Caution! We test, We Twitter, Those Sweet Old G'ma Days? Over!

Looking for a little common sense amongst all those pompous, blow hard media types?
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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Political Hacks-Where is the vision??

Writing about the Republican Party's debates and candidates is enough to make me weep. Never have I observed such ignorance and stupidity in all my old lady years.
We don't even need to mention names, they all kind of blur together in a sea of geographical, historical, political and financial gaffes. White America, with a few outliers,  have shown themselves to be the decline of American intelligence.
I keep wandering around my community asking, "Is the the best we have?" or has this been the best we have and I somehow missed the stupidity in past years?
I find myself wincing when I hear yet another totally ignorant "truth".
If I hear one more "poor people get rich off the system" tale, I'll scream!
The great myth of the poor living rich off the system has taken on a life of its own in the United States. The famous theory of those who deserve and those who don't is just plain ridiculous.  Deserving of health care? Basic necessities? Shelter?
Food? Only the rich would make those kinds of observations. Money has triumphed humanity in the Republican Party of those who party like it is 1999.
They don't get it.
The ludicrousness of it all feels like a Twilight Zone episode with Jon Stewart as the mocker.
Please, somewhere out there has to be a person of color or a woman with a vision that can be heard?
How long do we have to live under the rule of rich old white men, or people who want to be them??