I worry about his future. Not yet two, his wonder about the moon and the stars, the darkness of night, the sun, how trees grow and why he can't move big rocks delights me. He wakes up in joy and expresses every emotion known to man and woman.
Over time he will become socialized. He will learn to control his impulses, to stifle his emotions and become a citizen of this anal repressed country.
How sad is that?
Not only will he lose that wonder in the schools we are now shaping as testing factories, identifying his talents as deficits because they don't fit the mold, by kindergarten testing, he will be labeled as either competent or "emerging" and discussion will begin about retention.
He will face pollution, water shortages, extreme weather as a product of global warming, racial profiling, dishonesty in product safety, and sadly, less opportunity in a country which once prided itself on opportunity. His chances to succeed financially in this world will be limited. Our income, as a school teacher, will limit his mobility. I see his mother struggle and I wonder, will he have the opportunities I had, to get an education? My family was very poor. I still had the opportunity to attend college without placing myself into enormous debt.
I wonder if he will be part of a generation which pulls it together. Stops the selfish, greedy capitalistic raping of our world, puts the brakes on the uberrich and corporations which set policy for our country? Will he be able to help stop the sucking of our world resources to benefit the bottom land and save our world for generations of the future? Will he even be able to have a family and raise it in a safe world?
I won't be here to see it but my spirit will be floating over him each day with hope and love for our earth and his life.