Caution! We test, We Twitter, Those Sweet Old G'ma Days? Over!

Looking for a little common sense amongst all those pompous, blow hard media types?
You got it!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sandusky Prosecutor's treasured words

  I want Joseph McGettigan, Jerry Sandusky's prosecutor to know how deeply he touched me and I am sure many other victims of sexual abuse with his words. " I have pieces of ten souls in my pocket"
I grieve for those little boys. Only in a culture where poverty and single parenthood rob children of their credibility can a man like Jerry Sandusky exist. I know. Even after 59 years, I see some things never change. Children can be portrayed as liars, the very behaviors which help them survive abuse, and the aftermath of trying to hold their souls together for years and years are ruthlessly used against them as they attempt to tell the truth.
White men still rule this country. The warped and twisted code of honor white men create in our country to maintain status quo remains rampant and children still have to prove their innocence after losing it.
Ten victims are probably a drop in the bucket if the truth were to fully be available. Hopefully those who have buried the experiences deep into their psyches will find peace with the verdict.
Mr. McGettian, you handled those souls gently and what pieces are still remaining can only grow stronger.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Madonna's 53 year old nipple slips

The thought of Madonna's 53 year old nipple flashing the crowd just grosses me out.
Flashing her black thong?
I'm sorry but if all she has is the sex card to play at age 53 she really is a stupid woman.
She is a wealthy, talented singer. Her talent and options are unlimited.
Too bad her ego thinks we all wants to see her t&a  yuck

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

C'mon WIsconsin, Blow His Ass Out of the Water

Post Script- Citizens have spoken with votes. Our citizens choose a path which dreams of  individual wealth at the expense of a collective citizenry. We remain a nation of  pioneers. We only work for the betterment of ourselves.

Wisconsin has an honorable history of battle born labor protections. For those of us who remember the union's purpose to provide fair, equitable employment for working citizens, the past two generations, receiving the bounty of those fights, euthanized by less personal suffering, came to believe unions are bad guys and the rich have all the answers. In reality, the rich have sold a bill of goods- all the while cutting and reinventing education. We now have generations of Fox news stoopids.
Honor your roots, Wisconsin. Use the power  of  your votes today and show the nation we will not allow special interests and the wealthy to tear down the fabric of our working class.
Kick Scott Walker's ass.
Keep us Midwesterners true to our roots.
Send the carpetbaggers packing. (Look that word up, kids..)

Huffington Post jumps the shark

After winning a prestigious award, Huffington Post news gives us the man found eating another man's face. Not once- but for days. Courtesy of Huffington Post we have also been able to intimately follow the woman with the flesh eating virus (for days), every nipple slip an actress could possibly make, the roommates eating the heart and liver of their cohort and a sundry of other sensationalized bits of salacious garbage.
You know, there are just some things I don't want to know about. I really don't.
The National Enquirer is tame compared to Huff's latest thrill seeking garbage.
Jump the Shark, why don't you....

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Insomiac Observations of the Stoopids

Can't sleep. It's 3:10am. So my mind fills with to dos and oh my god, did I forget that, too?? thoughts.
It came to me tonight that Google Chrome is a lot  like a parking lot full of pigeons-if you are around them, no matter what you do they won't go away. In fact, if one or two discover you a whole flock will settle around your body just waiting for the next crumb.
Once Google Chrome is on, try and close it. You think its closed. It isn't Try using CC Cleaner and you'll discover Google Chrome stays open -against your wishes. CC Cleaner will ask you if you want to force it to close so you can clear your browser.
Just like pigeons I  expect to open my front door one day and there it is -all my private information, just out of arms reach..pigeons -they survive no matter the conditions. Google is doing a great job with that..

A man eating another man's face. Did they have to put it on the frickin news? Has reality TV distorted our senses so we constantly need an upgrade of horror? Isn't bad enough we have spent that last two years listening to republican nominees (puleese) stump the country with their birther rhetoric?

Someone tell me how the rich have managed to convince an entire nation that taking everyone else's money is a good thing? Could someone explain how our national parties became the Hatfield and McCoys? Willing to let our young hunger, our new graduates struggle to find gainful (and I mean gainful) employment, and tell those millions of unemployed who are now working two and three part time jobs without insurance or other benefits they are lazy and that three hundred dollars a week unemployment makes them less willing to find work?

And what is with this austerity budget? The corporations and banks are back to making big bucks yet many of our country's "ahem" well informed citizens are buying the cuts, the sacrifice rhetoric while they bank away laughing to the Cayman Islands.

Fox News has done its job well. We are a nation of stoopids (yes, different than stupid) Stupid you feel sorry for, stoopid you feel disgusted by..

National polls show Fox News viewers are the most ignorant in the nation. Of course they don't believe that. They don't believe anything except what Fox news tells them to believe. Fox News is Stoopid. The viewers are stoopid, too. Only because they believe stoopid fox news. Well, it isn't really a "news" station, it's more like a reality show with a couple of guys who sell the old National Enquirer format to viewers.
The National Enquirer is longer a sensationalized rag-have you noticed?
The National Enquirer broke the John Edwards affair. It actually does some investigative reporting.
Real investigative reporting, with picture proof and all. Wow
Back  to the face eating guy. My daughter is having nightmares. I try to avoid the story but man, the "news" stations love this one. They aren't letting it go. I guess I'll have to quit reading the news. It's too X rated for me. lol
When does our race to the bottom of the crud pile end? Reality executions? Videoed public floggings? We already have enough jail and prison TV to fill an evening. Porn? Who needs a website for porn. Go to Huffington Post or the NY Post.
We want educated sons and daughters, we rail against the schools and we have a world of shit daily in our "news", media, videos and cable TV.
Stoopid. Just stoopid

Friday, May 11, 2012

Politics: When a Shoe is Not Just a Shoe

Nikita Khrushchev allegedly pounded his shoe on the podium at the UN General Assembly meeting October 12, 1950 in protest. His outrage at the Phillipine's President's accusation that the Soviet Union was trying to dominate  Eastern European Countries prompted Khrushchev to push aside a speaker, pound his fists and allegedly pound his shoe.
What is with the shoes? In the middle east, throwing shoes is an ultimate insult. The Arabs hated George Bush. Posters of Bush with shoes was the ultimate insult. When they couldn't stand his rhetoric any longer a protester took off his shoe and threw it at him.
This morning I read of another shoe throwing protest and thought I would make my own list of protests in which I would like to throw a shoe-feel free to add your own!
1. Big Banks and Wall Street .Here's a big, heavy clog for your greedy self indulgent ways. Throw it into the Bull Ring! We bailed you out and this is what we get? Slippery policies, high fees, and discriminant rule over those who feed you. Eat your young, why don't you!

2. Education-Here's a dump truck full of Air Jordan's for screwing up our education so badly all kids from age 5 up do is test their little hearts out. What a joke. Accountability is one thing. Cheating children out of educational time in order to make pie charts is a joke. Get back to the basics.

3. Politicians-Let's all throw our shoes at the system that no longer works. Don't make it your best shoes -with the polarization of our country;s banana republic congressmen, we got nothing-baby. Nothin-except a group of rich old white men on the take.

4. Here's a shoe for the grocery industry with their game of jacking up prices until no one can afford a product and then dropping them drastically. What a waste of meat and produce. I'd really like to know how much the grocery stores throw out at the end of the day to keep prices up.

5. Oil Companies-How long do we subsidize them? What a joke!! Here's a thousand steel toed work boots for your greed. Can't wait till you run out of product.

6. Throw a shoe in Las Vegas for the new level of carny game come ons used to lure people to gambling machines with little or no payouts.

7. My own personal 10 inch pointy toed high heels with dagger like spikes gleefully thrown at Mitt Romney for his headline making news that bullies, too, can run for President.

8. Here's some payless shoes to a society which promotes sex, lust and greed over caring, honor and love.


Thursday, April 05, 2012

Americans fascinated with all things trashy

Sometimes I wonder if the American psyche is so fascinated with Sarah Palin because she's trash. C'mon, people, admit it. Her track record for intellect, class, and reflective thinking is zero. Americans would have voted her in to the Presidency so they could have another reality show called, "The Wrecking of America"
Rick Santorum would run a close second with his ignorant comments and sexist rhetoric.
But then, Americans love all things trashy. They avidly follow the downfalls of politicians and actors. Kim Kardashian's wedding was a hit. Her divorce proceedings and misfortunes are a maniacal hit. Americans love nothing more than a sinner, the worse the better the entertainment factor.
Class went out with Fox. Married with Children was so popular it continues reruns. My Name is Earl is another favorite of the male gender.
The lower the bar, the more Americans eat it up.
Why is that? When did we become a country so proud of it's baseness we are willing to sell out our neighbors?
A country of citizens  once proud of our heritage, our culture of democracy and the rights of citizens now roots around in the lowest common denominator and calls this phenomena "the average joe."
The American collective psyche believes in the power of forgiveness. There must be some kind of power in that fallacy. Believing one has the right to forgive atrocious and or destructive behaviors. Kind of like the American females fascination with and following of serial killers. Some thrill in writing to them in prison and marrying one on reality tv. Oh, don't laugh. It will happen.
I think the fascination with the Hunger Games is it is the ultimate reality television. Americans would like nothing more than to send their children (with big bucks pending) in to win the glory of the media exposure.
I sometimes wonder what European countries really think of us? Many with thousand year old cultures, what do they think of this brutal, dense, judgmental rhetoric citizens accept without questioning?
Wait for the echo you will soon hear,
"Let the games begin!!"

Friday, March 30, 2012

Rush Limbaugh Nothing to see here....move along

Rush Limbaugh has occupied his space long enough. His shock value is nothing compared to the Republican Presidential candidates farcical displays of low intellect. Fox News and Rush Limbaugh have played their parts in  the dumbing down of America. Give him his Wikipedia place in history and let us move on-to even dumber downed horizons.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Closeted Racists, The Most dangerous of all

I am in my fifties. A quiet looking old lady, I suppose. I must be harmless looking because I can't believe the things people tell me. I just sit quietly and listen. Until I can't take it anymore. Then I call the person out on their racism.
A closet racist gets along in the world. Why? They have black or Hispanic bosses. They know how to play the game. You won't hear a word from them about the race of important people in their quest for a living wage. But I sometimes wonder how destructive this kind of dishonesty will play out in our nation. Don't be so worried about the blatant racists. I have more respect for them. At least their rants and hatred give you a pretty good heads up . The closet racist could be sitting next to you at work and you wouldn't have a clue. They come to me thinking because I am older I must be too. It amazes me what I hear. About how blacks have become more uppity since Obama was elected. How Treyvon shouldn't have worn a hoodie. About how our country has changed since a black man was elected into office.
Men and women spew racial hatred. These are supposedly educated people, those with enough exposure to the world to know our country is fast becoming caramel colored.
I don't even want to understand how seemingly educated people come up with these ideas. The closet racist is dangerous because that kind of ignorant hatred doesn't just go away. It permeates our airways, digs into the psyches of their children and spews hatred in a much more passive aggressive manner.
I understand that whites are fast becoming the minority in our country. The fact we have old white men running for office in a desperate attempt to maintain a losing status quo will place us right up there with South Africa and apartheid.
Our jails are full of young black men. Our profiling police forces are a testament to our continued national racism.
I was asked recently why I was not "so racist" coming from the era I was born into (the 1950's).
I asked, "What difference does the era make?" We choose our paths in how we think and what we believe. Oh, sure, we can be influenced by our experiences, but we don't need to be owned by them.
Understand our horrific history of racism to not just blacks, but Japanese, (internment camps, Chinese (indentured servants) the annihilation of the Native American population, the underpaid and horribly treated migrant population and maybe an understanding of the nature of the American citizen will emerge.
Closeted racists are dangerous. They are dishonest, politically correct cowards.
There are too many of them in our country and no one calls them out.
Our global world will not tolerate racism. Our country needs to grow up. We are thousands of years behind other countries in terms of maturity but we need to expand our view of the world and its multicolor or we will be seen as uncivilized, dangerous and barbaric. Rightly so.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Blue shorts and shirt will get you shot

I am flummoxed. That is the only word I can think of when people tell me "what's he doing wear a hoodie?" An "educated" friend of mine vomited that statement yesterday and I looked at her and said, "So if you are wearing those blue shorts and blue top someone has the right to shoot you if they are perceived as "granny gang" colors?" (We are both over fifty.)
She backtracked on her comment but I know her. She is as racist as you can get. Her comments about President Obama and his race astound me. Her job surrounds her with black and Hispanic children every day. She is well loved at her place of employment even though her boss is black and Hispanic. They don't have a clue. I hear others I would never have believed make racist comments.
I wonder how many closeted racists there really are out there in the United States?
The thought makes me queasy.

Friday, March 23, 2012

When Life Hits Hard

Two months ago a  young couple went to check on their 6 month old daughter.
She wasn't breathing. A friend of mine who was visiting gave her mouth to mouth resuscitation which tragically was not successful. The little girl died of SIDS. My friend was devastated. He described the feelings of helplessness and frustration at not being able to do anything to save the baby. SIDS remains a mystery and every parents deepest fear. The parents have since split, trying to understand this senseless death is overwhelming and for a young couple beyond the limits of comprehension. At the time of the incident the police were called. They investigated my friend although the situation was apparent.
A month later this friend drove a visiting buddy back to his hotel room on the strip. It was late in the evening when the police pulled him over. Not that this should matter but he drives a red car with tinted windows. He was told he turned right at the wrong time and the Las Vegas police did a registration check, handcuffed him, threw him on the car, told him he was drunk, refused to do a breathalyzer and requested a blood draw instead, They then charged him with a DUI, driving without his license, some kind of thing about lane change and threw him in jail on a Friday night. They held him until late Monday night , releasing him after dropping all the charges.

Did you know the police can accuse you of DUI and hold you in jail for 72 hours awaiting the results of a blood test, without bail?

We all know and fear the Las Vegas Police department. It is corrupt and random. We have citizen shootings frequently and the police are not held accountable. It is a frightening place to live for many.

Most rational people will excuse this police activity away. "Well, if he wasn't doing anything wrong he wouldn't have been noticed.
I don't know about you  but I am beginning to feel a LOT of uneasiness with the way law enforcement in many parts of the country are doing the job.

My friend moved here from California in September. His parents live in an upscale neighborhood in the southwest side of the city. He holds a Masters Degree from UCLA. Since he moved back he has been pulled over four times in his own neighborhood when returning late at night. Each time he is treated with disrespect and literally baited. This last time was pretty frightening. 

I worry about him. He is young. He drives a red car with tinted windows.
The police profile is not good for him. He is a responsible, caring individual who moved back to Las Vegas so he could help his elderly parents.

Oh, did I tell you he is also black?

Monday, January 16, 2012

It's an Ugly Place For My Grandson

I worry about his future. Not yet two, his wonder about the moon and the stars, the darkness of night, the sun, how trees grow and why he can't move big rocks delights me. He wakes up in joy and expresses every emotion known to man and woman.
Over time he will become socialized. He will learn to control his impulses, to stifle his emotions and become a citizen of this anal repressed country.
How sad is that?
Not only will he lose that wonder in the schools we are now shaping as testing factories, identifying his talents as deficits because they don't fit the mold, by kindergarten testing, he will be labeled as either competent or "emerging" and discussion will begin about retention.
He will face pollution, water shortages, extreme weather as a product of global warming, racial profiling, dishonesty in product safety, and sadly, less opportunity in a country which once prided itself on opportunity. His chances to succeed financially in this world will be limited. Our income, as a school teacher, will limit his mobility. I see his mother struggle and I wonder, will he have the opportunities I had, to get an education? My family was very poor. I still had the opportunity to attend college without placing myself into  enormous debt.
I wonder if he will be part of a generation which pulls it together. Stops the selfish, greedy capitalistic raping of our world, puts the brakes on the uberrich and corporations which set policy for our country? Will he be able to help stop the sucking of our world resources to benefit the bottom land and save our world for generations of the future? Will he even be able to have a family and raise it in a safe world?
I won't be here to see it but my spirit will be floating over him each day with hope and love for our earth and his life.

Legalizing marijuana ? Why not?

Gateway drug? lmao! Addiction to prescription pills is the number one addiction is America.  Alcohol? A genius in mixology over the past ten years created one drink killers. Addictions? Anyway the tobacco manufacturers label them, cigarettes are best friends until death!
How many thousands are locked in jail because of possession?  What a waste.
America has no good reason to keep pot illegal. Unless the powers that be want to make alcohol and cigarettes illegal as well.
Now I am not saying I am a pot smoking grandma. I'm just asking the question-why? Why is marijuana an illegal substance?  What part of our government strenuously objects to the legalization of marijuana?
Isn't it amazing to you all that those who govern our country are the baby boomers? Those who smoked pot in public? Those who flaunted the "establishment"?
When those guys go this country will be a different place.
What scares me is the ignorance of the Perry generation.
You may never get legalized marijuana.
If you vote Republican, you all deserve what comes.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

American Politics-Ask not what I can do-ask me what the other guy can't do!

Republican debates are entertaining. While candidates use sound bites for the most serious political statements, they use national media, paid ads, local and state supporters and PACs to keep voters from asking for more detail.
How do they do it? Trash the competition. Load the airways with deceitful half truths about fellow candidates.
We really should pay attention.
Karl Rove was the mastermind of trash elections and we got George Bush. He left office scurrying like a mole looking for darkness and anonymity.
Our country is still reeling from his incompetence.
I guess the Democrats timidity and good manners was perceived by the nation as weaknesses.
Perhaps we like the idea of a deceitful, vapid, uneducated and proud of it kind of guy.
If that is the case, go for Rick Perry.
Another Bush? Mitt Romney-this country has a weakness for rich, white guys who cannot relate to citizens. Go figure...

America's Educational Standards-Are we failing our children?

I have two Master's degrees As an elementary school student I sat on the gym floor, month after month, wistfully watching the same students receive academic awards. I was told if I tried harder I  too could get those awards . I struggled with math. I didn't get what the tests asked me to tell them. I could always find an argument for another answer. It was agonizing-and elusive.
The best teachers I hold in my heart are the ones who recognized the potential in me, used my strengths in reading and my ability to look at both sides of an issue and taught me how to use them for all my subject areas. Still it wasn't until high school that I realized I was intelligent and could be more than successful in school. Oh, I had moments of brilliance in my school career. A film I made about the elderly in Santa Monica made the paper. The poetry I wrote in elementary school hung in the hallways. I actually score the highest grade in a high school lit exam. The problem is, if you measured me against the standards today I would have been considered a remedial student and never, ever, would I have believed I had anything to offer the world, except perhaps, a minimum wage job.
As a teacher, I understand how important it is to keep track of what our students are gaining in terms of fundemental knowledge. As a parent, I would pull my kids from the school system the way it is curently pursuing a one size fits all approach.
The current quest for all kids to know all things at certain grades rather than see education as a developmental process throws away thousands of creative , eager, talented children in the process. If a child isn't following the same incubation period as the standards, he or she is failing. More ever, this "group think" process" provides no room for the "off the beaten path" child who sees the world and learning from not from a linear perspective, but perhaps from an off sides location, much like many gifted souls do.
Many of our most imaginative and creative citizens accomplished great things, despite our educational system. In fact, they had to leave it in order to pursue their goals.
As a parent and an educator, I want those kids to flourish in my classroom and our schools.
How can we both measure and grow our students in a manner that fits them?
The best teachers teach the student, not necessarily the curriculum as it presents itself. The best elementary school teachers teach children HOW to learn as well as what to learn. Learning to learn is an important process. We waste those precious growing and developing brain cells when we test them repeatedly,  constantly sending the message that the child is a failure if they fail a test.
The question I ask parents is this,
"In this "data driven, one size fits all, education system, are you aware your child is no longer a person but a series of test scores?"
Is your acquiescence , by way of silence, of the educational system, as it now stands, providing the optimum educational environment for your child?
I cannot think of how my two year old grandson will survive the school curriculum the way it stands. It will crush his spirit. His language skills are already exceptional, he is inquisitive, he is enthusiastic, he has a bright smile on his face each morning when he wakes up. He reminds me of me when I was a child. The world was an incubator of wonder and awe. He may not follow the progression of the curriculum and the testing calendar. Is he, then a failure in kindergarten because he did not learn how to add and subtract numbers according to the calendar?
What do we tell our kids when they fail the tests in first or second grade?
As a parent I would be asking these questions.
In the hallway at our school, the walls are lined with the results of testing data. Teachers are given rewards for testing data results.
Students progress is important but we can't omit each student's personal idiosyncratic learning styles.
Lastly I want to tell you a story about a student who came to my class this year.
She moved from a midewestern state. She is ADD, and boy is she ever. By 9am her desk is a mess, papers on the floor, lost pencils, wet paper towels left behind from a spill.
A brilliant reader. Not just a brilliant reader, a child with the potential to write amazing stories, high verbal skills, great comprehension skills. Barely hanging on at her last school. Once she learned testing strategies she was able to demonstrate her high language apptitude.
Mostly she needed to see her strengths and develop confidence.
She is still a work in progress. Her writing is all over the page, she is not neat but her thoughts and ideas are wonderful!
She is moving to another state! Will her next teacher see the potential? Will the next teacher see beyond the messy, scattered desk and the scrawled writing?
Or will she return to the status of "remedial student" because she tests poorly?