Caution! We test, We Twitter, Those Sweet Old G'ma Days? Over!

Looking for a little common sense amongst all those pompous, blow hard media types?
You got it!

Saturday, July 06, 2013

A Proud History of Whistleblowing and Snowdon's condemnation

I don't know. At sixty I came from the proud generation that took Nixon down for bugging the White House.
The break-in at the Democratic headquarters was a big deal. Here we are over forty years later and our nation's government is listening to our phone calls, perusing our mail and documenting public library computer use. All in the name of "national security".
We have a lazy, uninformed, underpaid media with very little investigation and a huge media presence of rumor mongering on the internet.
Who knows what the truth is anymore?
The obscufation of Snowden's intent by the government and the media throws in a mass of confusion, just enough for our uninformed masses (those who foster a belief, look for proof to back it up, whether it be an ubran legend or a Perz Hilton gossip item) to believe whatever the media tells them.
We have become lazy and stupid citizens, taking at face value whatever is placed on our plate by CNN and Fox News.
The art of critical thinking has been obilierated from our school curriculums and replaced with "reading, writing and 'rithemtic' according to National Standards.
We have become a nation of lemmings. Some swimming upstream to the tune of the "Conspiracy shake" and others allowing themselves to float downstream because they can't dance.
Snowden gave US citizens a truth. Was that treason? Would Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein be considerd traitors in this age? Would they gone to prison for writing what they did? Would they had to leave the nation to get the truth out?
Questioning our government and holding our elected officials and those they supervise accountable has been a huge part of our demoncracy.
Have we gone full circle? Are those nations we consider "Leftist" (which is now a dirty word) evolving democracies?
When we are willing to pull the President of Bolivia's plane over by threatening other countries one would begin to wonder what direction the United States of America is moving in.