Gateway drug? lmao! Addiction to prescription pills is the number one addiction is America. Alcohol? A genius in mixology over the past ten years created one drink killers. Addictions? Anyway the tobacco manufacturers label them, cigarettes are best friends until death!
How many thousands are locked in jail because of possession? What a waste.
America has no good reason to keep pot illegal. Unless the powers that be want to make alcohol and cigarettes illegal as well.
Now I am not saying I am a pot smoking grandma. I'm just asking the question-why? Why is marijuana an illegal substance? What part of our government strenuously objects to the legalization of marijuana?
Isn't it amazing to you all that those who govern our country are the baby boomers? Those who smoked pot in public? Those who flaunted the "establishment"?
When those guys go this country will be a different place.
What scares me is the ignorance of the Perry generation.
You may never get legalized marijuana.
If you vote Republican, you all deserve what comes.