poor.
It is a belly laugh to consider Las Vegas insulted by President Obama's remark that "No, corporations cannot go to Vegas on the taxpayers dime.
Now our Tourism Council and the city are freaking because corporations are cancelling reservations.
What did they expect when we have a media slogan stating, "What happens here stays here", and a Mayor who advertises for a gin label?
What did they think the world thought of us?
Las Vegas deserves to fail.
The state doesn't care for the citizens, basically the majority of those with money believe if a citizen is ill, disabled, homeless, poor, mentally ill, medically disabled, and now, sadly, unemployed, they deserve to suffer.
Our slogan. "What Happens Here Stays Here?
Is the absolute truth.
If one person who came to this city to party had any idea of how poorly this state cares for the people who live in here they would boycott Las Vegas.
The homeless problem,?
Do you know that before any major convention many homeless are arrested for vagrancy?
Do you know we are the suicide capital of the Unites States?
People who live here and leave increase their chances of staying alive by 50 percent.
We also have the highest crime rates, the highest auto theft rates, the lowest infant mortality rates and the worst funding for any population you can think of.
In fact, right now, Gov. Gibbons has decided to HIDE the availability of medical coverage for children and services to the elderly because the state doesn't have the required money to pay for their portion of the federal match.
Don't come here. Make Nevada clean its house. Force them to deal with the inequity of the tax system, care for it's citizens and ensure a decent education for children.
Boycott this nasty town until it becomes a REAL HOME for the people doing the grunt work for the casinos-shame on the state of Nevada.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hippies transformed! Republicans!

These were the ideological young adults of the sixties. Believing the "establishment" needed changing-forcing the world to notice- using massive protests and sit-ins, the hippies transformed our country.
Demanding transparency in our government, reminding old line politicians this country was not about corruption and deceit, they managed to oust Nixon from the White House, support the civil liberties act and vote in the most liberal Supreme Court justices in the history of the United States.
Laws favoring equality for men and women, fair housing, labor unions, human rights over police and government control supported a nation believing human rights prevailed over state and government demands.
The Hippies. Influential in a way no other generation in our history has ever attained.
Now they are Republicans.

Monday, February 09, 2009

The "Love it Or Leave It "gang is at it again...

One of the most irritable habits which emerged from the Bush legacy is the "love it or leave gang mentality."

I remember Donald Rumsfeld's comments years ago-to the American people-"People better watch what they say" after the 9-11 terrorist attack.

Since that comment, many angry white men like to use that phrase and attitude as an intellectual argument.

Any argument considered disagreeable is responded with, "Love it or leave it" as if others passions, concerns or fears about our country are any less valid.
The problem with the liberal parties is they are just too polite. Liberal or conservative, we all love this country, I hope. It is why the passions are so close to the surface.

I feel just as strongly about watching what is happening to our country at present.
Eight years of Republican rule has devastated this country. More of the same is insanity. I feel frustrated that the Democratic party does not bite into these issues and fight for us.
I feel frustrated and angry that Republicans still talk tax cuts as a "stimulus",and do not accept responsibility for this mess.
I feel sorrow that our political system continues to play politics while our country's economic system rapidly deteriorates.

I care.
It is why I "feel". I care a lot.
I don't tell others what to feel, or how to think. I respect the fact they care as well.
We may not agree on how, but we can always agree it is better to care than not at all.
It is what America fought for years ago. Our right to express those feelings.
You can tell me to leave, but it isn't much of an argument or debate.. I'm not going anywhere. You probably aren't either.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Republicans drink Kool-Aid while Americans Crash

Republican Congress , giddy with power, continue the Bush legacy-to rape this country while we little people stand by and watch our lives crash and burn.
It happened when they started the Iraqi war, Hurricane Katrina and over the past eight years as the income between the rich and the middle class dwindled.
Here we are, in the worst economic disaster in the history of our memories and their solution is tax cuts.
Who has a job to get those cuts? What middle American has money in the bank to use those cuts?
If American are unemployed, there is no money to spend.
Republicans don't understand. If we can't spend, business can't sell.
If we don't have jobs, we can't pay our mortgages, rents and credit card bills.
How long will we sit back and let them hold us hostage???
Tell them to quit drinking the Kool-Aid and pass a Stimulus Package that will put us back to work.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Political Grandstanding is destroying our country

I teach second grade. Kids tattle a lot in second grade. I have a policy.
When two students have a conflict I encourage them to work it out. They meet away from the other students and talk to each other and come back to tell me what they worked out. If the can't work it out I help them through the process. If one refuses to work it out, I make a decision.
They almost always work it out.
Because they don't have an audience watching them.
We Americans are dying out here away from the Washington elite.
Congress doesn't need a stimulus package, we do.
I consider the Republican party, as it is now, one of the most destructive forces to America.
They are so far removed from what is happening to us they will destroy our nation.
They do not represent the hard workers of this country.
They represent lobbyists, big business and the capitalist system.
It is ironic they believe if we did not have to pay social security and federal taxes we would be okay.
Who the hell has a job -with so many people unemployed -how will they get back social security and federal taxes?
The GOP sees this moment as an opportunity to show they still have power.
Guess what? We don't care about your power. Your bully pulpit is destroying our country-just like it has for the past eight years.
I have a solution.
Congress can't talk about this process anymore. No more grandstanding speeches on the Capitol steps. No more Rush Limbaugh interviews, no more scare tactics.
While we are dying on the vine, Congress has a responsibility to its constituents-that means all of us little people for once.
Don't talk. Don't say one word to us until you have a Stimulus bill worked out. No more tattling. Work it out. DO your job.
The come back to us and tell us what you think is best for our country.
Then do it.
This process is destroying us.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Worst American Culture-Limbaugh-Octuplets-

Americans thrive on the lowest common factor. I'm not sure if it is us or the media. I don't care to read about lowlife behavior so I usually skip it. I wonder, do others do that as well?
Perhaps the media might want to take a look at the falling numbers and not just attribute them to the economy. Maybe more people would pay for news if it was real and not just sensationalized.
Advertisers might have been buying their space in the good times, but that doesn't necessarily mean people were reading half the junk they print or film.

Here are a few of what I consider wasted space media frenzies right now,

Rush Limbaugh-God give us all a break. If he speaks for the Republican party they are in one sorry state. I am sure I will hear from some of those who believe in him. That is what is so scary.

Blogovich-Why are you wasting time on him? He epitomizes the corruptness of government and the stupidity of the this generation of politicians.
The lesson here-it's who you know not what you know.

The eight babies and the crazy mom. Sponsors? book deals? Why not have Ann Rule write her story, for goodness sake. Those poor babies. An obsessed woman with no common sense.

Sarah Palin-Please, no more. I beg of you. No brains. Fluff. Let's just leave her in her melting barren wasteland where she can do little harm.

McCain-(and the rest of the worthless Republicans) when they have some decent ideas, print it. Otherwise. don't print the fluff. I don't care that they don't want to be the "NO" party. I care about what they plan to do to fix this mess they made.

Michel Phelps and his Bong-isn't one day enough coverage or does he get a book deal on this one?

Former Reality Stars-What an insult to all of us. Turn TV into one big buffoonfest -glorifying what was formerly known as trailer trash behavior. And to think Jerry Springer is the grandaddy of it all.

American Idol-Is it not gone yet??? Please, I don't want to watch the judges going gray, with potbellies. Be done with it or retool it. The formula is old and stale.

Bernie Madoff- notice that smile of his in almost all of his pictures? He laughed all the way to the bank! If it is too good to be true, it isn't. His fleecing of the wealthy doesn't seem to cause him to lose one night's sleep. He represents the greed and avarice of today's culture. Let's just follow his trial and quit dragging his name into the paper everyday with some stupid article on the vase in his house. Aren't people angry enough with the banks? Let the rich agonize over Bernie-he didn't steal our 401K's-Wall Street did.

I'm sure you can think of hundreds more. Feel free to add them.

Oh! Do you think we could have less speculation and more facts about the state of the economy, CNN?

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Bank of America vs. my School district

I e-mailed my payroll department today to tell them about being charged six dollars for a 53.00 check I cashed at BofA.
The district I work for is the fifth largest district in the nation.
Bank of America was adamant I pay their fee even though I mentioned the district I worked for would probably not be happy when they found out BofA was chaging school employees a fee for cashing their own checks.
I received a prompt response from the district. The contacted Bank of AMerica and told them to reimburse the district for the six dollars. They e-mailed me and told me they would send me a check.

I had cashed my checks at this BofA before and had never been charged six dollars.
Bank of America could care less when you are one person standing in line.
They did however apologize and return the money to the district.
Thanks to my school district for dealing with the matter.
For about five minutes I felt empowered!
It is a wonderful feeling to be vindicated.

Bank of America charges me to cash their check..

I work for the fifth largest school district in the nation and our payroll checks are cut through Bank of America.
The district also uses them for disbursement of expense checks such as mileage.

I went into the bank to cash my check and I was charged 6.00 for a 52.00 check written for THEIR bank.
They told me since I do not have an account with them I can't cash THEIR check without paying them.

Since when do banks have the right to charge people who come to the bank to cash their own checks?

This has gone too far.
They charged more than if I went to a check cashing business.

Bank of America has become arrogant and greedy.

Sunday, February 01, 2009


We want this bill passed. No more messing with it by the Republicans.
NO TAX cuts to the wealthy
Why is Congress not listening to us?
Each day thousands of people are losing jobs.
This is NOT partisan politics.
You had your chance, Republicans.
President Obama,
Pass this bill-do not mess with it to the point of failure.

Irresponsibility of the Las Vegas Review Journal

Help yourself to the Review Journal-on-line of course. Don't spend a penny to purchase it.
This is one of the most dangerous men in the state of Nevada next to our poor, unqualified, sadly clueless gov. gibbons.(The man who proposed cutting education 45% to balance the budget, refusing to insist business and mining pay their share of taxes.
For the past six months(well, probably five years) venomously more recently his mission to break any organization that appears to organize. Teachers, police, firefighters, state workers-
in a dangerous and irresponsible manner.
Today he targets the former Henderson Police chief in a manner that could put the man in danger.
The frightening manner in which his irresponsible reporting reveals itself is the targeting of those that Sarah Palin had so much success with-those crazy, ignorant, not necessarily political angry men.
And he gets them going. The reporting just keep jacking up the anger level and the comments become more dangerous.
His recent report on the danger and terrible behaviors of democrats at the Presidential inauguration is frightening and inciteful.
I would not be surprised if he goes too far and the FBI shows up at his door.
Free speech is one thing but when one starts writing in a manner that sound like a white supremest, we need to take caution.
This newspaper is starting to worry me.