Help yourself to the Review Journal-on-line of course. Don't spend a penny to purchase it.
This is one of the most dangerous men in the state of Nevada next to our poor, unqualified, sadly clueless gov. gibbons.(The man who proposed cutting education 45% to balance the budget, refusing to insist business and mining pay their share of taxes.
For the past six months(well, probably five years) venomously more recently his mission to break any organization that appears to organize. Teachers, police, firefighters, state workers-
in a dangerous and irresponsible manner.
Today he targets the former Henderson Police chief in a manner that could put the man in danger.
The frightening manner in which his irresponsible reporting reveals itself is the targeting of those that Sarah Palin had so much success with-those crazy, ignorant, not necessarily political angry men.
And he gets them going. The reporting just keep jacking up the anger level and the comments become more dangerous.
His recent report on the danger and terrible behaviors of democrats at the Presidential inauguration is frightening and inciteful.
I would not be surprised if he goes too far and the FBI shows up at his door.
Free speech is one thing but when one starts writing in a manner that sound like a white supremest, we need to take caution.
This newspaper is starting to worry me.
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